Author’s Note


At the time of writing, it is 103 years since the Battle on the Little Bighorn, almost to the day. Following that victory the Sioux and Cheyenne enjoyed a brief period of success before the overwhelming power of the white military machine, bloodily underlining the real meaning of the Policy of Manifest Destiny, defeated them or drove them north to the temporary refuge of Canada.

They had fought for the land that was theirs since time immemorial. Fought for the land ceded them in perpetuity by the series of treaties begun in 1868. The treaties were broken and the land steadily taken from them. The Indians died fighting for their birthright. Washington and its representatives in the field – the Army, the Indian Agents, the Government officials – consistently lied, cheated and murdered. The Government of the United States of America has now granted the Sioux Nation an award of £8.7 million, together with interest, by way of compensation.

It is not enough. There are some things that cannot be paid for with money.

How can anyone own the land?