
Breaking News, 10/15


*No intro music is played before WNN World Talk comes on as the spotlight shines upon the two distraught news anchors. The two personalities appear devastated, expressions of sorrow across their faces. Carly seems close to tears, while Mark is trying to keep his composure.*

Carly: Good morning, America.

Mark: And good morning, world.

Carly: My name is Carly Day.

Mark: And I’m Mark Stevenson. We welcome you this evening to a special edition of World Talk. Today is Sunday, October 15th, and it marks a very somber time in our nation’s history. Today, General Derek Stone, the Head of the Joint Chief of Security and a national hero, has been murdered.

Following the lawful arrest of several high-powered metamorphs, the Texas facility in which they were being held was violently attacked by a group of radical terrorists. As many of you know, the Metamorph Registration Act afforded S.W.A.R.M. the legal right to detain those metamorphs whose powers were deemed too dangerous. Sadly, the general and his men were ruthlessly ambushed by the Legion and the three metamorphs that have been positively identified as the Courthouse Three. While attempting to protect his men and recapture the escaped convicts, General Derek Stone bravely gave up his life to protect our nation.

Carly: Video footage has been captured showing the metamorph known as Tristan Davids as he mercilessly kills the unarmed general. The depraved villain was also responsible for a slew of military deaths, including the murder of a security guard who was attempting to defend his life while patrolling the facility. For all those at home, this video footage contains graphic images and should not be viewed by those who are sensitive to this kind of material.

*Video footage plays, showing the murder of the security guard, followed by the death of General Derek Stone. The initial footage only shows Tristan's response, the image of Donna obscured from the camera’s view. The second clip shows the general being electrocuted by Tristan before he is immediately restrained by the Council members. The image only captures Tristan's blast striking the man while he is unarmed.  *

Carly: For all those who are watching, these are truly disturbing events. We are at a loss for how this level of violence could've occurred, and the result has been nothing short of devastating. With tensions at an all-time high, the world has become divided between the pro and anti-metamorph movements. World leaders have begun to speak out against the species in light of these recent events, and mandatory registrations have become implemented over the past few hours.

Mark: This is what we've been trying to say this whole time. These metamorphs are dangerous, and now, harboring them has come at a price. We've lost one of our most beloved heroes, a true pillar of his generation. General Derek Stone died doing what he did best, protecting our nation and trying to make the world a better place. We are devastated at the loss, and the world is a darker place without him.

As we speak, authorities are on the search for Tristan Davids, as well as any members of The Legion. If you or anyone you know identifies any of the lost convicts or those associated with this terrorist organization, please reach out to your local authorities.

Carly: Meanwhile, the world begins to shift from the impact of these latest attacks. In an unprecedented display of human unity, nations throughout the world have already begun talks and forming alliances against the metamorph community. The leadership group representing metamorphs, the Council, has yet to release a statement and are currently being blacklisted by world leaders. Many nations have already reached out to the U.S. to begin mass construction of their own S.W.A.R.M. units, and a massive amount of funding is about to be spent to support a large influx in S.W.A.R.M. soldiers. It appears that even in his death, General Derek Stone's legacy will live on. We thank him for his service, and God bless humanity.

*The scene fades to black as the camera pans out. Mournful, military music plays in the background as the military photo of General Derek Stone fills the screen, his lifespan displayed on the bottom.*