Jessica McLain glanced up from the latest revision of Elliad Corporation’s proposal to Chamberlin Hotels for their audio-visual remodel and raised an eyebrow at her assistant, who bounced in and closed her office door.

“You look like you’re up to no good.”

Torie placed her hands on her hips. “Exactly what is your two o’clock about?”

Jessica glanced at the clock. “Am I supposed to be somewhere?”

“No, the meeting is here. It says Mr. Grayson on your calendar, but nothing else.”

“Mr. Grayson?” Jessica tapped her fingers on her chin while searching her memory. “Oh, he’s the furniture contractor Carter recommended. Why?”

Torie beamed a Cheshire cat grin. “Because he’s smoking hot. If you want me to cancel the rest of your meetings today, I totally will.”

Jessica rolled her eyes and chuckled. “Grow up, would you?”

“Why should I when you’re grown enough for the both of us?” Giggling, her twenty-six-year-old assistant, who was only a couple years younger than her, opened the door. “Mr. Grayson, Ms. McLain will be with you shortly.”

“Send him in.” Jessica stood, muttering under her breath while straightening her gray, boucle pencil skirt. She didn’t have time to take this appointment, and yet she would sacrifice thirty minutes today for the opportunity to be standing in front of her computer in the future. Anything to keep her butt from spreading along with her additional responsibilities. Her recent promotion had graduated her from fifty-hour to seventy-hour weeks with no end in sight.

But Carter promised superior craftsmanship from this contractor, and since she was paying for the desk herself, she wanted the best.

Carter hadn’t told her that the best was also a tall, broad, smoking hot man dressed in business casual. He looked like he’d come from a board room instead of a lumber yard. Although to be fair, this man left most executives in the dust with his chartreuse button-down, multihued green-and-blue necktie, and dark gray slacks. Perfect colors to make his light green eyes pop against his dark skin.

He has to be the owner.

“Mr. Grayson?”


“Jessica.” She shook his proffered hand, warmth radiating from his calloused fingers.

Maybe not?

He held her hand longer than most considered appropriate, a wicked curve parting his full lips. “It’s nice to meet you.”

Standing in the doorway, Torie asked, with a whimsical lilt to her tone, “Should I close the door?”

Jessica shot her assistant a warning look. “That won’t be necessary. Thank you.”

Unaffected, Torie shrugged. “Okay.”

“Could we sit over here?” Derrick dropped her hand and gestured with his leather portfolio to the round table in the corner.

“After you.” She followed him, taking the fifteen feet from the door to the table to appreciate how his fitted shirt and slacks alluded to a hard, muscular physique.

Rolling her eyes, Jessica scolded herself. It had been too long since she’d had a boyfriend, or worse, a date. Work had become an all-consuming machine that took up all her time and energy. She hadn’t made it to the gym more than two times a week over the last two years, and she’d spent her last vacation working remotely. Finding time to catch up with friends had become a once-a-month affair, if that.

How many birthdays and baby showers had she missed?

Fortunately, her hard work and sacrifices were paying off. Her recent promotion was bona fide proof that the nights spent alone with her vibrator were worth it. After all, one didn’t become the youngest female program director at Elliad Corporation by having a social life.

Taking the seat across the table from Derrick, she blushed as his eyes quickly traveled over her body, an appreciative gleam telling her he liked what he saw. “What do you have to show me, Mr. Grayson?”

“Please, call me Derrick.” He got up and moved to the seat next to her, sliding his portfolio in front of her and his chair closer. “I brought desk and cabinet project pictures to give you an idea of what I can do for you. Do you know what you want?”

With the chemistry pulsing between them, she could think of all kinds of things she wanted while flipping through his portfolio, but none of them had to do with furniture.

Damn Torie and her wicked suggestions.

Looking up, she found his gazed fixed on her mouth, reminding her of the spinach salad she wolfed down at lunch. Oh God, did she have spinach in her teeth? She ran her tongue over teeth, finding nothing, but that didn’t leave her with a lot of confidence.


“Well, what?” Jessica barely moved her lips, completely self-conscious about the phantom green that may or may not be there.

He smiled. “Do you know what kind of desk you want?”

She blushed again and nodded. “For the most part, I do. I would like the flexibility of sitting or standing while working at my computer, but I need to maintain Feng Shui in the room. Simply, I don’t want to have to look over computer screens to talk to my team. Eye contact is important.”

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she realized she wasn’t doing a good job of maintaining eye contact with him.

She cleared her throat. “Also, it would be nice if I could turn my monitors to face my team but keep the standard configuration semi-private. I don’t want reports or financials viewed by accident. I need drawers that lock, and I would like the convenience of filing cabinets, without the telltale look of them. Does that make sense?”

“Perfectly. I think I have what you need.”

He flipped a couple laminated pages in his portfolio. “Do you like light or dark hardwood?”

Jessica looked around at the mismatched materials in her office. The plush chairs in front of her desk were a warm tan leather with gold tacks and light oak legs, but the table they sat at was a cherry veneer with black leather chairs. Her desk was also cherry veneer with silver hardware, but the separate locking filing cabinet was solid, natural oak.

“I like both. Is one more durable than the other?”


Jessica’s cheeks grew warm as inappropriate images flashed through her mind, her gaze resting on Derrick’s large, capable hands. “I want this desk to last a long time.”

He chuckled and flipped a few more pages, pointing to a desk and cabinet ensemble. “Mixing woods can have a beautiful effect, both aesthetically and functionally. While some might prefer a solid plank, I guarantee there will be nothing flimsy about the desk I make for you. It will hold up against any rugged activity you can dream up.”

Oh, she could think up a few quality control activities. Ugh. She was going to kill Torie for setting her mind down this filthy track. Not professional at all.

She leaned forward to examine the photos. Light oak, redwood, dark stained cherry, and walnut sections were fused together to create a large, L-shaped top. Matching cabinets with frosted glass inlays and drawers lacquered and polished to a high sheen gave the rustic design an elegant finish.

“Oh my. This is beautiful. You created this?” She glanced up to catch his gaze fixed on her again, the pride in his work clear by the smile spread across his face.

“Yes, and thank you. If you like the style, I will custom build the desk to fit your body.”

She slid her chair away from the table and crosses her legs. She’d done it subconsciously, but doing so brought his attention to her legs, which only fueled the fire building in her belly and radiating through her limbs. “My body?”

Perhaps it had been too long since her last relationship. While this man was beautiful, there was no reason for her to have such an intense attraction. Especially not during the workday, amid meetings and end-of-month financial reporting, with nothing more than a bottle of water to sip from. “What do you mean?”

He recovered quickly and brought his gaze up to her own. Now it was her turn to cast him a knowing smirk. Their mutual attraction was obvious, and the thrill of this impromptu flirtation would serve her well for weeks. Finally, she would have something to fantasize about each night in the few minutes before falling asleep. With a small pang of regret, she realized how much she missed something as simple as flirting.

Derrick also pushed back from the table and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his widespread knees. “It means I would build it for your height, your strength, your comfort. If you are interested, I’ll take some measurements and come back with sketches by the end of the week.”

Jessica bit her lip. A woman could get lost in his light green eyes.

“Hey Jess, we got prob—” Mike Fallon, her deputy program director, walked in and broke the spell Derrick had wrapped around her.

She jumped in her chair, wondering if the desire she felt heating her cheeks was apparent to the two men in the room. Then his words hit her. “What problem?”

Mike eyed Derrick and approached with his hand out. “Mike Fallon, Deputy Program Director. And you are?”

She watched as Derrick stood and collected his portfolio, taking his time to shake the offered hand. “Derrick Grayson. I was just leaving.”

He handed her a business card. “It looks like you have a fire to put out. Can I have Torie schedule me another date on your calendar?”

She nodded. “Sure and thank you for understanding.”

“Of course. I’ll see myself out.”