It was late Tuesday afternoon before Derrick caught Jessica at her desk. He tapped on the doorframe. “Mind if I come in?”

She glanced up from her computer, smiled, and hit the power buttons on her monitors. “Please come in.”

Stepping into her office, he let his gaze slide down her body as she stood to greet him. He tried to be nonchalant, yet it only took a couple seconds to set his imagination wild. The woman exuded sex appeal even in business attire. She wore a conservative, cream-colored silk blouse, but then sexed it up by unbuttoning it low enough to reveal a white, lace camisole beneath.

Add in the black, pleated skirt and five-inch heels, and his mind spun with desire.

She narrowed her eyes. “Are you wearing an Elliad Corp polo?”

He slid his hand down his chest. “Yes.”


“Because I work here. At least for the summer.”

Jessica took a step back. “I don’t understand.”

He shrugged. Was she turned off because he worked maintenance? She didn’t seem like that kind of woman, but what did he know? If there was a time to find out, it was now, before he got to know her better and found more to like.

“The facility manager needed some temporary help, and I was available. There’s not much to understand.”

“Oh.” She chewed her lip. “What can I do for you?”

“I thought I’d take those measurements for your desk. We got interrupted last week, and I never got a chance to make another appointment.”

“Oh, sure.” She stepped out from behind her desk and grabbed her phone. “Go ahead. Measure away.”

“Thanks.” He pulled a notepad and pen from his back pocket and unclipped a measuring tape from his side cargo pocket. As he measured the dimensions of her desk, he watched her from the corner of his eye. She stood off to the side, her eyes glued to her phone, her thumb swiping at the screen. Every thirty seconds or so she looked up at him, eyes lingering a little longer each time before frowning and returning her attention to her phone screen.

What the hell was behind that frown?

He stepped back from her desk. “Sit down. I need to measure the room and see how I can help with your Feng Shui.”

She nodded, smiling as she took her seat. Within seconds she had each monitor turned back on and was clicking away at the keyboard. Did the woman ever take a breather? He wondered when the last time was she relaxed, disconnected from her electronic leashes and connected with the people around her. Come to think of it, he remembered her checking her phone every few minutes at the company picnic too, apart from when she played with his niece and nephews.

He knelt near the wall at the opposite end of her office, verifying the numbers he’d grabbed from the building schematics.

She spoke over keyboard clicks. “How was your weekend?”

Derrick grinned. “It was good. I golfed on Saturday, played with my niece and nephews Saturday night, and Sunday was a family dinner. How about you?” He stood up and turned in time to catch her staring at his ass.

She blushed, her gaze returning to her computer monitor. “Oh, uh, I came in to work for a few hours, went to the gym, and then Barney and I went for a walk around Independence Lake.”

Surged by renewed confidence, he walked toward her, satisfied that if nothing else at least his attraction was mutual. He laid his pad and pen on the corner of her desk and approached the side of her chair, smiling at how hard she fought to stay focused on her monitors. “Who’s Barney?”

“My dog.” She looked up, her gaze locking on to his. Licking her lips, she said, “What are you doing?”

“I need to take your measurements.” He dropped to one knee at her side. She kept eye contact today, and with every second that passed, her breaths came a little quicker, her breasts heaved, and her lips parted as his effect on her became more obvious.

“Do you always wear five-inch heels?” Placing his palm on the back of her calf, he brushed his fingertips over her ankle before gently removing her shoe.

Her eyes darted between him and the door. “Not always. Why?”

“Well, while they are sexy as sin and absolutely stunning on you, I doubt they’re comfortable. I want to build you a work environment where you can be comfortable, regardless of what you wear.”

She blushed. “Oh.”

Removing her other shoe, he leaned over her lap and lowered her chair several inches until her feet were flat on the floor with her knees bent at a ninety-degree angle. He released the lever and turned to face her, his lips inches from her own. Her scent of sweet spearmint and wildflowers invaded his senses.

She bit her lip, her gaze dancing between his mouth and his eyes, inviting him to close the distance and taste her.

“Henry’s here and now would be a good time to…” Derrick recognized the male voice as Fallon’s, even as it sputtered behind them. Jessica’s eyes grew wide, and Derrick pulled back to avoid getting head-butted.

“Am I interrupting something?”

“No, don’t be ridiculous. Mr. Grayson was taking measurements for my desk.”

Derrick clenched his jaw to keep the curses from flying out of his mouth. He was usually calm and collected—calculated, those from his business dealings would say—but there was something about this guy that made his blood boil.

Snatching his pad and pen from the desk, Derrick knelt back down to take measurements of the now empty chair. After jotting a few notes, he barely glanced at Fallon before focusing his attention on Jessica. “I believe I have everything I need to get a couple sketches to you by the end of the week. Does that work for you?”

“End of the week? It’s already Tuesday.”

True, but since he’d already done the sketches a few days ago, he didn’t need the extra time and wanted to see her sooner rather than later.

“Yeah. End of the week.”

“Sure. Can you work with Torie to get on my calendar?” Jessica glanced back and forth between him and Fallon.

“Is that an Elliad Corp shirt you’re wearing?” Fallon took a step forward, glaring a hole at his chest.

Derrick narrowed his eyes. “Yes. See you Friday, Jessica.”

Derrick walked out of the office, the clock on the wall showing it was four-thirty-two. Torie’s computer was shut down, her desk clear. “Dammit,” he muttered and headed for the men’s restroom.

Not a minute after he’d walked in, Fallon entered, blocking the door with his arms crossed over his chest. The man wasn’t small at six feet tall, but he didn’t come close to intimidating someone like Derrick. He’d met his type before and knew exactly how to rankle the man who was more bluster than bite.

Derrick finished up his business, zipped his fly, and hit the urinal flush handle. “Something I can do for you?”

“How did you get a job here? I didn’t realize we were hiring. Besides, I thought you were a furniture contractor.”

“I’m a lot of things.” Derrick threw him a pointed look in the mirror and turned on the faucet to wash his hands.

Fallon sneered. “What kind of game do you think you’re playing with Jessica McLain? Don’t you know she’s out of your league?”

“Is she?”

“Yes, she is.” Fallon dropped his hands to his side, balling them into fists.

Derrick laughed. “While Jessica is special, a rare gem to say the least, for you to say anyone is out of my league denotes I’m somehow unworthy. I promise you, being worthy isn’t something I worry about.”

“Stay away from her. I’ll only warn you once.” Fallon spun on his heel and left the room before Derrick could respond. Thinking back to what Carter had said, it seemed Mike Fallon’s interest in Jessica was more on the love spectrum than corporate competition, but Derrick couldn’t know for sure. Regardless, he wasn’t concerned. No way he’d lose Jessica to a guy like that.