Abitur      Final exams taken at the end of secondary education; a prerequisite for entrance to university in Germany
Arschloch      Arsehole
Bauernbrot      Literally ‘farmer’s bread’; a typical German rye bread
Bienenstich      Literally ‘bee sting cake’, which consists of a sweet bread filled with vanilla custard and topped with honeyed almonds
Currywurst      Fast-food snack of German sausage with curry sauce
Das Goldene Blatt      ‘The Golden Leaf’ is a weekly tabloid magazine
Dinner for One      Originally a 1920s comedy sketch by British author Lauri Wylie for the theatre, the 1963 English-language TV recording of this is very popular in Germany
Florentiner      Florentines are baked sweet biscuits made with almonds, orange peel and honey; they’re traditional Christmas sweets in south Germany
Freizeit Revue      ‘Freetime Review’ is a weekly entertainment magazine
Graubrot      Literally ‘grey bread’; a bread made with sourdough, rye and wholegrain wheat, making it lighter than typical rye bread
Guten Morgen      Good morning
Guten Tag      Good day (standard greeting, like ‘hello’)
Gymnasium      Equivalent to a grammar school in the UK
Hauptschule      Least academic type of German secondary school; graduates would still need to attend further education to gain the Abitur in order to attend university
Karneval      Festive season which takes place just before Lent; usually involves a parade or public celebration
Knackwurst      Typically a short, plump sausage; knack (German for ‘to crack’) refers to the sound made when the skin of the sausage is pierced after cooking
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger      Popular daily newspaper published in Cologne
Konditorei      Little cafe with a bakery/patisserie
Kosakenbrot      Literally ‘Cossack bread’; a rye bread made with sourdough, typically with a cross-hatch pattern on the upper crust
Kriminalpolizei      Criminal investigation agency of the German police force
Kyllburger      Relating to the town of Kyllburg, which is situated on the river Kyll in the Eifel region of Germany
Mohnbrot      Poppy-seed bread
Notarzt      Emergency doctor
Nussecke      Literally ‘nut corner’; wedge-shaped nut-filled pastry, which is often coated or edged with chocolate
Nuss-striezel      Plaited nut-filled Danish pastry
Plunderteilchen      Danish pastries
Rathaus      Townhall
Realschule      Type of secondary school in Germany, ranked between Hauptschule and Gymnasium
Sahnetorte      Cream cake
Sauerteig      Sourdough
Scheisse      Shit
Sekt      Good-quality sparkling wine
Sonnenkorn      Sunflower-seed bread made with wholemeal oats and also linseed
Speckstange      Rye bread made with bacon
Tschüss      Bye (informal)
Vorsicht!:      Careful!
Wurst      German sausage