Part One:

Raising a
Healthy Dog


Tn the first part of this book, I focus on “man’s best friend” and what it takes to raise a healthy dog. While all dog owners are not created equal, I believe that anyone reading this book truly wants to maximize their canine’s quantity and quality of life. Our pets are not that different than we are in terms of maintaining a healthy life; in fact, our needs are very similar. We both need physical activity, a balanced, nutritional diet, and a strong sense of social interaction.

Within these covers, I provide an examination of a wide-range of strategies and recommendations to enhance your dog’s health, from ways to help your dog exercise to what to feed him from puppyhood to old age. When deciding to become a dog parent, one of the most important things to consider is whether or not you have enough time to keep him active. Dogs need more activity than a quick walk a couple of times a day to allow them to go to the bathroom. Regardless of size, a dog that is penned up all day is not as likely to be as happy and well behaved as one who gets plenty of activity and attention.

If you are fully committed to keeping your pet active and engaged, then there are many activities and toys to choose from. In addition to all the benefits exercise provides for your dog, one of the best upsides of keeping your canine active is the bond that will develop between you and your doggy pal. The bond between dog and man has been millennia in the making, and naturally, the more you do together, the closer you will be. This is as beneficial for him as it is for you.

Of course, you will want to pay attention to what you feed your pet as well. Both exercise and healthy eating are essential for your dog’s health. The biggest advantage to keeping your dog active and providing him with a healthy diet is that it will help prevent obesity. Since the number one health problem seen by most veterinarians for dogs is obesity (Thornton 2005), helping your dog stay active and providing him with a good menu is vitally important to his overall well-being. Other benefits your dog will receive include muscle building, a healthy coat, and strong bones and joints.

This section begins with an analysis of dog personalities and how they can impact the activities you pursue with your dog. Next, I will proceed to detail ways to keep your dog active (some of which might help you stay fit as well), both in terms of play and potential work/volunteer opportunities. I have also presented the pros and cons of different canine diets, tips for healthy eating, and veterinarian recommendations for exercise, food, and toys. If your passion aligns more with the feline persuasion, fear not, just jump to part two!