Kalix remained in her room, hoping that Moonglow and Daniel wouldn’t force their way in and insist on talking.

They always want to talk about things. I don’t want to talk. At least Vex isn’t around to say something annoying.

She wished she could be a werewolf again right now, to dull her depression, but it was still hours before the sun went down. Kalix looked out of her window.

“Stupid daylight,” she muttered.

She felt at a loss as to what to do. There just didn’t seem to be any way of blocking her unhappiness over Manny.

I didn’t know him that long! she thought. Why do I feel so bad? I didn’t even want a boyfriend in the first place. It’s all Vex’s fault, she made me get involved.

Kalix growled, a low hostile growl that only a werewolf could produce. She stood up.

I need to do something. I’ll go mad sitting in here.

She looked at her supply of laudanum. She had enough to last her for a while but wondered if it might be a good idea to buy more. She put on her boots and coat, and then her headphones. Daniel had digitally transferred her old Runaways tapes into her new music player. Kalix liked the tiny music player. She was surprised to have anything so modern. She sneaked quietly from the flat, careful not to let anyone hear her go. She was scowling as she walked though Kennington but at least it felt better to be doing something.

The late summer weather was still too warm for her coat but Kalix wore it anyway. She liked the feeling of being wrapped up and protected from the world. She put her sunglasses on for more protection, and walked over Vauxhall Bridge. North of the Thames, she turned onto the steps that led down to the walkway along the riverbank. Just then, for some reason, she was overwhelmed by an attack of misery so crushing that she couldn’t take another step. She wiped some tears from her eyes and stood there feeling like a tiny, unloved, unlovable speck in a hostile universe.

Kalix, in the depths of her misery, was unexpectedly mowed down by a jogger coming down the stairs. She tumbled onto the pathway and landed in an undignified heap.


“Sorry, didn’t see you there.”

The jogger helped Kalix to her feet. Kalix glowered at the woman, who was wearing a sports vest and jogging pants. She looked healthy, lithe and muscular, with short dark hair. Kalix noted that she had an American accent.

“Are you OK?”

Kalix nodded. She stared at the woman, who looked familiar. “Are you Joan Jett?” asked Kalix.


“Joan Jett from the Runaways?”


“I’m listening to the Runaways right now,” said Kalix, motioning toward her music player.

“There’s a coincidence.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” said Kalix, who immediately wished she could have thought of something better to say.

“Nice to meet you too. Sorry I knocked you over.”

“What are you doing?”

“Jogging. Have to keep in shape.”

And with that, the jogger departed, running off along the riverbank.

I just got knocked over by Joan Jett. Kalix watched the figure disappear. She really looks healthy. Kalix frowned. I wish I was that healthy.

She put her music player back on. The Runaways’ Live in Japan was still playing. She wished she’d thought of something better to say to Joan Jett. She wondered what she was doing in London. Playing a gig, maybe.

The unexpected encounter had driven Manny from her thoughts.

I should get healthy, thought Kalix.

She abandoned her plans to visit Merchant MacDoig’s, and turned back across the bridge, heading for home.