

The Pathfinder crews’ eight duties

Each and every Pathfinder crew was expected to carry out eight specific duties although, from an official point of view, these were actually applied to the aircraft. Some crews proved to be more adept at carrying out a particular task and, in such a case, they would be selected for this duty.

The eight duties were:

1 ‘Rookie’ PFF crews were always given the role of ‘Supporter’ within the first main group of the marker force. This was simply to increase the number of bombers over the target during the first wave of the attack.

2 Ahead of the main force were the ‘Windowers’ who dropped Window to disrupt the enemy’s radar.

3 Tasked with estimating the mean point of impact (MPI), the ‘Backers-up’ later called ‘Visual Centerers’ dropped their TIs on this point.

4 Turning points were highlighted by the ‘Route Markers’ with TIs to help the main force reach the target.

5 Using H2S, the ‘Blind Illuminators’ dropped flares blind to aid the ‘Visual Markers’ and during Newhaven raids.

6 Only the cream of the PFF were selected as ‘Primary Visual Markers’.

7 H2S or Oboe was used by the ‘Blind Markers’ for dropping TIs and sky markers.

8 Marking blindly using H2S, the ‘Recenterers’ usually arrived over the target half way through a raid to re-mark in an effort to prevent any bombing from undershooting or creeping back.