archenemy (AHRCH-en-uh-mee)
someone’s main enemy
atomic (uh-TOM-ik)
relating to, or concerned with atoms, atomic bombs, or nuclear energy
catastrophe (kuh-TASS-truh-fee)
a terrible and sudden disaster
colossal (kuh-LOSS-uhl)
extremely large
contraption (kuhn-TRAP-shuhn)
a strange or odd device or machine
extraordinary (ek-STROR-duh-ner-ee)
very unusual or remarkable
fiend (FEEND)
an evil or cruel person
invading (in-VEY-ding)
entering forcefully, like an enemy
marvel (MAR-vuhl)
something that causes a person to be filled with surprise and wonder
radioactive (ray-dee-oh-AK-tiv)
materials made up of atoms whose nuclei break down, giving off harmful radiation
unidentified (un-ahy-DEN-tuh-fahyd)
not able to be recognized or identified
villainous (VIL-uh-nuhs)
having a cruel, wicked, or evil nature and character