Cold Clay is a tale of woodland creatures, set in the village of Shady Hollow. From time to time the contemplative reader may pause to question the spatial mysteries that allow a mouse and a moose to frequent the same establishments, or wonder at the civility among foxes and rabbits, creatures so often placed at opposite posts on the spectrum of predator and prey. A skeptic with an eye for minutia may even ask why a rat requires a visit to the haberdasher. In turn, we ask for such skeptics to look to their own hat collections before passing judgment on another.
We remind our gentle readers that this is a work of fiction, and the characters’ resemblance to real creatures is superficial indeed. If it assists with your quandary, we suggest you think of the characters merely as humans with particularly animalistic traits…and haven’t we all met such folk?
With that guidance, we cordially invite you to return to Shady Hollow.