




Heinrich von Richtberg alias Karl Jager and his cousin Major General Karl von Richtberg had managed to get to the port city of Ciudado Mercado on Mexico’s eastern coast. They arranged for passage together on a steamship to Marseille, France. Upon reaching Europe, they made their goodbyes with the general heading for Berlin and Jager to Switzerland.

Upon his arrival in the city of Zurich, the ex-Foreign Legionnaire with his French citizenship took a suite at a swanky hotel. He wasted no time in turning to the business of getting his money in the Argentine bank transferred to a secret Swiss account. With that done, he happily hired a blond prostitute to spend the night with him. The next morning, Jager began looking for a ritzy chalet to begin his life as a wealthy man-about-town.


The grief-stricken men of San Patricio formed a burro pack train to go to Cupula Mountain to retrieve the mortal remains of their young men who had been killed in the battle with the American Army. It was impossible to identify the vengadores. Their bones had been scattered by the ravenous buzzards. The Irish-Mexicans lovingly and gently gathered all skeletal remains for a mass grave back in the village.

A few days later, when that sad task was completed, they prayed for the souls of their departed young kinsmen, then began planning for the next year’s corn crop.


Ex-Colonel Juan-Carlos Valenzuela and Ex-Captain Santiago Gomez were captured in an isolated jungle village in southern Mexico near the Guatemalan border. The prisoners were taken back to the San Blas Federal Prison outside of Mexico City. They were executed separately, and being Mexicans they were brave enough to request the questionable privilege of commanding the firing squads when to shoot. The two spies Roberto Gonzales and Humberto Sanchez had wisely fled to California to begin new lives.


Tim Harrigan resigned his ministerial duties and returned to his lavish home in Mexico City. He and wife his wife Carmela began a pleasant life of genuine retirement, enjoying visits from their grandchildren. Now and then, however, Harrigan’s mind turned to the remembrance of the executions at Chapultepec on that terrible September day so long ago. He also had a sad recollection of the deaths of the Irish-Mexican boys on that cruel mountain in Chihuahua.


The officers of the Fort Lone Wolf garrison had a special military ball in which Major Thomas Berringer announced the engagement of Captain Mack Hawkins and Miss Kristina Halverson.


Ludlow Dooley began a formal and proper courtship of Miss Elizabeth Spencer. This romantic campaign was closely monitored by Mrs. Major Francine Berringer.