A Few Notes
to the Reader


You can journey through these chapters in linear fashion, one after another, or you can pick and choose the order in which you read, according to your intuition. This book is organized holographically, meaning that every chapter and section relates to the theme like spokes radiating from the center of a wheel, rather than one domino falling after another. All truths are connected to each other, like facets of a diamond. If you follow any one to the center, you will join with all the rest.

My mentor taught a technique of creative thinking based on writing down a core idea in the middle of a sheet of paper and then spontaneously noting all ideas relating to the central one, like satellites revolving around a planet. This method of free association engenders more abundant ideas than a linear method of organization. In this book, the theme “You can have enough because you are enough, you deserve enough, and enough is always available” constitutes the core lesson, and every sentence and chapter illuminates the central principle from a unique angle.

All of the anecdotes contained herein are true. I experienced them directly, or they were told to me by individuals who experienced them firsthand. In some cases, I have changed the names or identifying details to honor the privacy of the individual. In a few cases, I amalgamated several like stories for the sake of clarity and brevity.

If you have read any of my other work, you may notice a few illustrative examples carried over from my previous writings. This is by conscious choice. While as a rule I do not repeat illustrations, in a few instances the ideas are so relevant to the theme that I felt that including them would be far more helpful than leaving them out. In addition, when I previously recorded these ideas, they were in an elementary or seed form. Since that time I have fleshed them out with greater depth and applications. So in the interest of expanding your awareness of these principles, I have chosen to include them, and I hope you will find them even more illuminating.