
Name: Cameron Hooker

DOB: 5 November 1953

Profession: Lumber mill worker

Upbringing: Shy, repressed childhood

Category: Violent sexual sadist hooked on pornography

Number of victims: 1

Cameron Hooker seemed like a pretty regular guy. He was slightly gawky-looking and not particularly intelligent, but he was no dummy either. The most you could say about Cameron was that he was good with his hands. It was a skill that would enable him to pursue his fantasies and bring about a seven-year nightmare for one very unfortunate young woman.

Cameron was born in 1953 in the small Californian city of Alturas, though he spent much of his youth in the marginally larger community of Red Bluff. An unremarkable student, he began working at a local lumber mill while attending high school. He spent much of the money he earned on the sort of pornography that was produced for those with a leaning towards sadism and masochism. Cameron kept his fantasies secret until the age of 19, when he met Janice. Four years his junior, she was a plain, shy, insecure high school girl with little experience of the opposite sex. Cameron believed that he had found someone who could be moulded to fulfil his desires. After a period of polite dating, he introduced Janice to a series of violent sexual acts, which involved bondage, flogging and near-asphyxiation.

In 1975, two years into the relationship, Cameron married Janice. However, even at the wedding, he had begun to tire of his teenage bride. Her submissive nature did not quite fit his fantasies. What Cameron wanted was a sex slave. And Janice? What did she want? Janice wanted a baby.


Janice Hooker leaves court in Red Bluff, CA after giving testimony

The young couple struck a bargain. Janice could have her child if Cameron could have a sex slave. Throughout his wife’s pregnancy, the lumber mill worker built a number of wooden boxes, each of them designed to confine a victim and muffle their cries for help. Cameron went about his preparations with great care, all the while making sure that no one could see what was going on at the rented Red Bluff house. Such was his dedication that the arrival of the couple’s child – Janice’s child, really – did little to alter his plans. Cameron would not be rushed – everything had to be just right.

It was not until several months after the birth that Cameron went out and got his slave. Janice went along for the ride. Indeed, it might be said that she was used as a lure. Who would suspect a woman with a baby in her arms?

The woman that Cameron would call his slave was Colleen Stan, an attractive 20-year-old from Eugene, Oregon. On the morning of Thursday 19 May 1977 she left her home to visit a friend in Westwood, California, some 500 miles (800 km) to the south.

It did not worry Colleen that she had no car and little money, because she considered herself an experienced hitchhiker. By the middle of the afternoon the young woman had travelled nearly 350 miles (560 km) to Red Bluff, just an hour and a half west of her final destination. Colleen’s arrival in this small Californian community marked the beginning of the final and most challenging leg of her trip. Up until this point, she had been travelling along the busy Interstate 5 (I-5), where rides were plentiful, but now she had to use the less-travelled State Route 36, which would take her into Westwood.

With the end of the journey in sight, the seasoned Colleen continued to show great caution, turning down the first two offers of rides. The third car to stop was Cameron’s blue Dodge Colt. When she realized that the smiling man at the wheel was accompanied by a mother and child, all of her fears melted away. But Colleen gradually began to feel uneasy. She noticed that Cameron constantly stared at her through the rear-view mirror.

Under normal circumstances this type of warning sign would have prompted her to look for a way out. In fact, when the car stopped at a service station Colleen sought refuge in the toilets and considered escaping.

‘A voice told me to run and jump out a window and never look back,’ she later recalled.

But then there was the wife and the baby – surely the leering young man would not do anything with them around.

So Colleen returned to the car, unaware that she would not be free again for a long time. Just moments after pulling away from the service station, the Hookers talked about making a quick visit to some nearby ice caves. Cameron turned the Dodge on to a dirt road and after several minutes he brought it to a halt. The Hookers and their baby got out of the car, but Cameron returned. Jumping into the back seat, he pointed a knife at Colleen’s throat. Terrified and fearing death, she allowed herself to be handcuffed, blindfolded and gagged. Cameron then locked a heavy, insulated plywood box around her head.


Colleen Stan was imprisoned by the Hookers for over seven years

After Janice and the baby had returned to the car, Cameron turned it around and headed back to Red Bluff with his trophy – though he stopped for some fast food along the way.

Once home, Cameron led Colleen into his basement, where he strung her up by the wrists before stripping off her clothing and whipping her.

Where was Janice in all of this? Presumably she was upstairs with the baby – though she came down to the basement to have sex with her husband as Colleen hung suspended in front of them. After the couple had finished, Cameron released Colleen’s wrists and forced her into a coffin-like box. Then he once again locked the small plywood box around her head before leaving.

The initial horror that Colleen had experienced marked the beginning of a routine that consisted of whippings, beatings, choking, burning and electrocution.

When she was not being subjected to these tortures, Colleen was chained up in the larger of the two boxes. Eventually, Cameron constructed a small cell under the basement staircase, where he set his slave to work, shelling nuts and other menial tasks.

Weird contract

After seven months had passed, Colleen was presented with a contract stating that she agreed to become Cameron’s slave. Although it was just a simple piece of paper, the document marked the point at which Colleen’s nightmare intensified. After he had forced her to sign the paper, Cameron told her that she had been registered with a body called ‘The Slave Company’. It was a powerful organization, he claimed, whose operatives had the house under constant surveillance. Any act of disobedience would mean certain death for Colleen’s relatives, he said.

Because she had signed the contract, Colleen – known simply as ‘K’ – was given access to the rest of the Hooker house. This meant nothing in terms of freedom. Instead, she was now charged with performing the household chores. Cameron continued to torture Colleen and he often interrupted her busy day to whip her.

Events soon took another dramatic turn when Cameron took Colleen into the master bedroom. However, any hopes he might have had of a ménage à trois were dashed when Janice refused to join in. Nevertheless, Cameron raped Colleen after his wife had left the marriage bed.

Things changed again when the family moved to a mobile home on an acre of land they had bought just outside Red Bluff. Having lost his basement, Cameron kept Colleen captive in a new box that slid under his waterbed. As Colleen lay in her box, the conception and birth of the Hookers’ second child took place noisily above her.


A TV crew visits the mobile home where the Hookers once lived

Though Colleen spent more time in the box under the bed than in the coffin-like container at the old house, she was now allowed outside. She had contact with the neighbours and she even went jogging. It was only her fear of the Slave Company and what it might do to her family that prevented her from escaping.

Witnessing these examples of servitude, Cameron’s confidence grew and his fantasies changed. In 1980, during the fourth year of captivity, he sent both his wife and his slave to a local bar to pick up men. When Colleen was not looking after the Hooker children, she was sent out into the streets of Reno and other communities to beg for money. Cameron’s boldest move came when he had his slave write letters to her three sisters – they were the first signs they’d had that Colleen was still alive. Emboldened, he allowed a phone call and, eventually, a visit to her divorced parents in southern California.

On 20 March 1981, a thin, tired-looking Colleen was dropped off at her father’s home.

She had been gone for almost four years. It was a pleasant, if tense, visit. Little was said because her family were wary of driving her away. On the following morning, not long after she had attended church with her mother, Colleen was picked up by Cameron – or ‘Mike’ as he called himself. It was the name he had used three years earlier on the slave contract.


This leather face harness was produced as evidence in court

Back to square one

Colleen’s return to the mobile home in Red Bluff marked yet another change in her circumstances. In many ways, it was a return to the treatment she had known when she had first been taken captive. Cameron bothered with her much less and the torturing became less frequent.

Colleen’s days were now spent almost entirely in the box under the waterbed. Deprived of exercise and daylight, her hair began to fall out and she started to lose weight.

She listened as Cameron began talking to Janice about acquiring another slave – perhaps more than one. Cameron spent a good portion of the summer and autumn of 1983 digging a hole near the mobile home, so that a dungeon could be built. After he had installed flooring and walls, it became Colleen’s home. However, the underground chamber soon flooded, so Colleen was returned to her box.

After that failed experiment, Cameron came to the conclusion that he needed to move to a bigger place before he abducted more slaves. In order to achieve his goal, he sent Colleen to work at the local King’s Lodge Motel. The young woman remained dutiful, telling coworkers nothing of her situation. Yet it was at the motel that Colleen’s chains of captivity began to loosen. On 9 August 1984, she was picked up from work by Janice. The car trip home was anything but routine. Janice told Colleen that there was no Slave Company, no one was watching the mobile home and the contract was bogus. In short, every threat Cameron had used to keep her in bondage was a lie.


Tenant Betty Hayes demonstrates where Colleen was imprisoned

Tables turned

That evening, the two women planned Colleen’s escape. By the next morning Colleen was on a bus to southern California, having been wired money by her father. Before leaving Red Bluff, she telephoned Cameron from the station. He cried when she told him that she was leaving. There would be more telephone calls in due course.

Although Colleen had told no one about her seven-year ordeal, she could not leave the Hookers behind. It was not long before she began calling Janice on a regular basis. She made 29 telephone calls in total, in which she encouraged Janice to leave Cameron. Colleen had grown bolder since she had discovered the truth about the Slave Company and she stood up to Cameron whenever he answered the phone. In tears, he pleaded with her to come back. The tables had turned.

After one abortive attempt, Janice did leave her husband, after making a full confession to her church minister, Pastor Dabney, who then telephoned the police. On 18 November, the Hookers were arrested. There would, however, be only one trial because Janice had been granted full immunity from prosecution in exchange for agreeing to testify against her husband. It took over ten months for Cameron’s case to come to trial. He testified in his own defence, arguing that all sex acts with Colleen had been consensual. On 28 October 1985, Cameron Hooker was found guilty of kidnapping, rape and eight other offences. He was sentenced to a total of 104 years in prison.

Danger signs: When dating his wife Joyce, he tied her up, suspended her from a tree and beat her

Pattern of crime: Hooker’s ritualistic, sadistic fantasies became a shared preoccupation with his initially submissive wife Janice

Breakthrough: Reported to police by local minister after wife’s confession

Sentence: 104 years