
This is my soul’s story of becoming human.

It is my personal revelation (in red)

about the universal importance of recovering and embodying

the lost parts of our soul so we can become fully human

and genuinely, wildly alive.

I’m offering this revelation in an unorthodox way:

through my experiences

of remembering and reclaiming Sarah,

the forgotten daughter of Jesus and Mary Magdalene,

as the lost part of my own soul.

If your eyebrows have raised,

or you want to close this book now,

I understand.

My aim is not to convince or convert,

and you are welcome to interpret my experiences

however you wish.

What’s more important than believing in my soul’s reality

is getting up close and personal with your soul’s reality

and doing whatever it takes to bring all of you home.

Although our soul is the truest and most essential part of us,

we can lose our soul, or parts of it.

In fact, soul loss is an epidemic on this planet

even, and sometimes especially, afflicting

those of us who have done a tremendous amount

of psychological and spiritual work.

Symptoms may include:

A lack of meaning, purpose,

and intimacy with ourselves.

Persistent physical ailments; emotional blocks; addictions;

harmful, stuck patterns; and unhealthy relationships.

Tendencies toward transcendence, light, and perfectionism,

and (often unconscious) avoidance of immanence, darkness, mess.

Feeling separate from and distrustful of

our bodies, each other, and Life Itself.

Difficulty knowing our truth

and expressing our unique gifts.

A haunting sense that no matter what we do,

something vital is still missing.

And an unremitting ache in our heart

for a Love we cannot find,

and perhaps don’t believe exists,

or feel that we deserve.

Soul loss is behind many global issues we face, including:

injustice, whether political, religious, or social; violence; disease;

excess consumerism; and the ever-growing environmental crisis.

Which is one reason why I wrote this book:

to do my small part in helping

to improve and ease this hurting earth.

Here’s the other reason:

When I turned thirty-four years old,

it became frighteningly clear

that if I did not embody my soul,

I could not continue living.

While I put up quite a fight,

eventually I chose to Live.

I chose to undergo the mysterious process

of embodying my soul and becoming human,

part of which required that I remember and reconcile

my experiences of Sarah and share them in this book.

Although my particular process and soul’s story may appear

more unusual than some, its themes of

love and loss,

betrayal and forgiveness,

suffering and healing,

death and resurrection,

are part of every human’s experience.

In fact, being human is a wound and a trauma we all share.

And yet, it is by embodying our soul and thereby becoming fully human

that we can help heal ourselves and this planet.

Embodying our soul involves purposefully entering our wounds

and facing, feeling, and embracing all parts of ourselves

as well as the dark luminosity of Life.

Embodying our soul entails valiantly wrestling

our divinity to the ground

and spreading our humanity all over the place.

Embodying our soul and becoming human is how

Love lands


and transforms


And it is, I believe,

why we are here.

It ain’t easy.

Incarnation takes work.

It takes blood, sweat, and tears;

a wicked sense of humor;

outrageous courage;

and a heaping dose of devotion

to Something

our minds might not ever understand.

Unfortunately, due to dire conditions on this planet,

soul work has become a privilege, and therefore a responsibility

for those of us who have the time and means to do it.

I am aware of my privilege,

and I take my responsibility seriously.

I know that everything we do for our soul

supports all souls and this earth.

In other words, soul work is a form of activism.

It’s a movement toward wholeness

that we make together.

Therefore, Redvelations is more than a book

about my personal journey toward wholeness.

It’s a raw Call to a rare kind of action.

It’s a fiery Reminder

of the absolute necessity

and indomitable power

of your soul.

It’s an open-handed offering

respectfully placed

on the often-overlooked

Altar of Our Humanity.

It’s an honoring of the Lineage of Life

and a testament of True Love.

More intimately,








Handle with care.


Redvelations is not a light read

because the soul is not a light thing.

There are suggested “breaks,”

but follow your body’s lead.

I swear. Swear words and soul work

go hand in hand, for me.

What I share in this book

is not intended

to diagnose or treat others.

When working with past trauma,

a safe and secure environment

and a strong support team are needed.

Redvelations shares an intimate relationship

between a man and a woman.

I also use the labels: “Divine Masculine” and “Divine Feminine,”

“father” and “mother,” and the binary pronouns “he” and “she.”

Rather than interpret this literally or as heterosexism,

I encourage you to focus on the metaphoric meaning

and the contrary, but mutually supportive, aspects we all contain,

no matter our sexual preference, sex, gender(s), or beyond.

Bringing these universal aspects together

within us

shatters all restrictions

to Love,

and creates and sustains Life.

Soul Speak

The fluctuating voice and prose-in-verse format of Redvelations

are not literary devices, dramatic affects, poetic posturing,

spiritual performance, or method (like channeling).

In “The Past” part of the book

I allowed my soul to speak in her native tongue,

which is not limited by time or historical language or references.

In “The Present” part of the book

I allowed my humanity and my divinity

to collide in my body

and I wrote from their meeting place.

The Soul’s Reality

Redvelations comes from

my lived experiences, my body,

and my soul’s memories.

I used no outside sources (save the quote below),

only inner Sources.

You might want to know more details

than are provided in “The Past,”

but my soul shared only what she needed to.

Many of my soul’s memories contradict

what we have been taught as history.

Expressing our soul

exposes a Reality

that can upset the reality

we have subscribed to

and collectively agreed upon.

The soul does not rely upon evidence,

facts, or rationality.

The soul cares less about what you think

and more about what you feel.

The soul’s reality

doesn’t make a lot of sense,

but it makes a lot of Love.

Much of this book takes place in the soul realm.

The soul realm contains our past, present, and future.

It is where I remember my past experiences,

locate and heal my core wounds, process my feelings,

resource my innate wisdom, release trauma from my body,

and reconnect with and retrieve fragmented pieces of my soul.

I do not use techniques, special abilities, practices, or tools

like hypnosis, psychic powers, meditation, or hallucinogens

to enter or work within the soul realm.

I simply and soberly

sink into my body,

ground into the earth,

and open my heart.

The soul realm is easily accessible.

It blazes inside each and every one of us

and permeates the physical reality outside of us.

It’s Organic Reality.

In her brilliant book The Meaning of Mary Magdalene,

Cynthia Bourgeault describes this realm as follows:

            It is a realm that objectively exists . . . and it is from this realm

            that our human sense of identity and direction ultimately derive. . . .

            However one names it, the point to keep uppermost in mind

            is that it designates a sphere that is not less real but more real

            than our so-called objective reality and whose generative energy

            can change the course of events in the world.

Put differently: the soul realm is just as real

as our external or material reality,

and, some say, even more real.

Whether we are aware of it or not,

we are profoundly influenced by this realm

because before, after, and beyond our body

we are a soul.

When we consciously enter this realm,

we can connect intimately with our soul,

and all souls, including the Soul of this Universe.

Therefore, our experiences in the soul realm

are both personal and universal.

And, what we do in this realm directly impacts

our daily lives, our bodies, humanity,

and this entire planet.

In other words, what happens in the soul realm

doesn’t stay in the soul realm.

It affects All of Life.

Soul Authority

I do not believe we need

any more spiritual authorities

telling us what The Truth is.

However, I have learned that it is

extremely important to allow the soul

to express its truth with authority.

Especially if the soul has been silenced

for a long time, like mine has.

In Redvelations I have (finally) allowed

my soul to speak her truth with authority

about such things, like

Who We Are, Where We Come From, Why We Are Here,

and the Nature of Reality in this Universe.

I have also (finally) allowed my soul to share

her experience of Jesus and Mary Magdalene,

and her perspective on their teachings.

While I honor and champion

your spiritual authority,

reality, and truth,

it’s time for me to share my own.

You may not like my soul’s truth,

or agree with it, or believe in it,

and you don’t have to,

but I believe that when any soul

dares to express its truth,

it deserves respect

and a reception in the heart.

A Technical Note:

I use a capital S to indicate the Divine Soul,

a lowercase s to indicate the human soul,

and a capital S when I’m referring to them both,

which will be apparent in context.

A Map

Redvelations starts backward

at the very beginning of my Soul’s

journey into this Universe,

then provides a brief metaphysical orientation

and spiritual baseline for the rest of the book,

including a fundamental overview of what I refer to

as the “cosmic dimension.”

Initially, Redvelations is more abstract and informative.

In “The Past” my perspective becomes more personal

as I share Sarah’s life.

“The Past” occasionally reads like an unconventional sermon

but mostly like a bittersweet love story that isn’t afraid of the dark.

The writing shifts in “The Present” (more swear words and humor),

as I transparently struggle with what is shared in “The Past”

and question and doubt my experiences.

“The Present” is also where I do the gritty,

yet gratifying, work

of retrieving and embodying my soul.

You may prefer the first half of this book,

or you may prefer the second half.

However, both halves make the Redvelation whole.

As for the complex and provocative phenomenon of “past lives,”

well that’s a subject for a different book,

and the need to return to past lives is specific to each soul.

But for me, I couldn’t move forward in this life

until I went backward.

So, with that, let’s go Backward.