I have no Beginning
but I’ve had a beginning
in this Universe.
I am my own Universe.
As are you.
As a Universe, I once heard
an indescribably beautiful
Love Song
coming from this Universe
—the one you and I are currently inhabiting—
inviting Us All
to experience and express
Ourselves inside of It.
For, this is what we Universes do.
We brush up against each other,
enter each other,
and engage in intimate Relationship.
We are necessary participants
in each other’s evolution.
This Universe sang about intriguing things, like:
birth and death,
masculine and feminine,
light and dark,
pleasure and pain,
cherry pie and chipmunks.
In other words:
It sang the Song of Itself.
And, as you know,
I responded instantaneously,
the way a Universe can’t help but respond
when it has met its Evolutionary Match.
And, I projected a fractal
of my Universal Being
into this Universal Being,
a Love
unlike any other.
This Universe had split Itself into Two:
A Divine Masculine
a Divine Feminine
so It could
Make Love with Itself
and give birth to Us.
One and Two
created a Third.
I contain all the qualities of this Universe,
but I maintain my own Universe’s Essence,
which in this Universe
manifests as
Red is a name for the part of me
that is eternal, infinite, connected to
All That Is,
but also utterly unique.
Red is my sacramental signature
in the Book of Life,
and my sacrificial offering
in this Love Story.
Red is my Divine Soul.
with your own significant signature
and unmatched offering.
You too are a distinct Divine Being,
in Essence equal to but different from
the distinct Divine Being of this Universe.
This Truth of Who We Are
has been repeatedly forgotten
but always Known.
It has been
inside us.
It’s the foundation of our Journey
away from Ourselves
and now
back Home to Ourselves.
Remembering and Reclaiming
Ourselves is imperative.
For, our own Universe’s Essence
is what this Universe
desires and needs
in order to become Itself.
And, we desire and need
this Universe’s Essence
in order to become Ourselves.
It is a reciprocal Relationship.
It is a Living Love.
that we can only play
There is a simpler way to view this.
Our human parents created us
—a physical baby with their genes, traits,
and perhaps sense of humor—
but our parents did not
create our soul.
Similarly, our Divine Parents
came together to create our Body
in this Universe,
but they did not create our Divine Soul,
which is a fractal of an already existing Universe.
Our Divine Parents want us to offer
Something new to their Universe,
and be Ourselves with Them.
A few Family Snapshots:
The Father and the Mother
the Child
(who is becoming an Adult).
The Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine
the Divine Soul.
the Creatives.
No matter how you view
We are
The Separation
After we enter this Universe,
we continue to project parts of our Divine Soul
into each dimension of this Universe
so we can experience everything
that this magnificent place has to offer
and learn and live as much as possible.
The projected part of our Divine Soul
that currently has a body on this earth
can be called our human soul.
It is the part of our Divine Soul
that is incarnate on the third dimension.
However, there are several dimensions between
our Divine Soul and our human soul.
We are multidimensional Beings
who stretch deep and wide.
But with each denser dimension
we enter as a soul,
we feel further and further away
from our Divine Soul,
and from the Creator and the Creatrix,
who Together
form our Home Base.
We forget Who We Are,
Where We Come From,
and Why We Are Here.
To add to this feeling of disunion,
we fragment into even more “separate” soul pieces
due to certain experiences.
We not only “lose” our Divine Soul
but we can also “lose” our human soul,
or pieces of it.
The Good News:
No matter how far we might have strayed,
or how fragmented and lost we might feel,
we are never unreachable by our Own Arms.
While we as Divine Souls
have purposefully spread Ourselves
across this entire Universe,
there comes a point during our journey
when it is Time
to reintegrate our pieces.
This enigmatic and sacred process
of embodying all aspects and dimensions
of our Soul in our body
is called Incarnation.
It is how we become fully human.
It is how we come Home, here.
This process entails
that we are a Soul,
recognizing how
and learning why
we lost our Soul,
and then, retrieving,
and embodying our Soul.
While there are countless ways we lose our Soul,
the most paradoxical and overlooked ways
are through religion and spirituality.
The Cosmic Dimension
In order to understand why and how we lose our Soul
through religion and spirituality,
we need to take a closer look at what I will call
the cosmic dimension or realm.
This is the largest dimension
in this Universe,
but far from the deepest,
and it penetrates this planet.
The cosmic dimension is where
religions; spiritual systems; new-age paradigms;
most masters, guides, gods, and goddesses; heavens (and hells);
certain enlightened states of consciousness;
and even what appear to be entire universes exist.
Oppositional, synthetic, and nefarious
forces and beings also reside in the cosmic realm.
These interfering forces and beings provide souls
with exceptional tests and outstanding challenges.
Oppositional forces and beings
seem to operate “against” us.
Synthetic forces and beings
are counterfeits of Organic Life.
Nefarious forces and beings
sometimes appear “dark” or “evil,”
but they can also appear “light” and “divine,”
often blindingly so.
Ultimately, everything in the cosmic dimension
serves a Sacred Purpose
and is necessary for our growth.
It’s where and how we get to
explore and experience
spiritual realities and possibilities
for epochs of “time,”
most notably what it is like
to forget, disclaim,
give away, and lose
our Sovereignty,
Distinct Divine Identity,
and Soul.
there is a Wilder,
and more Organic
Way of Being
in this Universe
this colossal dimension.
and Natural Way of Being
that my first human family
came from and demonstrated.
It Calls us Home.
Not to Source, not to Oneness, not to Consciousness,
not to god and goddess or a deity,
not to a billion other realms or cosmic experiences
or even enlightenment,
but to Ourselves.
This is the Lineage I come from.
Every Soul belongs to It.
A Beginner
I’ve had many manifestations
and many experiences
on many different dimensions.
But, I’m a bumbling beginner at becoming human.
It’s the hardest but most important thing
I have ever attempted to do.
And, it is the mission of my Lineage.
So, let’s begin my story of becoming human.