
I’m moving forward

with my beloved soul.

Each day is a new challenge:

to be in my body, to keep my heart open, to feel,

to connect with others and the world around me,

to do what makes me come Alive,

to love and accept myself as I am.

Though my journey to becoming human isn’t over,

I Know now



is stronger or more powerful

than the human soul.

We all are living proof.

Thank you for braving your own soul’s story

and for taking the time to read my own.


Before we part pages, I want to offer a few Redminders.

You don’t need to do what I have done

in order to embody your soul

and become human.

You might not need to remember

past lives or deal with demons

or relive traumatic events.

Follow your Soul’s lead

and the Natural Wisdom

of your body.

Don’t rush or force

soul work,

wait and allow.

Souls are time-released.

They run on Universal Time,

and there’s no way to change That.

Take care of yourself.

Reach out to others

for support,

especially with trauma.

Trust yourself.

Stay on your path and in your body.

It is your only way Home.

Speaking of Home,

Honor Our Earth.






that is courageously holding the weight

of every dimension in this Universe,

grounding every aspect of divinity

into every particle of matter,

fostering each soul’s unique expression,

experience and evolution,

and taking an enormous beating for it all.

Connect with Her,

support Her and feel Her support of you,

and Love Her.

She is the Ground

of Life.

Reach inside yourself.

What awaits in your depths

is more glorious, wise, and powerful

than anything or anyone outside of you.

Don’t be dazzled by cosmic charms

or swayed by spiritual light shows.

The real spiritual heroes and heroines

are right here on this planet,

swearin’ and sweatin’ it out together.

Only Weighty Divine Beings (like you)

have the guts to lose their divinity

and then find it again

through their humanity.


your humanness proves your holiness.

Your imperfection is your superpower.

Your soul’s bruises are badges of honor.

Your wounds hold your gifts.

Your feelings are your healings.

Your pain reflects your devotion

to experiencing and expressing

all of Life.

Your brokenness demonstrates

your determination to Love

and affirms your ability to Love

and be Loved.

Just sayin’

you are enough

as you are now.

More than enough.

You are all this world needs.

And if you feel the nudge from your Soul

to dive even deeper inside yourself,

face and feel your core wounds,

release trauma from your body,

retrieve lost fragments,

and perhaps even go backward

so you can move forward,

then I hope this book offers you

support and encouragement

to Go There.

Which brings me to my next Redminders:

You have the right and natural ability

to Remember your evolutionary path

through this Universe and on this planet.

Your Soul’s intrepid journey should be honored.

You have the right and natural ability

to reconnect with your Divine Soul

and recollect your human soul,

thereby accessing your Soul’s vast

experiences, perspectives, gifts,

Wisdom and Love,

and you have a Sacred Duty

to share your Soul with the world

in ways that feel most authentic to you.

In fact, if you get anything from this bloody book,

I hope it’s the importance of embracing and living

your own Soul’s truth no matter what others think.

Doing so is an Act of Self Love,

which helps humanity grow

and this entire Universe evolve.

In other words: you have your own Revelation.

In Red words: you are your Revelation.

Keeping It Real

Life does not necessarily get easier or “better”

when we embody our soul and become human.

Our problems and struggles don’t disappear.

But we do get to:

feel at Home in our body,

experience this whole world

through our hearts,

and finally




Be Ourselves


Embodying our soul also directly

and intimately reconnects us

with the Soul of this Universe,

which provides us with everything

we need to help transform this planet.

In other words,

we can help save this planet

if we save our own soul.

If we are privileged enough to have a roof over our head,

food on the table, a semi-healthy body,

and if our life is not in danger,

then we have the means

to do what we can

to become a beacon of Organic Light

on this hurting planet,

extending ourselves to souls in need,

reminding them that they are not alone

and that we are here to support them.

I can guarantee that those tossed about

in the rough, stormy seas now

have been our lighthouse keepers previously.

This is how we souls rotate and operate.

Because none of us can do this alone.

That’s right, each of us is starring in

the greatest Love Story

ever co-created . . .

and it is far from over.

Moving Forward

I don’t know what the future holds,

but I’m open to the evolution of my experiences

as well as the ongoing mystery.

What I do know

is that the more I embody my soul

the more I experience my Truth:

I am my Lineage’s Holder.

I am True Love’s Living

Human Reminder.

I am here to Remember and Reclaim

my Red Soul

and Incarnate True Love.

I am here to remind you

to Remember and Reclaim

your unique Soul

and Incarnate True Love,

and Together we will Reclaim

our Rightful and Beloved

Place within the Trinity.

It’s Time.