


"Oh, I want to show you something," Inya said.

She got out of bed, naked. Ty tried to grab her, but he just missed. Instead he stretched out, glanced at the clock and watched her while she dug through her bag until she pulled out her tablet. Then she came back and jumped back into the bed. Ty wrapped his arm around her waist and started kissing her shoulder. Inya had flown in for the last night of tour. She had gotten there about an hour ago and they had hit the sheets immediately. Now they had about forty-five minutes left until Ty had to clean up to go on stage. Ty knew what he wanted to spend those forty-five minutes doing and it didn't involve the tablet.

"Look," Inya said.

Ty decided to humor her. He grabbed the i-Pad, prepared to make some thoughtful comment about whatever new clothing design she wanted to show him. "Don't laugh," he told himself firmly as he turned the tablet around and looked at...a house?

"What is this?" Ty asked, looking more carefully. It was a real estate listing and Ty's eyes flicked up from the picture to the price. "Jesus!" he exclaimed, before he could help himself.

"What?" Inya said.

"Nothing. Just the price. Sixteen million?" Ty started flipping through the pictures. "God, this needs a ton of work."

"I know," Inya said. "That's why it's so cheap. It's a total gut, maybe a tear down even."

"Cheap?" Ty said, shaking his head. How could anyone use the word cheap to describe something that cost sixteen million dollars? Sixteen million was cheap for an aircraft carrier, maybe, not a house.

"It's in a great neighborhood."

Ty finished flipping through the photos and put the tablet on the shelf built into the headboard. Then he rolled over on top of Inya. He balanced the bulk of his weight on his arms and started kissing her shoulder again.

"So you gonna start flipping houses now?" Ty asked her as he worked his way up her shoulder to her neck.

Inya laughed. "Oh, that's a great idea. I could use houses to showcase the interior design stuff we have coming out in the fall," Inya said. "Do you think we can go see it tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" Ty said. He stopped kissing her and pulled up away from her. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm just afraid at that price it will go really quick. It might be gone before we get back to LA, actually," Inya made her sad face.

"Inya, that's a huge renovation. I mean you need a big crew and it would probably take," Ty thought about it. "At least a year."

"I know, but it would be fun, you know, we could make it exactly like we want it. Maybe you could get that guy you said you used to work for to do it?"

"Gill?" Ty said.

"Yeah, right Gill, or my friend Liddy, you are going to love her. She did her beach house in Malibu and she raved about her contractor. Well, there was a fair amount of bitching too, along the way, but now that it is done, she raves about it and it is amazing, I should get you out there too, to see it, see what you think about her guy's work. Let me e-mail her right now."

Inya squirmed out from under Ty's legs and got out of bed, to dig through her bag again. She pulled out her phone and started tapping on it.

"Inya," Ty said.

"What?" she said, looking up at him. She put down the phone and came back over to the bed. "What is it?"

Ty looked into her face, which was waiting anxiously for his answer. When he couldn't meet her eyes, he dropped his eyes down. When his eyes met her perfect breasts, he turned away and got out of the bed. There was barely room to walk around the bed in the room, that was what happened when you put a king-sized bed in a RV. He kept his back to her and looked at the floor.

"I can't buy a sixteen-million-dollar house, Inya," he told her.

"Is that what this is about? The money?"

Ty shrugged.

"Ty, come on," Inya said.

He heard her moving on the bed towards him. She wrapped one arm around the front of his shoulder and kissed the back of his neck.

"Ty, come on. Look at me."

She tugged on his shoulder and he turned around reluctantly. She was up on her knees and she put both hands on his shoulder.

"Look, I have more money than you, okay? You just have to deal with it. I do. I mean if I was going to only date guys with as much money as me who would that be? Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, the Facebook guy, the Google guys, right? Aren't they all married anyway?"

Ty couldn't help it, he smiled.

"Just come see the house Ty. I want this to be something we do together and I want your input, okay? We can even put in a studio. Whatever you want."

"I don't know," Ty said.

"Okay, well, while you are trying to figure it out, can we please go see the house tomorrow? Cause if we don't and then it is gone, it's gone."

"I just don't know, okay. Do we really need a house? What about the apartment?"

"Let's just go see it," Inya said.

She brought her right hand down to Ty's waist and cocked her hip a little. Ty put his hand on her waist. He didn't say anything. Inya slid her hand down Ty's hip and across his thigh.

"Please?" she asked, teasing him.

Ty didn't want to give in. He didn't want to buy a house and it wasn't just about the money. But then she moved her face down to his crotch and he felt her warm breath on him.

"Please, Ty?" she said.

Her nails were grazing his balls and her tongue darted out of her mouth to lick his tip. He looked down at her. God, she looked hot. He mouth was partially open and as he watched she licked him again. "Fuck it," he thought, he could see the house. He didn't have to sign anything. He pulled out a condom and put it on.

"You really want me to see this house?" he said.

"Yes," she said.

"You know what I really want?"

"I think I can guess."

"You can?"

"This?" she said and took him deep in her mouth. She sucked him hard and slow, moving backwards off him.

"I'll see the house," Ty said.

"Good," Inya said. "I'll finish what I started here."

"Good," said Ty and, as she took him in her mouth again he grabbed her head, with both hands. Very good.