



American Phrenological Journal

American Presbyterian and Theological Review

Bankers’ Magazine and Statistical Register

Brownson’s Quarterly Review

Christian Advocate and Journal

Christian Examiner

Christian Inquirer

Continental Monthly

Danville Quarterly Review


Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper

German Reformed Messenger

Harper’s Weekly




London Illustrated News

Medical and Surgical Reporter (Philadelphia)

National Anti-Slavery Standard

Old Guard

Quarterly Review (London)

Saturday Review (London)

Scientific American

Southern Illustrated News

Southern Literary Messenger

Vanity Fair


Albany (N.Y.) Atlas and Argus

Albany (N.Y.) Evening Journal

Athens (Ga.) Southern Banner

Athens (Bradford Co., Pa.) Gazette

Atlanta Constitution Magazine

Atlanta Southern Confederacy

Augusta (Ga.) Daily Chronicle and Sentinel

Augusta (Ga.) Daily Constitutionalist

Augusta (Maine) Kennebec Journal

Baltimore American and Commercial Advertiser

Beaver (Pa.) Weekly Argus

Berks and Schuylkill (Pa.) Journal

Berkshire County (Mass.) Eagle

Boston Daily Advertiser

Boston Evening Transcript

Boston Journal

Boston Pilot

Boston Post

Brookville (Ind.) Franklin Democrat

Brunswick (Maine) Telegraph

Cahors (N.Y.) Cataract

Cannelton (Ind.) Reporter

Carlisle (Pa.) Herald

Charleston Daily Courier

Charleston Mercury

Chicago Daily Tribune

Cincinnati Daily Gazette

Columbus (Ga.) Daily Enquirer

Cumberland Valley (Pa.) Journal

Easton (Pa.) Free Press

Easton (Pa.) Northampton County Journal

Eau Claire (Wisc.) Free Press

Ebensburg (Pa.) Democrat and Sentinel

Elizabeth New Jersey Journal

Elmira (N.Y.) Weekly Advertiser

Fitchburg (Mass.) Sentinel

Flemington (N.J.) Hunterdon Gazette

Flemington (N.J.) Hunterdon Republican

Fredericksburg Free Lance

Goshen (Ind.) Democrat

Harrisburg Patriot and Union

Hartford Daily Courant

Haverhill (Mass.) Gazette

Index (London)

Indiana (Pa.) Weekly Democrat

Indianapolis Daily Journal

Indianapolis Daily State Sentinel

Janesville (Wisc.) Daily Gazette

Johnstown (Pa.) Cambria Tribune

Kokomo (Ind.) Howard Tribune

Lancaster (Pa.) Daily Evening Express

Lynchburg Daily Virginian

Macon (Ga.) Daily Telegraph

Milledgeville (Ga.) Confederate Union

Milledgeville (Ga.) Southern Recorder

Muncie (Ind.) Delaware County Free Press

Narragansett (R.I.) Weekly

Newark (N.J.) Daily Advertiser

New York Daily Tribune

New York Herald

New York Irish-American

New York Tablet

New York Times

New York World

Philadelphia Evening Bulletin

Philadelphia Inquirer

Philadelphia Press

Philadelphia Public Ledger

Philadelphia Grand Army Scout and Soldier’s Mail

Pittsburgh Daily Dispatch

Pittsfield (Mass.) Sun

Portland (Maine) Eastern Argus

Portsmouth (N.H.) Daily Morning Chronicle

Poughkeepsie (N.Y.) Daily Eagle

Providence (R.I.) Daily Journal

Racine (Wisc.) Weekly Journal

Raleigh Weekly Register

Raleigh Weekly Standard

Richmond Daily Dispatch

Richmond Daily Examiner

Richmond Daily Enquirer

Richmond Daily Whig

Richmond (Ind.) Palladium

Rochester (Ind.) Weekly Sentinel

Rochester (N.Y.) Daily Democrat and American

Rochester (N.Y.) Daily Union and Advertiser

Sandersville Central Georgian

Savannah Republican

Smithport (Pa.) M’Kean County Democrat

Springfield (Mass.) Daily Republican

Times (London)

Washington Daily National Intelligencer

Watertown (N.Y.) Daily News and Reformer

Waukesha (Wisc.) Freeman

Wellsboro (Pa.) Agitator

Wilmington (N.C.) Daily Journal

Winchester (Va.) Times

Yonkers (N.Y.) Examiner


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