Rage, rage against the dying of the light ... Dylan Thomas

Reading yet more print

into my bone-head to the near tick

of wooden clock

and dark roar of heavy jet

lumbering to defy gravity, lamplight

trembling in its filter, I burn

ever lower life’s wick

vainly to ransack,

defying ignorance, others’ worn

words from bone-heads that yearn

to bridge air’s void with wooden

phrase or roar of ticking rhetoric

trumped up from trick

in brain’s dark burden

burning to be said and heard in sudden

answer to clock and profane

roar of doom from pilot’s stick,

defying fitful crack

of light rubbed up by bone on brain,

my dynamo dying as I strain

to read yet more print, defiant,

feeling heavy jet

smash the air, and set

my hand to trim the wick and hold my light.