Aeyan’arric—female—glacially white dragon but does not look like she’d been made from ice. Last seen in Jorat, current whereabouts unknown, but likely Yor.
Baelosh—male—a dragon made from vines and plant material or covered with vines and plant material.
Drehemia—female—described as shadowy, possibly made from shadows, and impossible to view directly. Current whereabouts unknown but has never been seen inside Quur.
Gorokai—female—a chimeric, constantly shape-changing dragon.
Morios—male—metal dragon made entirely from blades, swords, and other weapons. Vague stories about Morios survive from confiscated dreth accounts from Raenena. The creature was previously believed to be fictional. Last seen at Atrine. Cannot be harmed in direct combat.
Rol’amar—male—described as a skeletal-looking dragon whose bones continually break and heal. Believed impossible to kill by any known means. Last seen in the Korthaen Blight.
Sharanakal—male—described as an active volcano shaped like a dragon. Last seen in the island chains between Xherias and the Manol, an area known as the Desolation.
Xaloma—female—bioluminescent ghostly dragon who can move between the Veils of the Twin Worlds at will.