Aeyan’arric (EYE-ann-AR-ik)—a dragon.
Afterlife, the—a dark mirror of the living world; souls go to the Afterlife after death, hopefully to move on to the Land of Peace.
Agari (ag-AR-eye)—Marakori clan.
Agolé (ah-GOAL-aye)—a versatile scarf-like garment that can be worn in a number of ways.
Alvaros (AL-var-os)—a ward in Jorat.
Arasgon (AIR-as-gon)—a fireblood, Talaras’s brother.
Argas (AR-gas)—one of the Eight Immortals. Considered the god of invention and innovation.
Ash Flower—a Joratese farm horse.
Atrine (at-rin-EE)—capital of the dominion of Jorat, originally built by Emperor Atrin Kandor.
A’val (ah-VAL)—a friend of C’indrol’s.
Avranila (AV-ran-il-AY)—a small town in Tolamer Canton, in the Stavira ward of Jorat. Not directly affected by the Lonezh Hellmarch, but depopulated later as its residents moved away in search of better economic opportunities.
Baelosh (BAY-losh)—a dragon.
Baramon, Sir (BARE-ah-mon)—an aging knight who works the tournament circuit, primarily in Barsine Banner.
Barsine Banner (bar-SEEN-ee)—a district in Jorat.
Bikeinoh (beh-KEEN-oh)—Duke Kaen’s second wife.
Bitsy—an alias used by Dorna.
Black Knight, the—an expected figure in Joratese tournaments, meant to represent the unpredictable hand of the divine, often the only way titled nobles may compete in tournaments. Usually used for comic relief.
Blood of Joras (JOR-as)—a Joratese term for any wizard not of either Joratese, Marakori, or Yoran extraction.
Butterbelly—a deceased fence and member of the Shadowdancers who worked in the Capital.
Caless (kal-LESS)—goddess of physical love.
Censure—a Joratese custom by which a noble may be removed from power without bloodshed; at least 50 percent of the noble’s vassals typically present the titled noble with gifts, indicating that they have higher idorrá than the noble. Since one must present gifts to a noble in person to Censure them, nobles worried about Censure often travel extensively.
Cherthog (cher-THOG)—a god of winter and ice, primarily worshipped in Yor.
C’indrol (SIN-drol)—of of the past lives of Janel Theranon. Possibly a voras who died during the destruction of Karolaen.
Cloud—a Joratese gelding.
Coldwater—a small village in Barsine Banner.
Cornerstones, the—eight magical artifacts; the Stone of Shackles and Chainbreaker are two of these.
Dango (dang-O)—one of Ninavis’s crew.
Danorak (dan-OR-ak)—a fireblood who famously rode himself to death, in an attempt to warn people of Emperor Kandor’s intention to flood the Endless Canyon (which resulted in the creation of Lake Jorat).
D’Aramarin (day-ar-a-MAR-in)—the first ranked Royal House. House D’Aramarin controls the Gatekeepers, the guild of wizards primarily responsible for running and maintaining the gate system. They are thus responsible for and control almost all inter-dominion trade.
Havar (hav-AR)—High Lord of House D’Aramarin.
D’Kard (day-KARD)—a Royal House, primarily associated with crafting.
D’Lorus (du-LOR-us)—a Royal House, primarily associated with paper, books, schools, and education.
Gadrith (GAD-rith)—Lord Heir of House D’Lorus, an infamous necromancer and wizard, widely believed to be dead; also known as Gadrith the Twisted.
Thurvishar (thur-vish-AR)—son of Gadrith D’Lorus, Lord Heir of House D’Lorus.
D’Mon (day-MON)—a Royal House, primarily associated with the healing arts.
Darzin (DAR-zin)—Lord Heir; oldest surviving son of High Lord Therin D’Mon.
Galen (GAL-len)—firstborn son of Lord Heir Darzin D’Mon.
Kihrin (KEAR-rin)—youngest child of High Lord Therin D’Mon and only child of Queen Khaeriel of the vané. Also, the reincarnation of S’arric, one of the Eight Immortals.
Therin (THER-rin)—High Lord of House D’Mon.
D’Talus (day-TAL-us)—the Royal House in charge of the smelter and smith’s guild, known as the Red Men.
Ibatan—author of Rituals of War.
Dedreugh (deah-DROOG)—captain of the Barsine guard.
demons—an alien race from another dimension that can, through effort, gain access to the material world; famous for their cruelty and power. See: Hellmarch.
Devoran Prophecies, the—a many-book series of prophecies that are believed to foretell the end of the world.
dhole (dole)—a form of wild dog, domesticated in Jorat and also found throughout Marakor.
Diraxon (dear-a-CHON)—a quasi-mythical, infamous Marakori clan known for their skill at stealth and assassination.
Doltar (dol-TAR)—a distant country whose people have pale skin and light-colored hair and eyes. Occasionally, they will be sold in Quur as slaves.
Dorna (DOR-na)—an elderly Joratese woman who served as Janel Theranon’s nanny in childhood. She continues to travel with Janel.
Dragonspires, the—a mountain range running north-south through Quur, dividing the dominions of Kirpis, Kazivar, Eamithon, and Khorvesh from Raenena, Jorat, Marakor, and Yor.
Drehemia (DRAY-hem-EE-ah)—a dragon.
dreth (dreth)—see: vordreth.
drussian (drus-E-an)—a rare metal, superior to iron, which can only be created through superhot magical fires.
Dyono Tomai (DIE-o-no TO-my)—the Red Knight (Yoran words).
Eamithon (AY-mith-ON)—a dominion just north of the Capital City, the oldest of the Quuros dominions and considered the most tranquil.
Eight Immortals, the—eight beings of godlike power created by a ritual performed by Relos Var.
Empire of Quur (koor)—see: Quur.
Endless Canyon, the—an extraordinarily large, deep, and convoluted series of canyons that were used as the god-king Khorsal’s refuge and place of power. The Endless Canyon was destroyed when Emperor Kandor dammed the rivers that had eroded it, creating Lake Jorat.
Falesini blood sickness (fal-ES-en-EYE)—a hemorrhagic fever associated with mouse urine, sometimes encountered in dry, hot climates such as the dominion of Khorvesh.
Festival of the Turning Leaves—a yearly celebration to the goddess Galava. Here petitioners may, after one year of service to the goddess, petition the goddess to change their biological sex.
firebloods—a race originally related to horses but modified by the god-king Khorsal to possess extraordinary size, power, resilience, loyalty, and intelligence. Firebloods are omnivorous, and although they don’t possess fingers, some are capable of manipulating tenyé. They have an average life expectancy of eighty years or more.
Forest—a Joratese legal practice of declaring a wilderness area “outside” legal protection or repercussions. Used as an early form of eminent domain, but with more opportunity for state-sponsored murder. Outside of Jorat, typically just an area of protected woodland, such as the Kirpis forest.
Four Races, the—four immortal, powerful races that once existed. Only the vané still exist in their original, immortal forms, with the other races having devolved into the morgage, dreth, and human races.
gaesh (gaysh), pl. gaeshe (gaysh-ay)—an enchantment that forces the victim to follow all commands given by the person who physically possesses their totem focus, up to and including commands of suicide. Being unable or unwilling to perform a command results in death.
Galava (gal-a-VAY)—one of the Eight Immortals; goddess of life and nature.
Gan the Miller’s Daughter—one of Ninavis’s crew.
gate—a.k.a. portal, the magical connection of two different geographic locations, allowing for quick travel across great distances. Only powerful wizards can typically create Gatestone-independent portals.
Gatekeepers—the guild who controls and maintains gate travel. Ruled by House D’Aramarin.
Gatestone—a specially inscribed section of stone that somehow makes gate travel much less magically onerous. Exactly how this is accomplished is a proprietary, heavily protected House D’Aramarin secret.
gelding—a Joratese term for any person, male or female, who does not fall into “stallion” or “mare” stereotypes. Note that this does not indicate the person is sexually neuter.
Gendal (GEN-dal)—former emperor of Quur, murdered by Gadrith D’Lorus.
gender, Joratese—Joratese define gender socially rather than biologically. So while they acknowledge biologically male, female, and intersex individuals, who is labeled a “man” or “woman” has to do with their societal role, rather than genitalia. There is a catch-all “gelding” category for people who refuse to conform to either extreme. But for the most part, gender is still binary in Jorat and still suffers from many of the same problems as binary genders elsewhere. Joratese gender can typically be determined by outward presentation, with “stallions” dressing in elaborately decorated clothing and “mares” dressing in much more modest attire. See: stallions, mares, geldings.
Godslayer—see: Urthaenriel.
god-touched—a “gift” or “curse” (depending on whom one asks) handed down by the Eight Immortals to the eight Royal Houses of Quur. Besides giving each house a distinctive eye color, the god-touched curse prevents the Royal Houses from making laws or ruling over territory.
Gorokai (GORE-o-kai)—a dragon.
Gozen, Sir (GO-zen)—an up-and-coming knight.
Grazings, the—southern Jorat, where large areas of plains and grasslands are dominant.
Great Silence, the—an unexplained event in which every wizard in Quur (and in fact the entire world) was inexplicably rendered deaf for three days.
Grizzst (grizt)—falsely attributed to being one of the Eight Immortals; famous wizard, sometimes considered a god of magic, particularly demonology. Believed to be responsible for binding demons as well as making the Crown and Scepter of Quur.
Guarem (GOW-rem)—the primary language of Quur.
Hamarratus (ham-ar-RA-tus)—a fireblood, previously a slave owned by Darzin D’Mon, also called Scandal.
Hará, Kay (HAR-ah, KAY)—one of Ninavis’s crew.
Hedrogha (hay-DRUEG-ah)—a Yoran captain.
Hell—distinct from the Land of Peace; it’s where demons come from.
Hellmarch—the result of a powerful demon gaining access to the physical world, freely summoning demons and possessing corpses. This usually results in a runaway path of death and devastation. It typically results from a demon escaping a summoner’s control. Before the breaking of the Stone of Shackles, demons could only be summoned to the Living World by corporeal entities (such as humans or vané). But demons quickly discovered they could exploit a loophole by possessing a living body—and forcing that body to summon more of their kind. Demons can also possess corpses in the Joratese/Marakori area but cannot summon more demons this way.
Hellwarrior—a prophesied villain who will rise up to destroy the Empire of Quur and possibly the world. Also a prophesied hero who will rise up to save the world.
idorrá—a Joratese concept of authority, dominance, and control. Roughly analogous to responsibility, duty, and authority, idorrá can be lost if the holder fails to protect or defend those under their charge.
Irisia—see: Tya.
Jalore (jah-LOR-ee)—the Quuros emperor who finalized the conquest of the Zaibur city-states.
Jorat (jor-AT)—a dominion in the middle of Quur of varying climates and wide reaches of grassy plains; known for its horses.
Kaen (kane)—the Yoran ducal line.
Azhen (AHJ-en)—Duke, or Hon, of Yor, grandson of the Joratese Quuros general who conquered the region and slew the god-king rulers of the region, Cherthog and Suless.
Exidhar (EX-eh-DAR)—Azhen Kaen’s only son.
Xivan (JI-van)—Azhen Kaen’s first wife; her Khorveshan ancestry made her unpopular with the Yoran people, and she was eventually killed in an assassination attempt meant for her husband.
Kalazan (KAL-a-zan)—one of Ninavis’s crew.
Kandor (KAN-dor)
Atrin (AT-rin)—an emperor of Quur who significantly expanded the borders of the empire; most famous for deciding to invade the Manol, which resulted in the destruction of virtually the entire Quuros army and the loss of Urthaenriel. This left Quur defenseless against the subsequent morgage invasion.
Elana (eh-lan-AY)—see: Milligreest, Elana.
Karolaen (KAR-o-lane)—former name of Kharas Gulgoth.
Kasmodeus (KAZ-mode-e-US)—a demon.
Kazivar (KAZ-eh-var)—one of the dominions of Quur, north of Eamithon.
kef (kef)—a style of trouser common in western Quur.
Kelanis (KEL-a-nis)—son of Khaevatz and Kelindel, younger brother of Khaeriel; now king of the vane.
Khaemezra (kay-MEZ-rah)—a.k.a. Mother, the High Priestess of Thaena, and leader of the Black Brotherhood; Teraeth’s mother; the true name of Thaena. See: Thaena.
Khaeriel (kay-RE-el)—queen of the vané, assassinated by her brother, Kelanis. Because Khaeriel was wearing the Stone of Shackles, she ended up in the body of her assassin, and was later gaeshed and sold into slavery to Therin D’Mon by her grandmother, Khaemezra.
Kharas Gulgoth (KAR-as GUL-goth)—a ruin in the middle of the Korthaen Blight; believed sacred (and cursed) by the morgage; prison of the corrupted god Vol Karoth.
Khored (KOR-ed)—one of the Eight Immortals, God of Destruction.
Khoreval (KOR-e-val)—a magic spear believed to have the ability to slay dragons.
Khorsal (KOR-sal)—god-king who ruled Jorat. He was particularly obsessed with horses and modified a great many of the people and animals under his power. Responsible for the creation of the fireblood horse lines and centaurs.
Khorvesh (kor-VESH)—a dominion to the south of the Capital City, just north of the Manol Jungle.
Kirpis, the (KIR-pis)—a dominion to the north of Kazivar, primarily forest. Most famous for being the original home of one of the vané races, as well as the Academy. Also, home to a number of famous vineyards.
Kirpis vané (van-EH)—a fair-skinned, immortal race who once lived in the Kirpis forest. They were driven south to eventually relocate in the Manol Jungle.
Kishna-Farriga (kish-na-fair-eh-GA)—one of the Free States, independent city-states south of Quur, past the Manol Jungle; Kishna-Farriga is used as a trading entrepôt by many neighboring countries.
knight, Joratese—unlike knights elsewhere, Joratese knights are more akin to sports athletes, who fight as proxies to establish idorrá/thudajé relationships. This affects every aspect of Joratese life, from business deals to trials.
Korthaen Blight, the (kor-THANE)—also called the Wastelands, a cursed and unlivable land that is (somehow) home to the morgage.
Kovinglass (KOVE-ing-lass)—a Gatekeeper formerly in the employ of the Count of Tolamer.
Kulma Swamp (KUL-mah)—a lowland swamp area in Southern Marakor.
laevos (LAY-vos)—a Joratese hairstyle consisting of a strip of hair down the center of the head and shaved sides, echoing a horse’s mane. Some Joratese grow their hair this way by default; it’s considered a sign of nobility.
Lonezh Hellmarch (LONE-ej)—an infamous Hellmarch that occurred in relatively recent memory, starting in Marakor and ending in Jorat; casualties were staggering.
Lorat (LOR-at)—an elderly nobleman.
Malkoessian (MAL-koz-ee-AN)
Aroth (AIR-oth)—Markreev of Stavira, one of the four quadrants or “wards” that politically divide Jorat. Count Janel Theranon’s canton, Tolamer, lies within Stavira’s borders.
Ilvar (ILL-var)—Aroth’s heir.
Oreth (OR-eth)—youngest son of the Markreev of Stavira, who often participates in tournaments as a knight. Briefly engaged to marry Janel Theranon.
Manol, the (MAN-ol)—an area of dense jungle in the equatorial region of the known world; home to the Manol vané.
Marakor (MARE-a-kor)—the Quuros dominion to the southeast of the empire. Politically important because Marakor is the only (relatively) easy entry point to the Manol Jungle. Consolidating the various rival city-state clans, which originally made up the region, has proved difficult.
mare—a Joratese person who identifies as a woman (note: different from being sexually female, see: gender, Joratese) and expresses “mare” attributes such as housekeeping, child rearing, farming, crafting, art, cooking—and embraces teamwork, family, and subordinate values.
Markreev (MAR-kreev)—a noble title in Jorat, just below duke.
Mereina (MARE-ee-NAH)—the capital seat of Barsine Banner.
Milligreest (mill-eh-GREEST)
Elana (e-lan-AY)—a musician from Khorvesh who married Atrin Kandor. After his death, she returned to using her maiden name and journeyed into the Korthaen Blight to negotiate a peace settlement with the invading morgage people; responsible for freeing S’arric. Past life of Janel Theranon.
Jarith (JAR-ith)—only son of Qoran; like most Milligreests, served in the military; killed by Xaltorath during the Capital Hellmarch.
Qoran (KOR-an)—high general of the Quuros army, considered one of the most powerful people in the empire.
misha (MEESH-ah)—a long-sleeved shirt worn by men in Quur.
Mithros (MEETH-ros)—leader of the Red Spears, a mercenary company selling their services to the highest bidder for tournaments in Jorat; a Manol vané.
Miyane (MY-an-ee)—queen of the vané, wife of King Kelanis.
Morea (MOR-e-ah)—a slave girl murdered by Talon; Talea’s twin sister.
morgage (mor-gah-GEE)—a wild and savage race that lives in the Korthaen Blight and makes constant war on its neighbors. These are mainly Quuros living in the dominion of Khorvesh.
Morios (MORE-ee-os)—a dragon.
Nakijan, Jem (Na-KEY-jan, JEM)—one of Ninavis’s crew.
Nameless Lord, the—the Joratese name of the Eighth of the Eight Immortals.
Nemesan (NEM-es-an)—a deceased god-king.
Nerikan (NAIR-eh-kahn)—a Quuros emperor.
Ninavis (NIN-a-vis)—an outlaw who has gathered together a group of like-minded bandits and exists on the outskirts of Barsine Banner, mostly sticking to the forest.
Ogenra (OH-jon-RAY)—an unrecognized bastard of one of the royal families. Far from being unwanted, Ogenra are considered an important part of the political process because of their ability to circumvent the god-touched curse.
Omorse (OH-mors-ee)—a banner in Jorat.
Ompher (OM-fur)—one of the Eight Immortals, god of the world.
Prialar (PRI-a-lar)—a town in Jorat.
Qhuaras (kwar-AHS)—a deceased god-king.
Qown, Brother (kown)—an acolyte of the Vishai Mysteries, assigned to guide Count Janel Theranon.
Quur, the Great and Holy Empire of (koor)—a large empire originally expanded from a single city-state (also named Quur) that now serves as the empire’s capital.
Raenena (RAY-nen-ah)—a dominion of Quur, nestled in the Dragonspire Mountains to the north.
raisigi (RAY-sig-eye)—a tight-fitting bodice worn by women.
razarras (RAY-zar-as)—a highly poisonous ore.
Red Spears—a mercenary company of Jorat.
Return—to be resurrected from the Afterlife, always with the permission of the Goddess of Death, Thaena.
Rev’arric—see: Relos Var.
Rol’amar—a dragon.
saelen (SAY-len)—Joratese word meaning stray.
sallí (sal-LEE)—a hooded, cloak-like garment designed to protect the wearer from the intense heat of the Capital City.
salos (SAH-los)—a type of snake native to the Manol Jungle.
Sandus (SAND-us)—a farmer from Marakor, later emperor of Quur.
S’arric (sar-RIC)—one of the Eight Immortals, mostly unknown (and deceased); god of sun, stars, and sky; murdered by his older brother, Rev’arric. Past life of Kihrin D’Mon.
Selanol (SELL-an-al)—the solar deity worshipped as part of the Vishai Mysteries.
Senera (SEN-er-AY)—a former slave of Doltari ancestry, later operating in Jorat as a witch and saboteur.
shanathá (SHAH-nath-AY)—a type of metal.
Sharanakal (SHA-ran-a-KAL)—a dragon.
Sifen family, the (SIGH-fen)—a family of farmers in Barsine Banner, primarily known for their mangoes.
Simillion (SIM-i-le-on)—first emperor of Quur.
snow hyena—a type of hyena adapted to the extremely cold conditions of Yor.
stallion—a Joratese person who identifies as a man (note: different from being sexually male, see: gender, Joratese) and expresses “stallion” attributes such as leadership, assertiveness, guardianship, entertaining, contests, and combativeness.
Stavira (sta-vir-AY)—one of the four quadrants, or marches, dividing Jorat.
Stone of Shackles, the—one of the eight Cornerstones, ancient artifacts of unknown origin.
Suless (SEW-less)—god-queen of Yor, associated with witchcraft, deception, treachery, and betrayal; also associated with hyenas.
Taja (TAJ-ah)—one of the Eight Immortals, Goddess of Luck.
Talea (tal-E-ah)—a former slave.
talisman—an otherwise normal object whose tenyé has been modified to vibrate in sympathy with the owner, thus reinforcing the owner’s tenyé against enemies who might use magic to change it into a different form. This also means it’s extremely dangerous to allow one’s talismans to fall into enemy hands. Since talismans interfere with magical power, every talisman worn weakens the effectiveness of the wearer’s spellcasting.
tamarane (tam-a-RAN-ee)—a system of Joratese cooking with eight specific styles of heating.
Tamin (TAY-min)—Baron of Barsine Banner.
Tanner—one of Ninavis’s crew.
tenyé (ten-AY)—the true essence of an object, vital to all magic.
Teraeth (ter-RATHE)—hunter of Thaena; a Manol vané assassin and member of the Black Brotherhood; son of Khaemezra.
Thaena (thane-AY)—one of the Eight Immortals, Goddess of Death.
Theranon (ther-a-NON)—a noble family from Jorat.
Frena (fren-AY)—Janel’s mother, who died during the Lonezh Hellmarch.
Janel (jan-EL)—a demon-tainted noblewoman from Jorat. Nicknamed “Danorak” because of the widespread belief that she’d outrun the Lonezh Hellmarch as a child in order to warn Emperor Sandus of the invasion.
Jarak (jar-AK)—Janel’s father, who died during the Lonezh Hellmarch.
Jarin (JAIR-in)—deceased Count of Tolamer, Janel’s grandfather.
thorra (THOR-ah)—Joratese term for a person who abuses idorrá privileges; bully or tyrant, lit. “a stallion who is not safe to leave with other horses.”
Three Sisters, the—either Taja, Tya, and Thaena, or Galava, Tya, and Thaena, depending on local beliefs; also, the three moons in the night sky.
thudajé (thu-DAJ-ay)—Joratese term of respect, humility, and submission; thudajé is considered an essential and positive Joratese trait. No matter how high in idorrá someone is, the Joratese believe there will always be someone to whom they owe thudajé.
Tiga Pass (tie-GAY)—a pass allowing physical travel between the Great Steppes and the Grazings.
Tolamer (TOL-a-mear)—a canton in northeastern Jorat, ruled by the Theranon family for almost five hundred years.
tournaments—regular contests of skill, usually involving horses in some fashion, which take place as often as possible in various regions of Jorat. Joratese spectators can be passionate about teams they support.
tumai (TU-mai)—Yoran word for knight.
Twin Worlds, the—name for the combination of the Living World and Afterlife, when referring to both realms as part of a larger whole.
Tya (tie-ah)—a.k.a. Irisia (IR-is-EE-ah), one of the Eight Immortals, the Goddess of Magic.
Tya’s Veil—an aurora borealis effect visible in the night sky.
Tyentso (tie-EN-so)—formerly Raverí D’Lorus, now the emperor of Quur; the first woman to ever be emperor.
upishiarral (U-pish-e-ar-AL)—a traditional Joratese dish of vegetables and rice.
Urthaenriel (UR-thane-re-EL)—Godslayer, the Ruin of Kings, the Emperor’s Sword. A powerful artifact that is believed to make its wielder completely immune to magic and thus is capable of killing gods.
Valathea (val-a-THE-a)—a harp passed through the Milligreest family; also, a deceased queen of the Kirpis vané.
vané (van-EH)—a.k.a. vorfelane, an immortal, magically gifted race known for their exceptional beauty.
vanoizi (vah-NWA-zi)—a style of Eamithonian cooking.
Var, Relos (VAR, REL-os)—a powerful wizard, believed responsible for the ritual that created the Eight Immortals, and also the ritual that created both the dragons and Vol Karoth.
Veixizhau (vex-e-SHAU)—one of Azhen Kaen’s younger wives.
Vidan (VID-an)—one of Ninavis’s crew.
Visallía (viz-ALL-e-ah)—a march in Jorat.
Vishai Mysteries, the (vish-AY)—a religion popular in parts of Eamithon, Jorat, and Marakor; little is known about their inner workings, but their religion seems to principally center around a solar deity; usually pacifistic; members of the faith will often obtain licenses from House D’Mon to legally practice healing.
Vol Karoth (VOL ka-ROTH)—a.k.a. War Child or Warchild, a demon offspring crafted by demons to counter the Eight Immortals; alternately a corrupted remnant of the sacrificed god of the sun, S’arric; possibly both.
voramer (vor-a-MEER)—a.k.a. vormer, an extinct water-dwelling race believed to be the progenitors of the morgage and the ithlakor; of the two, only the ithlakor still live in water.
voras (vor-AS)—a.k.a. vorarras, an extinct race believed to have been the progenitors of humanity, who lost their immortality when Karolaen was destroyed.
vordreth (vor-DRETH)—a.k.a. vordredd, dreth, dredd, dwarves, an underground-dwelling race known for their strength and intelligence; despite their nickname, not short. Believed to have been wiped out when Atrin Kandor conquered Raenena.
Warmonger—a Cornerstone.
Wilavir, Sivat (wil-a-VIR, SIV-at)—author of Siege Tactics of the Yoran Invasion.
witch—anyone using magic who hasn’t received formal, official training and licensing; although technically gender neutral, usually only applied to women; in Jorat, anyone using magic who isn’t Blood of Joras is considered a witch.
Worldhearth—a Cornerstone.
Wyrga (WIR-ga)—an animal trainer in the service of Duke Kaen.
Xaloma (ZAL-o-may)—a dragon.
Xaltorath (zal-tor-OTH)—a demon prince who can only be summoned through the sacrifice of a family member; self-associated with lust and war.
Xun, Foran (CHUN, FOR-an)—Duke of Jorat; Xun gained the throne at a young age when his father was slain during the Lonezh Hellmarch.
Ynis (YIN-is)—a deceased god-king.
Yor (yor)—one of Quur’s dominions, the most recently added and the least acclimated to imperial rule.
Zaibur (ZAI-bur)—1. the major river running from Demon Falls and Lake Jorat all the way to the ocean, dividing Jorat from Marakor; 2. a strategy game.
Zaibur, the City-States of—archaic name for the collection of divided city-states that populated Marakor prior to being conquered by the Quuros.
Zajhera, Father (zah-JER-ah)—leader of the Vishai Faith / Vishai Mysteries. Personally exorcised the demon Xaltorath, who possessed Janel Theranon when she was a child.