My dearest Lord Var,
Here’s the account you asked for on the history behind the current situation in Jorat. I cheated and took advantage of Janel telling the story herself, but best from the source, yes? And your little brother is even in here too, which I know you’ll find just delightful.
I didn’t make up nearly as much as you might think—it helps when you can use an artifact to check your facts. Our friend’s input was useful too. He didn’t want to contribute at first, but I convinced him to see reason. I’m sure he’d have gathered his records together into a semblance of order eventually, but we don’t have the time for that academic crap. No offense, but have you read his transcripts? He does love words, doesn’t he?
I’m glad I decided to do this myself.
I hope you’ll forgive my occasional artistic license, but if that D’Lorus brat can do it, why can’t I? I’ve left a few of my own personal notes along the way.
Anyway, turns out you can top killing the emperor, freeing every demon, and destroying half Quur’s Capital City, but then …
… you know how much I love happy endings.
Ever your faithful and obedient servant,