Discussion Questions
1. Morgan Hill, Tennessee, is a town straddling the old and the new; the modern and the antiquated. In what ways does this town have a foot in both worlds?
2. What factors do you think contributed to the fact that Ivorie never married? In this day and age, would she be considered an “old maid?”
3. Had Ivorie’s parents been alive, do you think she would have been as curious about the little boy stealing from her garden?
4. What was the most painful moment in the book for you, and why?
5. The book has many triumphant moments. Can you describe the ones that were most meaningful to you?
6. Could this same story take place in 2013? Why or why not?
7. Do you feel Gray got his comeuppance? Why or why not?
8. Why didn’t Peter’s mother run away from Gray?
9. In what ways did Peter’s mother protect him from Gray? What resources and skills did she give him, if any?
10. Who is ultimately the villain in this book? Is there more than one?
11. Who is ultimately the hero in this book? Is there more than one?
12. If you could imagine what happens with Peter and Ivorie after the book is over, what would you see?
13. Why is the book called The Good Dream?
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