ANOTHER FAVORABLE GREEK VIEW of England is to be found in the following poem composed in Greek and translated by the poet.
A Hymn
How I admire and wonder thee
o! great Britain country!
as I consider thee holding
the bridles of all the world.
O respectable and glorious
and powerful England
thou art the joy of all the world
and the alone liberty.
Thou art the judge of the world
and police captain for all
and the greatest supporter
of all the weak persons.
According to thy somuch gold
thou art the richest on world
and thy paper money also
has the superior price.
But thou hast and most treasors
by much precious stones,
thou hast too and most flaming pearls
and legendary prices.
In this earth situation
thou hast the superior
and thou doest live the excellent
and much sweetest life.
Thou got many colossal ships
possessions and colonies
and abundant richness and goods
and very solid houses.
(it follows)