Consecutive Panels are laid out one right after the other.
Consistent The same, compatible. A style of inking in which the line
remains the same thickness.
Contact Somebody who can help you in your career. It can be
somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody who has an in
at a publishing house. Opportunities often happen through contacts.
Continuity 1. One panel follows another in a clear and logical order, in
a continuous way. 2. If your character is wearing a red cape in a panel,
unless he/she has changed it, the cape will continue to be red in the
next panel. 3. In a “continuity comic strip”, it does not have a daily ending
or joke. Instead, it continues the next day. Many comic books continue a
plotline from month to month.
Creative Having imagination and ability. Enlightenment, Vision, Muse,
Creative block Temporarily prevents you from doing your work. When
you suffer from the creative block, you may feel like you will never be
able to write or draw again.
Creative process Getting to know your creative self and how you work
best. Examples: Knowing if you are a morning person or a night owl.
Getting to know if you work better with or without music.