Manga Japanese comic books.
Morph Become something else. In comic books, many ordinary
characters morph into something fantastic and become superheroes.
Motto Creed, mantra, words that you live by. Example: Practice what
you preach.
Over the shoulder When writing a script, the direction used to
describe looking into the face of the other character from the first
character’s point of view.
Pacing The way your story moves.
Panel The boxes used in graphic novels or comic books that tell the
Permanent ink Ink that will not fade.
Plot The way the story unfolds and resolves.
Plotline Shows the evolution of your story. All its twists and turns,
highs and lows, plots and subplots.
Point of View (POV) When writing a script, the direction used to
describe a scene as seen from one character’s perspective.
Protagonist The main character in the story. The one your reader cares
Push/pull When you do a layout, your page comes alive by pushing
your camera in for a closeup and pulling it back for a long shot. If you
study your page, you can feel the push/pull.