abnormality, and normality, distinguished, 13-18, 125, 141, 146-147
AIDS, 150
Archaeology of Knowledge, The (Foucault), 96-100
ars erotica, 148
bad faith, 89
Barthes, Roland, 4
Beauvoir, Simone de, 89, 90-91
The Second Sex, 90
Bentham, Jeremy, 126
Bichat, Marie-Francois-Xavier, 69
biology, 82
Birth of the Clinic, The (Naissance de la clinique) (Foucault), 25, 60-75, 97
body/mind/soul question, 44-45, 104
Borges, Jorge Luis, 80
capitalism, 129
Care of the Self, The (Foucault), 148
catatonia, 31
categories, 81
categorization of people, 13-16
“C'est n'est pas une pipe” (Foucault), 93
Charcot, Jean Martin, 137
Collége de France, 108
of criminals, 40
conspiracy theory of history, 144
confinement of, 40
culture, human, 94
Darwin, Charles, 103
Discipline and Punish (Foucault), 110-132, 141
disease, classification of, 68
as moral authorities, 56
Ecole Normale Supérieure, 20-23
Erasmus, The Praise of Folly (Moriae Encomium), 36
erotic arts, 148
Faucher, Léon, 114
Fliess, Dr., 138
suicide attempt, 22
teaching positions, 25, 106-108
French intellectuals, 3, 88, 109
French Revolution, 46-51, 62-65
Freud, Sigmund, 57, 135, 137, 138
gender roles, 132
God, 83
Death of, 85
guilt/innocence, 117
hierarchies, 124
historical thinking, 96-104, 144-145
History of Sexuality (Foucault), 134-151
See also madhouses
imprisonment, as punishment, 127-132
See also confinement; prisons
individuals, in history, 144-145
intellectuals, French, 3, 88, 109
internalization, 55
judgments, normalizing, 125
knowledge, 5-12, 18, 79-80, 83, 101
Lacan, Jacques, 4
laws, 125
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 4, 94-95
definitions and categories of, 30-32, 41-45
in literature and imagination, 34-39
treatment of, historically, 44, 52-58
Madness and Civilization (Folie et déraison)
Magritte, René, “C'est n'est pas une pipe,” 93
Maoism, 105
Marxism, 98
masturbation, 138
medicine, 62. See also doctors; hospitals
middle-class morality, 54
morality, 54
Genealogy of Morals, 102
normality/abnormality, distinguishing between, 13-18, 125, 141, 146-147
normalizing judgments, 125
nosology, 68
Order of Things, The (Les Mots et les choses) (Foucault), 78-88
pain, role of, in punishment, 115-119
and normal/abnormal categories, 18
prisons, 50, 109-110, 114, 126-132 . See also imprisonment
psychiatrists, 22
psychology, 23
rational man, 102
reason, and madness, contrasted, 29-40
repetitive exercises, 123
riots, 127
Rorschach tests, 23
Sade, Marquis de, 48
sadomasochism, 150
Salpetriere clinic, 137
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 3, 88-90, 98, 109
Les Mots (“Worde”), 88
Saussure, Ferdinand de, 92, 94
science, 73-74. See also human sciences
scientia sexualis, 136-139, 148
secrets, 143
illicit, 43
sexual revolution, 135
Shakespeare, William, King Lear, 36-39
sick, confinement of, 40
signifier and signified, 92
sixties politics, 105-107, 151
social sciences. See human sciences
sodomy, 142
spatialization, 121
student revolt of May 1968, 107
timetables, 122
torture, 117
University of Paris, 108
Use of Pleasure, The (Foucault), 148
Victorian sexuality, 134
war, 140