The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms and names of interest. For your reference, the terms and names that appear in the print index are listed below.
- 16th Street Baptist Church bombing. See under “s”
- Aaron, Edward
- Abernathy, Ralph
- Adams, Oscar
- Aldridge, Marie
- Allen, W. L.
- Allred, David
- alt-right
- Andrews, Rip
- Armstrong, James
- Arrington, Richard
- Ashcroft, John
- Atlanta Olympic Park bombing. See also Rudolph, Eric Robert
- Austin, Roy
- Ayers, Joseph
- Bachus, Spencer
- Baker, Jim
- Barber, David
- Barkley, Charles
- Barnes, Jean (Carolyn Jean Casey, Jean Blanton)
- alibi constructed for Blanton
- Cherry trial testimony
- grand jury testimony
- recording played for
- recordings of
- Barnes, Richard
- Bass, Rodger
- Baxley, Bill
- call to Jones after Blanton conviction
- case against Chambliss
- Chambliss trial and conviction
- childhood, family, and education
- commitment to justice for bombing victims
- commitment to racial integration
- elected Attorney General of Alabama
- elected Lieutenant Governor of Alabama
- and FBI
- governor campaigns
- hate letter from Edward Fields
- impact of Chambliss prosecution on
- influence on Jones
- influence on Privett
- influences on
- and Lay’s lack of cooperation
- New York Times piece on Blanton trial
- presentations with Jones
- reopening of bombing case
- youngest Alabama DA
- Beardsley, Robin
- Beasley, Jere
- Beck, George
- Bedford, Roger
- Bell, William
- Benjamin, Regina
- Bentley, Robert
- Berry, Bob
- Bethune, Mary McLeod
- Bevel, James
- Biden, Joe
- Birdwell, Bobby
- Birmingham, Alabama
- Bethel Baptist Church
- Birmingham Zoo
- bombing of A. D. King home
- bombing of A. G. Gaston Motel
- bombing of New Woman, All Women Health Care Center
- Kelly Ingram Park
- Linn Park
- Mountain Brook
- Poole’s Funeral Chapel
- See also 16th Street Baptist Church bombing
- Birmingham Civil Rights Institute
- Bishop, Sandy
- Black Belt of Alabama
- Black Lives Matter movement
- Blackburn, Sharon
- Blake, Brook
- Blanton, Jean. See Barnes, Jean
- Blanton, Thomas “Pops” (father)
- Blanton, Tommy (son)
- and Cahaba River Bridge Boys
- as initial suspect
- parole hearing
- prison visit by Jones
- Blanton, Tommy, prosecution and trial of
- closing arguments
- defense’s case
- explosives testimony
- jury
- opening arguments
- and Q9 tape
- testimony of Burns, Mitchell
- testimony of Collins-Peavey, Junie
- testimony of Cross, John
- testimony of Fleming, Bill
- testimony of Jackson, William
- testimony of King, Shirley Wesley
- testimony of McNair, Chris
- testimony of Robertson, Alpha
- testimony of Rudolph, Sarah Collins
- testimony of Spencer, Frank
- testimony of Stewart, Shelley
- testimony of Vaughn, Waylene
- verdict
- Bloody Sunday (Selma, March 7, 1965)
- Boackle, Heath
- Bolin, Mike
- Boohaker, Joe
- Booker, Cory
- Boutwell, Albert
- Bowers, Sam
- Boynton v. Virginia
- Braddock, Dianne (Carole Robertson’s sister)
- Bragg, Rick
- Brewer, Albert
- Brissie, Robert
- Brogdon, Wayne
- Brogdon, Willadean
- call to FBI office
- Cherry trial testimony
- and defense closing argument
- grand jury testimony
- Brown, Jimmie
- Brown, Michael
- Brown, Nicole
- Brown v. Board of Education
- Bunche, Ralph
- Burns, Mitchell (FBI informant name Tom Dooley)
- Blanton trial
- Blanton trial testimony
- Cherry trial
- Cherry trial testimony
- death of
- grand jury testimony
- Burns tapes
- Baxley on
- Blanton trial
- Cherry trial
- discovery of
- Bush, George H. W.
- Bush, George W.
- Butler, J. O.
- Butler, Julian
- Butler, Ralph
- Buycks, Myrtle
- Byrd, Don
- Byrd, Willie
- Cagle, Charles
- Cahaba River Bridge Boys. See also Blanton, Thomas “Pops”; Blanton, Tommy; Cagle, Charles; Cash, Herman; Chambliss, Robert “Dynamite Bob”; Hall, John Wesley; Ingram, Troy; Ku Klux Klan; Page, Hubert
- Calloway, Mark
- Cantrell, Ernest
- Capilouto, Eli
- Carole Robertson Center for Learning
- Carter, Benita
- Carter, Jimmy
- Carter, Julie
- Casey, Carolyn Jean. See Barnes, Jean
- Cash, Herman
- Cash, Jack
- Cavanagh, Jim
- Chambliss, Flora (Tee)
- Chambliss, Robert (“Dynamite Bob”)
- arrest of
- and Brogdon’s testimony at Cherry trial
- and Cherry’s handwritten account
- and Cunningham’s statement
- death of
- explosives made by
- grand jury indictment
- and “kitchen tapes” (Burns tapes)
- preparation for 16th Street Baptist Church bombing
- Chambliss, Robert, prosecution and trial
- Baxley’s closing argument
- defense’s case
- jury
- lack of FBI cooperation
- Lay’s lack of cooperation
- outside witness accounts
- refusal to testify
- testimony of Cobbs, Elizabeth
- testimony of Cross, John
- testimony of Glenn, Kirthus
- trial and conviction
- verdict
- Charleston church shooting
- Cherry, Bobby Frank
- assault on Rev. Shuttlesworth
- and Cahaba River Bridge Boys
- death of
- deemed fit to stand trial
- handwritten account of whereabouts
- interviewed by Eddy and Herren
- press conference by
- Cherry, Bobby Frank, prosecution and trial
- and Burns tapes
- closing arguments
- defense’s case
- jury
- testimony of Barnes, Jean
- testimony of Brogdon, Willadean
- testimony of Burns, Mitchell
- testimony of Downey, John
- testimony of explosives experts
- testimony of Gowins, Michael
- testimony of Herren, Ben
- testimony of McNair, Chris
- testimony of Rudolph, Sarah Collins
- testimony of Shanahan, Neil
- testimony of Stacy, Teresa
- testimony of Welton, Carl
- testimony of Whitworth, Mark
- verdict
- Cherry, Myrtle
- Cherry, Thomas (Tommy Frank)
- Cherry, Virginia
- Children’s Crusade
- Civil Defense Unit
- Civil Rights Act
- Civilian Military Assistance Organization
- Clarion-Ledger (Jackson)
- Clemon, U. W.
- Clinton, Bill
- Clinton, Hillary
- Cobbs, Elizabeth H. (code name Abingdon Spaulding)
- account of events
- Chambliss trial testimony
- Cochran, Don
- Coleman, Sam
- Collins, Alice (Addie Mae’s mother)
- Collins, Addie Mae
- Blanton trial testimony of Junie (sister)
- Cherry trial testimony of Junie (sister)
- Cherry trial testimony of Sarah (sister)
- Congressional Gold Medal awarded posthumously to
- funeral and King’s eulogy for
- killed in bombing
- morning of bombing
- and prosecution’s closing and opening arguments
- Collins, Janie (Addie Mae’s sister)
- Collins, Junie (Junie Collins-Peavey)
- Collins, Oscar (Addie Mae’s father)
- Collins, Sarah (Addie Mae’s sister). See Rudolph, Sarah Collins
- Colvin, John (undercover name James McBride)
- Connor, Eugene “Bull”
- Coppage, Mike
- corruption probes
- cotton tie mill
- Crabtree, Jerry
- Crawford, Gordon
- Cross, Barbara
- Cross, John
- Blanton trial testimony
- Chambliss trial testimony
- Cherry trial testimony
- day of bombing and aftermath
- death of
- eulogy for Carole Robertson
- Cunningham, Mary Frances
- Blanton investigation
- and Chambliss case
- Cherry trial
- Cherry trial defense witness
- eyewitness statement of
- FBI information as “Gail Tarrant”
- Dahmer, Vernon
- Davis, Eunice (Cynthia’s sister)
- De La Beckwith, Byron
- Dean, Howard
- DeKeyser, Armand
- DeLaughter, Bobby
- Never Too Late
- desegregation
- and awareness of injustice
- of Birmingham
- Boynton v. Virginia
- Brown v. Board of Education
- Children’s Crusade
- Freedom Riders
- Klansmen’s opposition to
- political opposition to
- school
- and Wallace’s Stand in the Schoolhouse Door
- Donald, Joseph, Jr.
- Donaldson, Frank
- Douglas, William O.
- Downey, John
- Drake, Jack. See also Whatley Drake
- Du Bois, W. E. B.
- Dukakis, Michael
- Dynamite Hill (Fountain Heights)
- Eddy, Bob
- called to testify at Cherry trial
- Chambliss case and trial
- Cherry interview (with Herren)
- hiring of
- Edwards, Edwin
- Edwards, Willie
- Ellisor, Nancy
- Embry, Frank
- Erdreich, Bob
- Evers, Medgar
- Farley, Michael Lee
- Ferris, Charles
- Fields, Edward
- Fleming, Bill
- on Alpha Robertson
- Blanton case
- Blanton trial
- building cases against Blanton and Cherry
- called as defense witness in Blanton trial
- called as defense witness in Cherry trial
- Cherry interview
- Cherry trial
- Cherry trial testimony
- Lay interview
- memory of Klan murder of Lemuel Penn
- and reopening of cold case
- Willadean Brogdon interview
- Florence, Tyler
- Flynt, Wayne
- Ford, Gerald
- Fountain Heights (Dynamite Hill)
- 4 Little Girls (documentary)
- Freedom Riders
- Gafford, Bob
- Gallimore, Amy
- Garner, Eric
- Garrett, Jim
- Blanton trial
- Cherry trial
- Gibson, Charlie
- Gibson, Wallace
- Glenn, Kirthus
- Gowins, Michael
- Gray, Fred
- Gray, Freddie
- Green, Willie
- Gregory, Dick
- Grey, Auburn
- Grier, William
- Griswold, Ferrell
- Hall, John Wesley
- Hamlin, Chris
- Hancock, James
- Hanes, Art
- Hanes, Art, Jr.
- Haney, Kent
- Hansen, Michael
- Harris, Claude
- Harris, Richard
- Hawley, Greg
- Hawthorne, Alice
- Hayes, Richard
- HB 56 (Alabama)
- Heflin, Howell
- Henry, Bud
- Herren, Ben
- Cherry interview (with Eddy)
- High, Robert
- Holder, Eric
- Shelby County v. Holder
- Holder, Sharon Malone
- Holt, Bill
- Holt, Mary Lou
- Holton, Walter
- Hood, Elizabeth. See Cobbs, Elizabeth H.
- Hoover, J. Edgar
- decision to close 16th Street Baptist Church bombing case
- Hughes, Jermaine
- Jackson, Bill (“Klan Barber”)
- Jackson, Cissy
- Jewell, Richard
- Jim Crow era
- Johnson, Hank
- Johnson, Johnnie
- Johnson, Mickey
- Johnson, Pete
- Jones, Carson (Jones’s son)
- Jones, Christopher Gordon (Jones’s son)
- Jones, Courtney (Jones’s daughter)
- Jones, Doug
- Baxley’s influence on
- Blanton trial closing argument
- Cherry trial closing argument
- college
- elected to Senate
- Eric Rudolph case
- law school
- marriage to Barbara Jo Nall
- marriage to Faye Mann
- marriage to Louise New
- presentations with Baxley
- Senate special election campaign
- U.S. Assistant District Attorney
- U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama
- Jones, Eva
- Jones, Gloria (Wesson) (Jones’s mother)
- Jones, Gordon (Jones’s father)
- Jones, Louise (Jones’s wife)
- Kaine, Tim
- Katzenbach, Nicholas
- Kelley, Clarence
- Kelly Ingram Park (Birmingham)
- Kennedy, Ed
- Kennedy, John F.
- assassination of
- Kennedy, Mark
- Kennedy, Peggy Wallace
- Kennedy, Robert, Jr. (Alabama politician)
- Kennedy, Robert F.
- assassination of
- Kent State shootings
- Killion, Charles
- King, A. D. (brother of MLK)
- King, Alta
- King, Martin Luther, Jr.
- “arc of the moral universe” quotation
- assassination attempts
- assassination of
- Birmingham visit after bombing
- eulogies for Cynthia, Denise, and Addie Mae
- “I Have a Dream” speech
- Letter from Birmingham Jail
- Montgomery Bus Boycott
- Selma-to-Montgomery march
- Southern Christian Leadership Conference
- King, Shirley Wesley
- King, Tom
- King, Tom, Jr.
- kitchen tape (Q9 tape)
- Blanton trial
- Cherry trial
- played for Barnes, Jean
- Ku Klux Klan
- bombings
- desegregation opposed by
- Eastview Klavern #13
- KKK sympathizers
- and Modern Sign Company
- See also Cahaba River Bridge Boys
- LaDow, Gloria
- Langford, Rob
- Lay, James Edward
- Blanton trial
- death of
- grand jury testimony
- illness
- interview
- witness to Blanton and Chambliss
- Lee, Harper. See also To Kill a Mockingbird
- Lee, Spike
- Lee, Wyman
- LeGrand, Jack
- Levi, Edward
- Lewis, Joe
- Lewis, John
- Lingo, Al
- Liuzzo, Viola
- Lucy, Autherine
- Luker, David
- Luna, Don
- Mann, Faye
- Mathews, Bernadine
- Matthews, Frank
- Mauldin, Eddie
- Max, Rodney
- McKinstry, Carolyn
- McLean, Joe
- McNair, Carol Denise (Denise or Niecie)
- Blanton trial testimony of Chris (father)
- Chambliss convicted for murder of
- Chambliss tried for murder of
- Cherry trial testimony of Chris (father)
- Congressional Gold Medal awarded posthumously to
- funeral and King’s eulogy for
- killed in bombing
- morning of bombing
- photo with Chatty Cathy doll
- and prosecution’s closing and opening arguments
- McNair, Chris (Denise’s father)
- Blanton trial testimony
- Cherry trial testimony
- and criminal justice system
- McNair, Kim (Denise’s sister)
- McNair, Lisa (Denise’s sister)
- McNair, Maxine (Denise’s mother)
- McWhorter, Diane
- Carry Me Home
- Melton, Darrio
- Metz, Fred
- Miles, William H.
- Mills, Belle
- Mitchell, Jerry
- Moore, Roy
- Moorer, Bob
- Morgan, Charles, Jr.
- Morris Wesley, Cynthia. See Wesley, Cynthia Morris
- Mujumdar, Anil
- Musgrove, George Derek
- Nall, Barbara Jo (B. J.)
- Nash, Diane
- National States’ Rights Party
- Nelson, Frank
- Neutrality Act
- Nixon, Richard
- Obama, Barack
- backlash to election of
- and “birther” movement
- and Congressional Gold Medal ceremony
- and midterms (2014)
- Obama-Trump voters
- robocall campaign support for Jones
- Oden, Herbert E.
- O’Neill, Tip
- open discovery policy
- Ortega, Daniel
- Oswald, Lee Harvey
- Ott, John
- Owens, James
- Page, Hubert
- Parker, Jack
- Parker, Jimmy
- Parks, Rosa
- Paterson, Stephen
- Patrick, Deval
- Pearson, Charles
- Peavey, Junie Collins
- Pellicano, Anthony
- Penn, Lemuel
- Perez, Tom
- Perkins, Giles
- Perry, Wade
- “Perry Mason” trial moments
- Phillips, Clevon
- Poellnitz, Barbara
- Polson, Mark
- Porter, John
- Posey, Robert
- Blanton trial
- Blanton trial closing argument
- Cherry trial
- Posey, Tom
- Powell, Scott
- Pritchett, Joe
- Privett, Caryl
- Pryor, Bill
- Q9 tape. See kitchen tape
- Ray, James Earl
- Rayfield, Wallace
- Reagan, Ronald
- Reno, Janet
- Rice, Condoleezza
- Richmond, Cedric
- Rivera, Geraldo
- Robbins, John
- Blanton jury selection
- Blanton trial
- Robertson, Alpha (Carole’s mother)
- Blanton trial testimony
- Cherry trial testimony
- death of
- Robertson, Alvin (Carole’s father)
- Robertson, Alvin, Jr. (Carole’s brother)
- Robertson, Carole
- Carole Robertson Learning Center named for
- Congressional Gold Medal awarded posthumously to
- funeral and Rev. Cross’s eulogy for
- killed in bombing
- morning of bombing
- and prosecution’s closing and opening arguments
- Robertson, Dennis
- Robertson, Dianne (Dianne Braddock) (Carole’s sister)
- Robeson, Paul
- Robinson, Johnny
- Ronan, Kathy A.
- Roof, Dylann
- Rosenfeld, Aaron
- Rowe, Gary Thomas (witness protection name Thomas Neal Moore)
- Ruby, Jack
- Rudolph, Daniel
- Rudolph, Eric Robert
- Rudolph, Sarah Collins (Addie Mae’s sister)
- Sack, Kevin
- Sanders, Bernie
- Sanderson, Robert “Sande”
- Sanford, Peggy
- Savage, Terrie (Jones’s sister)
- SB 1070 (Arizona)
- Selden, Jack
- Selma, Alabama
- Bloody Sunday (March 7, 1965)
- Brown Chapel
- Edmund Pettus Bridge
- Jones’s campaign stop
- Selma-to-Montgomery marches
- “separate but equal” segregation
- September 11, 2001
- Sessions, Jeff
- Sewell, Terri
- Shanahan, Neil
- Sharp, Don
- Shelby, Richard
- Shelby County v. Holder
- Sheldon, Andy
- Shelton, Robert
- Shores, Arthur
- Shorter, Mabel
- Shows, Jack
- Shuttlesworth, Fred
- Cherry’s assault on
- intensity of commitment to desegregation
- Silverstein, Norma
- Sims, Howard
- Sims, Larry Joe
- 16th Street Baptist Church bombing
- arrival of Dr. King
- early blame
- explosion and aftermath
- funerals and eulogies
- hours before explosion
- planting the bomb
- FBI closure of initial case
- FBI reopening of cold case (1997)
- grand jury indictment of Chambliss
- grand jury indictments of Blanton and Cherry
- grand jury testimonies after reopening of cold case
- initial investigation (FBI name BAPBOMB)
- reopening of case under Baxley (1970s)
- See also Blanton, Tommy (son), prosecution and trial; Chambliss, Robert, prosecution and trial; Cherry, Bobby Frank, prosecution and trial; Collins, Addie Mae; McNair, Carole Denise; Robertson, Carole; Wesley, Cynthia Morris
- Smith, Albert Lee
- Smith, Bill
- Smith, Henry
- Smith, Nelson “Fireball”
- Smith, Petric (formerly Elizabeth H. Cobbs)
- Long Time Coming
- Smith, Tina
- Snow, Merle
- Solomon, Jon
- Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
- Spencer, Frank
- Stacy, Teresa
- Stand in the Schoolhouse Door
- State of Alabama v. Robert E. Chambliss
- Stern, Don
- Stevenson, Bryan
- Stewart, Shelley “The Playboy”
- Stollenwerck, Marsha
- Stoner, J. B.
- Strange, Luther
- Temple, Chanda
- Thomas, C. E.
- Thompson, Myron
- Thornton, Charlene
- Tickal, Jeffrey
- To Kill a Mockingbird (Lee)
- Trippi, Jo
- Trump, Donald
- election and inauguration of
- Obama-Trump voters
- and Sessions seat special election
- Turner, Doug
- Van Baugh, Ronnie
- Vann, David
- Vaughn, Waylene
- Blanton trial cross-examination
- Blanton trial testimony
- Vega, Greg
- Vietnam War
- voter I.D. laws
- Voting Rights Act
- Wallace, George
- allegiance of state authorities to
- Baxley and
- campaigns and elections of
- current legacy of
- inflammatory rhetoric of
- “segregation forever” platform
- Stand in the Schoolhouse Door
- Wallace, Jeff
- Blanton trial
- visit with Jones to Blanton
- Wallace, Lurleen
- Walton, Val
- Ware, James
- Ware, Virgil
- Warren, Earl
- Washington, Lemarse
- Watergate hearings
- Weaver, Macon
- Welton, Carl
- Wesley, Claude (Cynthia’s father)
- Wesley, Cynthia Morris
- Cherry trial testimony of Eunice (sister)
- Congressional Gold Medal awarded posthumously to
- funeral and King’s eulogy for
- killed in bombing
- morning of bombing
- and prosecution’s closing and opening arguments
- Wesley, Gertrude
- Whatley, Joe
- Whatley Drake
- White, “Tall Paul”
- White Citizens’ Council
- Whitworth, Mark
- Wilder, Thomas
- Wilkins, Collie Leroy
- Wilson, Lionel
- Windham, T. C.
- Woods, Abraham
- Yankovich, David
- Yung, John