
Chapter Thirty-three


Lily stood inside the quaint room within the rectory. Sunlight sparkled through the decorative prismed glass window, creating a spectrum of colors. Her image reflected an equally radiant complexion in the long mirror—from her white two-inch t-strapped shoes, to her pleated white tea-length dress, and to the top of her fashionable white veiled pillbox. She slipped a few more pins around the sides, securing the fancy hat.

By her own judgment, the grandeur of her new style defined a higher societal class. Or did it? If that was her thinking, how had she behaved any better than the people who’d treated her poorly? Labeling people by how they dress, where they live, the amount of money they have, or the way they worship their God simply creates an unfair overgeneralization. Today would be a new beginning. Not only in a marriage with Benjamin but with a new perspective on life where she would always try to treat people uniquely as individuals.

Lily’s fingers trembled as she untied the bow from her shawl, draping the garment across the chair. Her skin had turned a rosy shade of pink from the warmth and her eager heart pounded at a rapid pace. Celia and Anna had left a few minutes ago to ask if the men were ready. The anticipation of catching sight of Benjamin dressed in a spiffy suit stirred all kinds of sensations.

Tap, tap, tap.

Lily twirled around. “Who is it?”

“It’s me, Benjamin.”

She rushed over to the door. “Is everything all right?”

“Yes, can you let me in?”

“We’re not supposed to see each other.” She braced her hand on the door frame. “It’s bad luck.”

“I have something I want to give you before the wedding. If you let me in, I promise not to peek.”

“Just a moment. I have a gift for you too.” Lily hurried over to the chair, picked up the box, and returned. “All right, turn around. We’ll keep our backs to each other.” She opened the door. “Hold my hand and I’ll guide you.” She grasped his fingers and an exhilarating tingle flowed across.

Benjamin’s feet shuffled across the carpet until they stood back to back. “I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you so much too.” Lily leaned into him and her stomach flip-flopped. “You do know...” She took a few breaths. “...being this close to each other is going to make it difficult not to look.”

“If I can promise to wait a little longer, you can too.” He squeezed her hand. “I decided to write you a letter. After this last month, I’ve got this composing down pat.” He slipped the envelope to her.

Lily exchanged the letter for her gift. “I hope you like it.”

“Please open your present first.”

She slipped the stationery out.

August 30, 1933 – Our Wedding Day


The first time we met, your beauty made me wordless. If you remember the day, I couldn’t stop gazing at you. As we got to know one another, your compassionate loving nature drew me closer. It didn’t take long for me to fall in love with you so deeply I couldn’t ever see my life any other way. It is the reason I followed you to Milwaukee and I would have traveled anywhere till the day our eyes met again. Thank you for being who you are and encouraging me to take hold of my life.

Our love has brought us to this joyous day. Today I become your husband and you my wife. We will walk together, face many happy, and hopefully not so many sad times but we will do it as one. I know our love will endure through it all. I want to make a written promise today. In the event I falter, you’ll have this in writing to remind me. From this day on, I promise to love you with all my heart and soul for as long as God allows us to be together on this earth. Each day, I will make every effort to let you know how much you mean to me. I can’t imagine loving you more than I do today but I hope and pray our love will multiply over the years. The vows we will be saying soon to one another are on the enclosed paper. On our anniversary, I thought we could say them to one another as a renewal of our commitment.

I am eager for us to continue our journey so don’t make me wait any longer. I think we’ve waited long enough.

All my love from your soon to be husband,


Lily blotted a handkerchief under her eyes. “Your letter is as sweet and charming as you are and I’m excited for us to be together forever too.” She sniffled. “Please open your present.”

The paper crumpled. “Let’s see what we have here.” The lid squeaked as the box slid open. “Wow! This minnow looks real. It’s great.”

“I’m glad you like it. I thought a fishing lure would be an appropriate remembrance of our first date and our first kiss.” Lily turned around. “If you can keep your eyes closed, I’d love a kiss before we say our vows.”

“You’ve got me hooked.” Benjamin whirled around and drew her close. “Every time I use this fishing, I’ll be reminded of how you reeled me in.”

Lily laughed. “Is that so?” She placed her hands on Benjamin’s chest. “I’m never going to let you go. You’re absolutely the catch of a lifetime.” Finally, she had found the man she craved. The one she could not live without.

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