
Polly and Buster run out the front door and find a morpett tree with wide, low branches that looks perfect for climbing. Buster swings up easily – his arms are long and strong – and once he finds a good hollow for them to nestle into, he pulls Polly up beside him. Mortimer waves at them from the kitchen window and they wave back.

The sun shines through the leaves and dapples their faces. They watch a speckled treeworm climb slowly up the trunk beside them. In the distance, the forest hums with the chatter and chirrup of birds swooping in and out of the trees. ‘I like it here,’ Buster says, leaning back against the trunk of the tree, his paws behind his head. ‘I like Mortimer and Flora and of course having an adventure with you. But I do miss my mum. I hope Miss Spinnaker comes back soon so we can go home.’


‘Me too,’ says Polly. She leans against Buster. He is as soft and comforting as a favourite blanket and he smells like the trees. He begins to hum and she can feel the reverberation of his deep voice through his chest. It is their made-up song.

‘Me and you, you and me,
that’s the way it will always be,’

he croons, and Polly feels him expand with happiness.

Dear old Buster, she thinks. It doesn’t take much to make him happy. As long as he has a belly full of food and a tree to lie in.

Sometimes Polly wishes she was as uncomplicated as Buster – more fun and less worry. But even now, when she should be feeling as carefree as he does, she can’t help worrying about where Miss Spinnaker might be, and why she is taking so long, and, most importantly, how they are going to get Buster safely back to his family while those nasty witches are out there, looking for him.

If only Malorie hadn’t told her mother about Buster coming to my window, Polly thinks crossly. She remembers how her classmate had almost convinced her they could be friends. It’s just stupid that Mrs Halloway thinks she can make other witches believe Buster is dangerous. I mean, just look at him! Buster is about the sweetest, kindest monster you could ever meet. Anyone with two eyes could see that!

She looks at her old friend, stretched out along the tree branch, eyes closed and crooning happily, and smiles.

Just then, Polly hears a noise: a familiar buzzing sound coming from above that makes her skin prickle in fear.

‘Shh!’ she warns Buster, and puts a finger to her lips.

He stops singing and his eyes grow wide.

Polly listens again. She would know that sound anywhere. It’s the buzz of a SILVER 500. The newest and most powerful broomstick around. And there is only one witch Polly knows who owns one of those.

Mrs Halloway!

Polly’s heart begins to pound. She inches her bottom up the branch so she is completely hidden by the leaves. Buster’s green fur camouflages him well, but she gestures for him to stay still and quiet anyway.

Sure enough, Mrs Halloway’s broomstick comes into view just above them. Polly watches in horror as it hovers above Flora’s little house for a while, then drifts downwards to land gently on the ground.

Mrs Halloway props her broomstick against a tree, then walks along the stepping-stone path towards the front door. Polly holds her breath. She takes Buster’s paw and feels it shrink a little in her own.

Oh no, oh no, oh no! Polly thinks. Where in blooming moons is Miss Spinnaker?

Mrs Halloway raps the heavy brass knocker three times and Flora opens the door. Compared to tall and spindly Mrs Halloway, Flora looks like a little pudding in her faded grey smock and yellow cardigan. But before Mrs Halloway can even open her mouth to speak, Flora has wrapped her arms tightly around her waist in a happy embrace.

‘Oh! What a lovely surprise!’ Flora calls out loudly in her high, raspy voice. ‘It’s little Deidre Halloway. Iris’s old classmate. How lovely to see you!’

Polly can tell Flora is yelling this out as loudly as she can as a warning for them all to hear. She can’t see Mrs Halloway’s face but she sees her thin body stiffen in Flora’s arms. Flora pulls back again to look up into Mrs Halloway’s face, her hands still firmly clasping her shoulders.

‘Oh, look at you! You haven’t changed a bit. Just a little greyer around the temples, but that happens to the best of us,’ she says, patting her own dyed-pink frizz. ‘What’s taken you so long to come and visit me, dearie? How did you know I was here? You still keep up with Iris, do you?’

Finally Mrs Halloway opens her mouth to speak, but even though she is trying to sound authoritarian, her voice comes out flustered and awkward after Flora’s unexpected flurry of enthusiasm.

‘Yes, er, no, I mean, it’s Iris who I am looking for, Mrs Spinnaker,’ she says. ‘I saw your son in town and he let me know you live out here now,’ she says, her voice sounding firmer. ‘I thought you might know where your daughter is? I have reason to believe she might be hiding a very dangerous monster.’

Polly hears Buster gasp and she squeezes his paw tightly, telling him to be quiet. He shrinks a little further.

‘Oh no,’ Flora says, shaking her head convincingly. ‘Iris doesn’t visit me much anymore. I would have no idea what she’s up to these days, I’m afraid. But that’s children for you, isn’t it? Slave after them their whole childhoods and then they grow up and you don’t see hide nor hair of them. I do hope you are a better daughter to your mother than my Iris is …’ she rambles.

What a good liar you are!  Polly thinks. She is amazed at how calm Flora seems.

‘And as for monsters,’ Flora continues, ‘well, like the rest of us, she doesn’t have anything to do with them, as far as I know. After all, it wouldn’t do to have such a well-respected teacher mixing with monsters now, would it?’

‘Hmm …’ says Mrs Halloway. But Polly hears by the tone of her voice that she is not completely convinced. ‘Well, maybe you might like to invite me inside?’ she asks, and Polly’s heart begins to race. ‘I’ve been flying for hours now and I wouldn’t mind a cup of tea and to sit down for a while …’

At that moment Flora begins to cough. She bends over, clutching her chest, and

and hacks

all over the place. Mrs Halloway takes a step backwards.

‘Oh, sorry,’ Flora says, standing upright again and wiping her mouth on her sleeve. ‘I don’t know if I’d be coming inside if I were you. You see, I’ve a terrible case of flackity at the moment.’ Flora squeezes her eyes tight and for a moment her face becomes as pink as her hair. Then Polly hears a loud noise


Polly has to pinch her lips together to stop herself from giggling and she glares as Buster to remind him not to laugh. It would be a disaster if he began to blow up in size!

‘Oops! Oh, I do beg your pardon!’ Flora says. ‘Was up all night with it, I was. It’s awfully contagious, too. You don’t want a case of flackity when you’re obviously such a busy witch now, do you, dear?


I wouldn’t risk it. But don’t worry, if I hear from Iris, I’ll be sure to tell her you called by. I’m so happy to hear you two witches are still in touch. Thank you so much for dropping by, dearie. And do give my regards to your mother.’

And with these last words, Flora steps back into the house and pulls the heavy door firmly shut behind her.

Mrs Halloway hesitates at the door for a moment, then spins around and snatches up her broomstick. Polly catches a glimpse of her angry red face as she lifts up from the ground and zooms past them to clear the trees once more.

Only then, when Mrs Halloway is a black speck against the clear blue sky, can Polly finally breathe normally again.
