
Monster-sized thanks to all my early readers: Cassandra Austin, Davina Bell, Kristen from Squishy Minnie and especially the wonderful L-J and Lija from Three, Four Knock on the Door, who gave me that final boost of confidence to send this next book out into the world.

Without the invaluable support of Marisa, Penny and Luna this story would still be floating around in my head somewhere and I am so grateful to everyone at Hardie Grant Egmont for all their hard work, as well as our amazing designer, Stephanie Spartels, who makes magic happen every time.

I also want to thank all the wonderful children’s booksellers I meet while travelling around this country. We would be nowhere without you. I wish I had the space to name you all but will start by giving a special shout out to Leesa at the Little Bookroom, who genuinely makes the world a better place.

Lastly, my biggest thanks go to all my readers. Yes, YOU, right now, reading this book. YOU are who are I write for and who inspire me to sit at my desk each day wrestling with stories that won’t behave themselves and daring me to venture into those dark places. This book, more than any other I have written, is for you.