Sources and Acknowledgements





Aitken, D.G.

Letters, 1944 (Imperial War Museum)

Anon., Berkshire

Quoted in Over Here by Juliet Garidner, 1992

Arnold, James

Quoted in D-Day by Warren Tute, 1974

Baxter, K.P.

Quoted in D-Day by Warren Tute, 1974

Bellows, J.H.

Normandy Veterans Associations newspaper

Blacker, Stanley

Interview with author, 1993

Bloemertz, Gunther

Heaven Next Stop, 1973

Bone, H.T.

Letter, 1944 (Imperial War Museum)

Bradley, Omar

A Soldier’s Story, 1954

Bullen, R.S.

Quoted in Normandy: Then and Now, 1994

Burgett, Donald

Screaming Eagles, 1962

Burkinshaw, Philip

Alarms and Excursions, 1992

Burton, J.E.

Memoir in D-Day Chronicles by Rupert Curtis (unpub.)

Butcher, H.C.

My Three Years with Eisenhower, 1962

Byrom, James

Unfinished Man, 1957

Coleman, John G.

Letter to author, 1993

Collard, G.

Letter to author, 1993

Coney, Ken

Quoted in Alan Hart (q.v.), diary, 1944

Cooling, J.H.

Letter, 1944 (Imperial War Museum)

Dale, G.E.

Diary, 1944 (Imperial War Museum)

Davies, Peter

Interview with author, 1993

Dawson, Joseph T.

Interview with author, 1993

Edmunds, Islwyn

Letter to author, 1993

Gale, Richard

With the 6th Airborne Division in Normandy, 1948

Gariepy, Leo

Quoted in D-Day by Warren Tute, 1974

Gillies, H.S.

Letter, 1944 (Imperial War Museum)

Goode, F.D.

Unpublished memoir (Imperial War Museum)

Hall, John

A Soldier of the Second World War, 1987

Hart, Alan

Diary, 1944

Hartill, Harry

Letter to author, 1993

Hayden, J.G.

Interview, 1993

Hayn, Friederich

Quoted in Defeat in the West by M. Shulman, 1973

Hemingway, Ernest

By-Line, 1968

Herklotz, Richard

Interview with author, 1993

Hewison, W.

Unpublished memoir (Imperial War Museum)

Hodenfield, H.

Stars and Stripes, 1944

Holladay, A.J.

Diary, 1944 (Imperial War Museum)

Houston, R.J.

D-Day to Bastogne, 1991

Hughes, G.E.

Diary, 1944 (Imperial War Museum)

Johnson, Elliott

Quoted in The Good War by Studs Terkel, 1984

Johnson, Johnnie

Wing Leader, 1956

Jones, Gordon

Interview, 1993

Jones, W. Emlyn

Unpublished narrative and interview with author, 1993

Keegan, John

Six Armies in Normandy, 1984

Kellar, H.M.

Unpublished memoir

Kiefer, Philippe

Beret Vert, 1982

Kortenhaus, W.

Interview, 1993

Lelanoy, Odette

Interview, 1993

Leonard, Alfred

Interview with author, 1993

Leveel, M.

Interview, 1993

Macduff, Robert

Taped memoir, 1993

McGregor, Edward W.

Interview, 1993

Macnab, R.C.

Letter, 1944 (Imperial War Museum)

Melville, Alan

First Tide, 1945

Meyer, Kurt

Panzermeyer, 1971

Miles, Leonard

Interview, 1993

Moorehead, Alan

Eclipse, 1975

Morgan, Frederick

Overture to Overlord, 1950

Morgan, Stanley

Interview, 1993

Morris, Ted

Interview, 1993

Osborne, J.V.

Letter to author, 1993

Petrie, Miss

Diary, 1944 (Imperial War Museum)

Poppel, Martin

Heaven & Hell, 1988

Price, Nevin F.

Letter to author, 1993

Prior, Peter

Quoted in Hereford Times, 1974

Pritchard, P.H.B.

Unpublished memoir (Imperial War Museum)

Pyle, Ernie

The G.I.’s War, 1974

Rehm, Mike

Quoted in D-Day, ITN Granada, 1984

Reynaud, H.

Ste Mere Eglise, 1990

Richards, Lewis

Memoir 1944, and official citation

Ridgway, Matt B.

Soldier, 1958

Roach, P.

8.15 to War, 1969

Rommel, Erwin

The Rommel Papers, edited by Basil Liddell-Hart, 1953

Seymour, William

Interview, 1993

Smith, Albert H.

Interview, 1993

Smith, William B.

Letter to author, 1993

Staff Officer, 17


SS Panzer Grenadiers

Quoted in Defeat in the West by M. Shulman, 1973

Stover, Russell

Memoir published in Twenty-Niner Newsletter, the journal of the 29th Division Association

Tateson, T.

Unpublished narrative (Imperial War Museum)

Thomas, Donald

Interview, 1993

Thomas, Richard

Interview, 1993

Thomas, Mary

Interview, 1993

Tilly, G.

Letters, 1944 (Imperial War Museum)

Tout, Ken

Tanks, Advance!, 1989

Townsend, G.G.

Unpublished memoir

Vaughan, Donald

Interview, 1993

de Vigneral, Anne

Diary, 1944 (Imperial War Museum)

Weightman, W.C.

Diary, 1944 (Imperial War Museum)

Wells, C.J.

Interview, 1993

Williams, Alun

Letter to author, 1993

Wright, Ken

Letter, 1944, in D-Day Chronicles by R. Curtis (unpub.)

Young, Peter

Storm from the Sea, 1974

Zimmer, Private

Unpublished diary (Library of Congress)


Addendum to Sources and Acknowledgements, 2013

Anonymous Allied Intelligence Officer, Interrogation of German PoWs, National Archives, DEFE 2/490

Eric Bush, Bless Our Ship, George, Allen & Unwin, 1958

Alan Carter, Imperial War Museum (Sound Archive)

Keith Douglas, ‘Actors waiting in the wings of Europe’, from Keith Douglas: Collected Poems, ed. John Walker, GS Fraser, & JC Hall, Faber 1966

Robert Edlin, quoted in June 6, 1944: The Voices of D-Day, Gerald Astor, St Martins Press, 1994. Copyright © 1994 Gerald Astor

8th Canadian Infantry Brigade, War Diary, National Archives WO179/2886

14th Canadian Field Ambulance, War Diary, National Archives WO179/3370

Dennis Glover, quoted in The War at Sea, ed. John Winton, Hutchinson, 1967

Private William Gray, Imperial War Museum (Sound Archive)

Stanley Hollis, VC Citation, Supplement to the London Gazette, 15 August 1944

Johnnie Johnson, Wing Leader, Chatto & Windus, 1956

Helmuth Lang, quoted in Rommel, Desmond Young, Collins, 1950

Terence Otway, ‘Obituary’, Daily Telegraph, 25 July 2006

Vernon Scannell, ‘Bayonet Training’, Faber Book of War Poetry, ed. Kenneth Baker, Faber, 1997

David Tibbs, Imperial War Museum (Sound Archive)

Chester Wilmot, The Struggle for Europe, Collins, 1952

RM Wingfield, The Only Way Out, Hutchinson, 1955

The author has made every effort to trace the holders of any rights to copyrighted material which appears in this volume, and trusts that his apologies will be accepted for any omissions. Any queries regarding any such rights should be addressed to the author c/o the publisher. The author thanks the following publishers and others for permission to reprint extensively from copyrighted material: Henry Holt for extracts from A Soldier’s Story by Omar Bradley; by H.C. Butcher; Bantam Publishers and Century Hutchinson for extracts from Screaming Eagles by Donald Burgett; Philip Burkinshaw for extracts from Alarms and Excursions; Secker and Warburg Publishers for extracts from 8.15 to War by P. Roach; the estate of Rupert Curtis for extracts from the D-Day Chronicles (unpublished); HarperCollins Publishers for material from By-Line, copyright © 1944 Ernest Hemingway; Sidgwick and Jackson for material from D-Day by Warren Tute; Spellmont Publishing for extracts from Heaven & Hell by Martin Poppel; Hodder and Stoughton for material from Overture to Overlord by Frederick Morgan; Chatto and Windus for material from Unfinished Man by James Byrom.