
Chapter Eight





BUCKY WAVED TO FORTUNE as she retreated into Olive’s trailer.

“You take care of your aunt,” Bucky said. “Her welfare is the most important thing.”

As soon as Fortune disappeared inside, Bucky turned to Rosa and Shelby and whispered, “They found the map. It’s game on, ladies. Those three might need a stronger prodding to give it up. Care for a little slumber party to strategize?”

“I’ll go get some Jiffy Pop,” Shelby said.

Rosa noticed Martha staring at them. “Can I help you, Martha? Since you seem so intent on listening in on our private conversation?”

“Uh, huh,” Martha said. “You look real concerned about that gal’s aunt.” She cocked her head. “And what did that golf cart thief say about a map to the Lost Dutchman Mine?”

“Well, obviously that poor, old gal was mistaken,” Bucky said. “Didn’t you hear? She was sleepwalking. End of story.” She turned to Rosa and Shelby. “Come on, ladies, let’s go discuss ways to help Fortune’s poor, old Aunt Gertie.”

As they walked away, Martha called out to them, “You don’t think that’s why someone killed Olive, do you? Because she had a map to the Lost Dutchman Mine?”

Bucky’s stomach clenched. She turned back to Martha. “Olive died in her sleep. Also end of story.”

The smirk Martha shot Bucky was a corkscrew to her gut.