Richard Bauckham is Emeritus Professor of New Testament studies in the University of St Andrews, Scotland, and Senior Scholar at Ridley Hall, Cambridge, England. A Fellow of the British Academy and the Royal Society of Edinburgh, he is the author and editor of numerous books, including Jesus and the God of Israel: God Crucified and Other Studies on the New Testament’s Christology of Divine Identity; The Testimony of the Beloved Disciple: Narrative, History, and Theology in the Gospel of John; and Gospel of Glory: Major Themes in Johannine Theology.
Brandon D. Crowe is Associate Professor of New Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is the author of The Obedient Son: Deuteronomy and Christology in the Gospel of Matthew and The Message of the General Epistles in the History of Redemption: Wisdom from James, Peter, John, and Jude.
Mark S. Gignilliat is Associate Professor of Divinity at Beeson Divinity School in Birmingham, Alabama. He is the author of Karl Barth and the Fifth Gospel; A Brief History of Old Testament Criticism: From Benedict Spinoza to Brevard Childs; and Paul and Isaiah’s Servants: Paul’s Theological Reading of Isaiah 40–66 in 2 Corinthians 5:14–6:10.
Benjamin L. Gladd is Assistant Professor of New Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi. He is the author of Hidden but Now Revealed: A Biblical Theology of Mystery (with G. K. Beale); Making All Things New: Inaugurated Eschatology for the Life of the Church (with Matthew S. Harmon); and Revealing the Mysterion: The Use of Mystery in Daniel and Second Temple Judaism with Its Bearing on 1 Corinthians.
Jonathan I. Griffiths is a tutor for the Proclamation Trust’s Cornhill Training Course, UK. He is the author of Hebrews and Divine Speech and the editor of The Perfect Saviour: Key Themes in Hebrews.
Daniel Johansson is a lecturer in New Testament studies and Academic Dean at the Lutheran School of Theology, Gothenburg, Sweden. He has authored several scholarly essays in the Journal for the Study of the New Testament and Currents in Biblical Research, and is a contributor to Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception. His PhD thesis is entitled ‘Jesus and God in the Gospel of Mark: Unity and Distinction’.
Robert Letham is Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology at Union School of Theology in Bridgend, Wales. He is the author of numerous books, including The Holy Trinity: In Scripture, History, Theology, and Worship; Union with Christ: In Scripture, History, and Theology; and The Work of Christ.
Michael Reeves is President and Professor of Theology at Union School of Theology in Oxford, UK. He is the author of numerous books, including Delighting in the Trinity: An Introduction to the Christian Faith and Rejoicing in Christ, and the co-editor (with Hans Madueme) of Adam, the Fall, and Original Sin: Theological, Biblical, and Scientific Perspectives.
Brian S. Rosner is Principal of Ridley College, Melbourne, Australia. He is the author of numerous books, including Paul and the Law: Keeping the Commandments of God; Greed as Idolatry: The Origin and Meaning of a Pauline Metaphor; and (with Roy E. Ciampa) The First Letter to the Corinthians (Pillar New Testament Commentary).
Scott R. Swain is Professor of Systematic Theology and Academic Dean at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida. He is the author of several books, including Trinity, Revelation, and Reading: A Theological Introduction to the Bible and Its Interpretation; The God of the Gospel: Robert Jenson’s Trinitarian Theology; and Father, Son and Spirit: The Trinity in John’s Gospel (with Andreas J. Köstenberger).
Alan J. Thompson is a lecturer in New Testament at Sydney Missionary and Bible College in Sydney, Australia. He is the author of The Acts of the Risen Lord Jesus: Luke’s Account of God’s Unfolding Plan and One Lord, One People: The Unity of the Church in Acts in Its Literary Setting.
Mark D. Thompson is Principal and the head of the department of Theology, Philosophy and Ethics at Moore Theological College in Sydney, Australia. He is the author of several books, including A Clear and Present Word: The Clarity of Scripture; A Sure Ground on Which to Stand: The Relation of Authority and Interpretive Method in Luther’s Approach to Scripture; and Too Big for Words? The Transcendence of God and Finite Human Speech.
Carl R. Trueman is Paul Woolley Professor of Church History at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Pastor of Cornerstone Presbyterian Church. He is the author of several books, including Luther on the Christian Life: Cross and Freedom; John Owen: Reformed Catholic, Renaissance Man; and The Creedal Imperative.