Abelson, Philip,
A-bomb, ix; assembly, Corps
of Engineers, decision to use, delay in using, delivery
(see 509th Group under Air Force
and Air unit), deadline for,
designing, development
(see Project Y); explosive force,first,gun-type
(see Implosion); haste and,
high air burst, international implications of, magnitude of
project,mechanical requirements, names for, n;
operational plans, power requirements of plants, second, take-off base (see Tinian);
target date, targets,
testing, (see Alamogordo); U.S. entry into World
War II, Washington control over, (see also Manhattan Project, MED, and Project)
Accidents: gas diffusion process,
Oak Ridge,
Acheson, Dean,
Ackart, Everett G.,
Advisory Committee on Uranium,
African Metals,
Air Force, U.S., bomb and, comprehension of bomb, in England, responsibilities, Strategic Air Forces, targets, 3d Photo Reconnaissance Squadron, 20th, 21st Bomber Command, 393d Heavy Bombardment Squadron,
Composite Group, delivery of bomb, difficulty of, staging, strength, training,
Air unit, commander, navigational training, staff for,
Akers, W. A.,
Alamogordo, bomb (July 16),
choice of site, countdown, -
fallout, Farrell account, Groves report, Jumbo, n,
observation planes, postponement, press release,
radioactivity, reaction to,
results of, security, shock wave, strength of
explosion, tension at, time of, weather problem, White House press release,
Alberta group, aim,
Albuquerque, Sandia Base,
Allied Armies,
Allied Intelligence,
Allis, William,
Allison, Samuel,
Alpha separation process,
Alsos: advisory committee,
agents, Calvert group,
commander, on Continent, disbandment, France,
Germany, Heidelberg
headquarters, interservice
cooperation, Italy,
Joliot-Curie interrogation,
location of German scientists, London,
Mediterranean section,officers, Paris headquarters,purpose,
Rome targets, scientific
members, staffing, second
mission, Strasbourg,
Aluminum Company of America,
Amaldi, Dr.,
American Federation of Labor,
American industry: discretion,
involvement in Project, patriotism, strength of,
American technology,
Amherst College,
Anderson, John,
British-French agreement,
postwar developments, tripartite agreement,
Anderson, Roland A.,
Andre, Gaston,
Anglo-American intelligence Jiaison,
Antes, Donald
Arctic Circle, Argonne Forest,
Armed Forces Special Weapons Project,
Army, U.S., "about,"
atomic program, counterintelligence, du Pont and,
Fifth, Alsos and, atomic energy; nuclear weapons position, plutonium project, security responsibility,
Army Corps of Engineers, atomic
bomb,safety regulations,
Army District Engineer Offices,
Army Service Forces,
Army Services of Supply, Arnold, H. H.,
bomb control, Hiroshima, operational plan,
Project and, targets,
Arnold, J. H.,
Ashbridge, W.,
Ashworth, F. L., Tinian choice, weaponeer,
"Atom Gives Up, The,"
Atomic bomb (see A-bomb)
Atomic bomb project (see MED and
Manhattan Project)
Atomic energy, American intelligence, (see also Alsos);
American physicists, ; by-products, commissioners,diplomacy and,European scientists, French patents, implications of, interchange of
information,international controls, legislation, military uses,
peaceful uses,postwar
developments, propaganda on, research on,
voluntary international censorship,War Department,
Atomic Energy Act,
Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), establishment,
Atomic physics, ix, ixn
Atomic policy, making of,
Atomic weapons, types,
Attlee, Clement, international controls,
Auer-Gesellschaft, Oranienburg,
Auger, Pierre,
Axis Powers,
bomb delivery, modifications, Pacific Theatre,take-off base,(see
also Hiroshima)
Babcock and Wilcox,
Bacher, Robert F.,
Badger & Sons, E. B.,
Bagge, Erich,reaction
to Hiroshima,
Bailey, Agent,
Bain, George W.,
Bainbridge, K.
Baker, A. L.,
Bankers Trust Co., N.Y.,
Bard, Ralph A.,
Barker, C. D.,
Barkley, Alben W.,
Barnard, Chester,
Barnes, Philip,
Barnes, Thomas,
Bart Laboratories,
Baruch, Bernard,
Bateman, George C,
Battelle Institute,
Battle of the Bulge,
Beahan, Kermit K.,
Beatson, Agent,
Behler, Fred,
Belgian Congo: resources, uranium ore: richness,
tripartite agreement,
Belgium: German occupation,
of, tripartite agreement,uranium ore,
{see also Belgian Congo)
Bell, Daniel,
Berg, Moe,
Berkeley lab,demobilization,
espionage in,Japanese
contacts,{see also University of California)
Berlin: bombing of,Dahlem,heavy water,Institute of Physics,Russian zone,uranium plant,
Beta separation process,
Bethe, Hans A.,
Betts, E. C,
Betts, T. J.,
Bikini tests, ;
Joint Task Forces,
Bisingen-Hechingen area,
Bissell, Clayton L.,
Blackett, P. M. S.,
Blair, Robert C,
Blandy, W. H, P.,
Bliss, Lyman, A.,
Board of Economic Warfare,
Bohr, Niels,
Bomber missions,
Bonneville Dam,
Bothe, Walther,
Boulder Dam,
Bowen, H. G.,
Bradbury, Norris,
Bradley, Omar, on Russians,
Branch, R. T.,
Bridges, Styles,
British Atomic Energy Office,
British Intelligence,
British scientists,
gaseous diffusion process,
interchange of information,
Manhattan Project, {see also Fuchs, Klaus)
British 21st Army Group,
British Supply Cabinet,
Brodie, Capt.,
Brown, Edward J.,
Bull, H. R.,
Bullock, J. C,
Bundy, Harvey,interchange of information,Smyth Report,
Bush, Vannevar, Alamogordo,Alsos,atomic intelligence activities,Combined
Policy Committee, ; Congressional briefing,decision
making,Groves and,
Interim Committee,letter to Roosevelt on U.S. responsibility, Military Policy Committee,nuclear program report (1942),patents, postwar developments,U.S.-British
interchange of information,-White House liaison,
Buxton, G. E.,
Byrnes, James F.,Interim
Committee, postwar developments,
California Institute of Technology,
Calvert, Horace K.
In France,London
mission, Stassfurt mission, Union Miniere ore,
Canada,Anglo-American agency,Combined Development Trust, Combined Policy Committee, National Research Council, postwar development, scientists in Manhattan Project, Tube Alloys Project,
uranium ore,U.S.
heavy water supply, ; U.S. interchange of information,
Cannon, Congressman,
Carnegie Institute (Washington),
Carpenter, Walter S., Jr.,
Carpenter, William,
Censorship, office of,(see also Press censorship)
CentreNationale de la RechercheScientifique,
Chadwick, James,Smyth Report,
Chapman, A. K.,
Chemical engineering,
Chemistry, in Project,
Cherwell, Lord,
Chicago lab, demobilization of,
du Pont liaison, European
scientists, friction,
patent claims,peacetime project, pile,pilot reactor,plutonium process, research,responsibility,
safety factor in design,(see also University of Chicago)
Chipman, John,
Chrysler Corp.,
Church, Gilbert P.,
Churchill, Winston S.,Groves' Alamogordo report,
Hyde Park aide-memoire,
interchange of information, Manhattan Project,optimism,Quebec Agreement,tripartite agreement,
use of bomb,
CIC: in Alsos,
Alsos agents,Stassfurt, mission,
Clayton, William L.,
"Clinton Engineer Works, The,"
Clinton Engineer Works,
electromagnetic plant, medical
program, pile,
semi-works, pile, primary
purpose, reason for building, speed factor,(see also Oak Ridge)
Collbohm, F. R.,
College of France,
Colorado Plateau, uranium ore,
Colt, Sloan,
Columbia River,fish conservation,
Columbia University (lab), demobilization, gas diffusion process, SAM laboratory, U-235 research,
Combined Chiefs of Staff,
bomb control, knowledge of bomb,
Combined Development Trust,
American funds
for, American trustees, "Declaration of
Trust," German supplies, territorial jurisdiction,
Combined Policy Committee, establishment,
Committee of the Privy Council for
Scientific and Industrial Research,
Compton, Arthur H., estimate on bomb production,
group (see Chicago lab); Nobel
Prize winner,physics of
bomb development,radioactive
Compton Effect,
Compton, Karl T.,
Conant, James B., Alamogordo, British-French
atomic agreement, ; Combined
Policy Committee, Interim
Committee, letter to Oppenheimer on Los Alamos,Los
Policy Committee,NRRC, chairman,postwar developments,radioactive poisoning,scientific adviser to Groves, Smyth Report, U.S.British interchange of information,
Condon, Edward U., resignation,
Congressional investigations,
Congressional Record,
Conklin, Frederick R.,
Conrad, George B.,
Consodine, W. A.,
Consolidated Mining and Smelting
Company of Canada,
Cook County Forest Commission,
Cooper, Governor,
Cooling (pile) methods,
Cornell University,
Corps of Engineers (see Army Corps of Engineers)
Creedon, F. C,
Crenshaw, Thomas T.,
Curie, Irene,
Curie, Marie,
Curie, L. M.,
Cyclotrons, Bothe and,Japanese, Joliot-Curie's,
Darwin, Charles,
Daniels, Farrington,
Davis, George C, D-Day,
Defense Plant Corp.,
de Gaulle, Charles,
Deionizing plants,
Dempster, A. J.,
Dennis, W. R.,
Dennison, D. M.,
Deny, J. H.,
DeSilva, Peer,
Dickinson, W. T.,
Diebner, Kurt, capture of,
Diebner, Frau,
Dill, John, Combined Policy
District, organization, security, (see also Manhattan Project and MED)
District Engineer,
Dix, Howard,
Doan, R. L.,
Donovan, William,
Dow, David,
Dudley, J. H.,
Dunning, John R., Ill
du Pont, in
Alsos, Chicago liaison,
Compton on, fee, Hanford
administrators, heavy-water program, ; patent rights,plutonium project, profit,
safety precautions, TNX,
Durkin, M. P.,
Eastman Kodak Co.,
Echols, Oliver P.,
Eindhoven, uranium ore in,
Einstein, Albert, letter to Roosevelt,
Eisenhower, Dwight D.,
atomic policy,Chief of
Staff,Japanese cyclotrons,military in Project,
Operation Harborage,
President,radioactive warfare
threat, scientific intelligence
Eldorado Mining Co.,
Electromagnetic plant, hazards, pri-
ority,recruitment for, support, {see also Y-12)
Electromagnetic process,
British efforts in, chemistry, Lawrence and, pilot
Ellis, James,
Engel, Albert J.,
England {see Great Britain)
Enola Gay,
Ent, U. G.,
Essau, Abraham,
ETOUSA (European Theater of Operation, U.S.A.),
Europe: atomic energy projects, U.S. Occupation Forces,
European scientists, Chicago group, use of
bomb against Japan,
Evans, R. M.,
Exponential experiment,
Exponential pile, Berlin,
Fallout, Alamogordo, rain and, radioactive, In
Farm Hall,
Farrell, Thomas F.,
Alamogordo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki bomb, operational plan, transition period,
Fat Man bomb, assembly,
explosive force, flight testing, postwar development, production of, testing date, {see also Implosion bomb)
FBI: MED cooperation, security and,
Federal Reserve Bank,
Feis, Herbert,
Felbatk, George T.,
Fercleve Corp.,
Ferebee, Thomas,
Ferguson, H. K., Co.,
Ferguson, Senator,
Fermi, Enrico, Alamogordo, chain reaction, experimental atomic pile, test pile,
Fields, K. E.,
Fine, Paul C,
Finletter, Thomas K.,
Fisher, William P.,
Fisk, James,
Foreign-born, in Project, {see
also under nationality)
Fort Knox,
France: atomic energy position,
atomic energy project,
atomic patents, British
Atomic agreement, fall of,Project,underground resistance movement,{see also Alsos)
Franck, James,
Free French Provisional Government
French Army, d Armored
Division,Moroccan troops,
French scientists: problem of,
uranium fission,
Friedel, H. L.,
Frisch, O. R.,
Fuchs, Klaus,
Furnan, R. R.,
Fusion bomb,
G-2 {see under Army)
Gamma rays, tolerance dose,
Gary, Tom C,
Gaseous diffusion process, accidents,all-American
effort,British and, Columbia success,construction objectives,
gas corrosion, plant,
postwar, priority,Scientific Safety Committee,semiworks,Union Carbide,{see also K-25 project)
Gattiker, David,Stassfurt mission,
Gaudin, A. M.,
Geiger counters, Alamogordo,
General Electric,
General Motors Corp.,
General Policy Group,Sept., meeting,
General Staff, U.S.,Japanese
in Project,
George, H. L.,
George, Warren,
Gerlach, Walther,capture of,reaction to Hiroshima,
German Army Research,
German Chemical Society,
German National Research Council,
German scientists,
Alsos location of, anti-Nazi,capture of deficiency of work,
detention of, Farm Hall,in France,Heidelberg
group, Hiroshima, reaction
to, Joliot-Curie and,
,return to Germany,
search for, in U.S.
custody,after V-J Day,
; and war effort,
Germany,Allied bombings,Allied invasion, Alsos in, Ardennes offensive, atomic energy program,
Heidelberg group,in
Belgium,DE,division into
four zones,Fuchs,General Staff,Italian scientists
and, Jews,Lou vain
Library,Ministry of Education,Ministry of Trade
and Finance,"Oak Ridge,"
,U.S. bomb plan,{see also Nazis)
Gertner, Wolfgang,
Giles, Barney M.,Hiroshima,
Giordani, Dr.,
Goring, Hermann,
Goudsmit, Samuel A., German scientists,
Grand Coulee Dam,
Gray, Gordon,
Great Bear Lake,
Great Britain: atomic project code
name {see Tube Alloys); Combined
Development Trust, ; Combined Policy Committee, contributions to Manhattan Project, French atomic agreement, gaseous diffusion process, German bomb threat, German scientists in,
intelligence liaison with U.S., radium shipped to,security
measures, Supply Council,Travancore negotiations,
treason, feeling on,tripartite
agreement, Tube Alloys
Project,uranium ore,
-U.S. interchange,
U.S. postwar collaboration,
voluntary international censorship,
Greenewalt, Crawford H.liaison,
Grinnell Corp.,
Grogan, Les,
Groves, Leslie R.,a-bomb,Alamogordo,
Alsos, Arnold, atomic energy intelligence, atomic policy, bomb control,
brigadier general,British-French
agreement, Bush, on
combat, Combined Development
on command,committee
selection, Conant,on Condon, Edward,director of Project,
family, funds,
German scientists, Hanford, Hiroshima, irreplaceability, isotopes, Japanese cyclotrons,
Japanese invasion,
Joliot-Curie,Laurence, William L., Leahy,
Marshall, George C, May-Johnson
Bill hearings,mistakes, Nagasaki,Nimitz,operational plans, Oppenheimer,
, at Alamogordo, ; Parsons,Patterson,
postwar developments,
precautions,press censorship
on name,procedures, Roosevelt,safety
regulations,security rule,
Smyth Report, statement
to House Military Affairs Committee, statement to Special
Senate Committee on Atomic Energy, Stimson, tact,targets,
third bomb, transition period, Truman,uranium, search for, von Neumann,Washington headquarters,
Wilson, Roscoe C, (see also Operation Harborage)
Groves-Anderson Memorandum,
Guam, correspondents,military
Guarin, Paul L.,
Guderian, Heinz,
Gueron, Prof.,
Gun-type bomb,testing,
Gunn, Ross,
Hahn, Otto,
capture of,Hiroshima, reaction to, Nobel Prize,
Half-life (radioactive isotope),
Halifax, Lord,
Hall, A. E. S.,
Ham, R. C,
Hambro, Sir Charles,
Stassfurt mission,
Handy, T. T., Hiroshima, military in Project, third bomb,
Hanford, deionizing plant,design, developmental problems,electric
power,industry involvement, ; labor trouble, land procurement, living accommodations, medical program, morale, pile,
Plutonium, plant site, press security,procedure with subcontractors,
radiation, tolerance dose, reactors,(see also design); Red
Cross,religious facilities,
security,Senators at,
separation process,water-cooling,women at,
Harmon, J. M.,
Harmon, M. F.,
Harrington, Willis,
Harrison, Eugene L.,
Harrison, George L., Hiroshima,Interim Committee, ;
Smyth Report,
Harteck, Dr.,capture of,
Harvard University,
Hawkins, David,
Hawley, Paul R.,
Health safeguards, (see also under process)
Canadian project,
French,Germany,Italian scientists, Norway,
Hechingen,capture of,in
French zone,(see Operation Harborage)
Heidelberg, Alsos in,
Heisenberg, Werner, capture of,
Hiroshima, reaction to,
Helium-cooling (see under Piles)
Hermanns, Use,
Hilberry, Norman,
Hill, the,(see also Los Alamos)
Hill, Tom B.,
Himmler, Heinrich,
air-sea-rescue plans,
bomb, assembly, production,casualties,crews,devastation,Farrell report,German
scientists' reaction, log of
flight,military objective,
news ban on, observer
planes,photographs, planes, number of,Presidential release,report to Marshall,result of,strike
(bombing),Smyth Report,target, U-235 for
bomb,visual bombing,
Hirschfelder, Joseph,
Hitler, Adolf,
New Order,scientists,
Hitlerism, growth of,
Hodgson, John S.,
Hoover, J. Edgar,
Hopkins, Harry,
Howard, N. R.,
Howe, Mr., Combined Policy Committee,
Hubbard, Dr.,
Hughes, A. L.,
Hull, Cordell,
Hull, J. E., Japanese cyclotrons,
Hyde Park aide-memoire,
Hydrogen bomb,
Ickes, Harold L.,U.S. atomic
Ihee, Dr.,
Imperial Chemicals, Ltd.,
Imperial College of Science and Technology,
Imperial Trust for the Encouragement of Scientific and Industrial
Implosion, bomb,theory,
Information exchange, U.S.-British,
Ingles, H. C,
Intelligence, Project-London
liaison, (see also Alsos and
Military intelligence)
Interim Committee,
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers,
International negotiations: Project,on uranium,(see also
Combined Development Trust)
International Nickel Co.,
International relations, xii; Roosevelt
personal handling of,
Invasion (Western Europe),Groves and,intelligence
opportunities from, 207ff.; radioactive poisons threat,
Ismay, Gen.,
Italian scientists,
Italy,Alsos in, American intelligence activities, armistice, July,atomic project,Navy,scientific research,
Iwo Jima,emergency facilities,Japanese on,
Jadwin, Gen.,
James, Edwin L.,
Jansen, Dr.,
Japan,American air raids
on,Army, headquarters,atomic attack on, xiii,
atomic program,bombing,cyclotrons, destruction
of, decision to use bomb
against, first bomb, date for,invasion,Leahy on,Navy,operations against,
Pacific Coast threat,Potsdam ultimatum,psychological warfare against, second bomb,surrender,targets, U.S. in bombing range,U.S. Occupation Forces,(see also Hiroshima and Nagasaki)
Japanese scientists,
Jepson, Morris,
Joachimsthal mines,
Johnson, John R.,
Joint Chiefs of Staff, xi,bomb:
control, knowledge of,
enemy equipment,German
division,Japanese invasion
strategy, targets,
Joliot-Curie, Frederic,
German scientists and,Gertner and,Groves and,knowledge of U.S. atomic
effort, Sir John
Jones, Edwin L.,
Jones, J. A. Co.,
Jones & Lamson,
K-25 project, British
scientists and, cleanliness control measures, costs, ; plant,
power needs,sabotage,
special conditioning area,work
force, (see also Gaseous diffusion process)
Kaiser Wilhelm Institute (Berlin),
Katanga ores,(see Union Miniere
and Uranium ore supply)
Kearton, C. F.,
Keitel, Wilhelm,
Keith, P. C,
Keller, K. T.,
Kellex Corp., British scientists and,
Kellogg Co., M. W., Ill
Kennedy, J. W.,
Kettering, Charles,
Kilgore, Senator,
King, Ernest J.,power,
King, Mackenzie,
Kirkpatrick, E. E.,
Kistiakowsky, George,
Knoxville, Tenn.,
press censorship,
Kokura, Arsenal,
Korshing, Dr.,reaction to Hiroshima,
Kowarski, Lew,
Kuhn, Richard,
Kyle, William,Smyth Report,
Kyoto,Imperial University,
Stimson and,target,
Kyushu,invasion date,
"Laboratory for the Development of
Substitute Materials" or "DSM,"
Lane, James,
Lansdale, John Jr., ;
Operation Harborage,Stassfurt mission,
Laurence, William L.,
Lavender, R. A.,
Lawrence, Ernest O., In, Alamogordo,cyclotrons,
electromagnetic separation,
Leahy, William D.,disbelief in
bomb, / Was There,
Leclerc, Jean,
Lee, Frank G.,
Lee, Gen.,
Leith, C. K.,
LeMay, Curtis, bomb delivery, Hiroshima, Nagasaki
bomb,operational plans,
Letter of intent,
Lewis, W. K.,
Liaison, within Project,
Lilienthal, David E.,
Linsay plant (Chicago),
Lipkin, William P.,
Little Boy bomb, assembly, explosive force, Hiroshima,(see also Thin Man bomb)
Llewellin, John,
Lobito, Portuguese Angola,
Lockhart, Jack,
London: American Embassy,
Alsos in,Project liaison
office, tripartite agreement,
Los Alamos, aircraft safety studies,Alberta division,Army
at, Ballistics Group,
Bikini tests,British at,
censorship of mail, Certificate of Appreciation,commanding officer,coordinating
council, Delivery Group,dependence on Project,
director,{see Oppenheimer);
engineering,equipment procurement, Explosives Division, First Technical Service Detachment, governing board, ; liaison with
Project, living conditions, Navy at, ordnance program, peace
postwar reorganization, press security,problems, recruitment,
research organization, Review Committee, ; rumors
about, scientists,
second implosion bomb test program,security,
,site location, Smyth
Report,speed, necessity of,targets,technical
series,thermal diffusion plant,Tinian, University,uranium,Wendover Field,(see also Project Y)
Lothian, Marquess of,aide-mem'
Lovett, Robert A.,
Lowe, Frank,
Lowlands, Alsos in,
Luce, Clare Boothe,
Luedecke, A. R.,
Lyons, George,
MacArthur, Douglas,
Japanese cyclotrons,
McCarthy, Col.,
McCarthy, Frank,
McCloy, John J.,
McCone, John,
McCormack, John W.,
McMahon, Brian,
McMahon Act,
McMillan, E. M.,
McMorris, Charles H.,
NcNally, James G.,
McNarney, Joseph T.,
McNinch, J. H.,
Madigan, Jack,
Mahon, Congressman,
Makins, Roger,Smyth Report,
Manhattan District,intelligence activities,
Manhattan Engineer District (see MED)
Manhattan Project, ix,
Air Force support of,
Alsos in Germany,American
lives and,British contributions
to, British Scientific Group, Bush liaison with White
names,courtesy policy,
Groves in charge of, ix; headquarters, Los Alamos liaison,mission,morale,
number in,officer messengers,reasons for telling story of, x;
scientists, postwar,security, salaries,success factors, speed paramount,
use of bomb,workers'
lives, (see MED and under names of plants)
Manley, J. H.,
Maris, Mrs. (see Steinmetz, Beatrice M.)
Marshall, George C, Alamogordo,Alsos,atomic
energy intelligence,bomb: control, delivery, Congressional briefing,
Groves, directive, operational plan,
policy on atomic energy,at
Potsdam, ; power,
radioactive warfare threat, scientific intelligence,
Stassfurt mission,targets, third bomb, (see
also Operation Harborage)
Marshall, James C,
Martin, Joseph W., Jr.,
Matthias, F. T.,
Maurer, Werner,
May-Johnson Bill
MED, Alsos,atomic
liaison,characteristic (example),command channels,Congress,"creeps," number of, engineering difficulties, FBI cooperation,
functioning,funds,German scientists,Groves, director of, confidence in,
intelligence,major effort of,medical section, naming,ore supply,Pacific
Coast installations,patent
work, personnel limitations, press security,
priorities, radioactive isotopes, Scientific
Intelligence Mission (see Alsos);
security, Sengier,silver, responsibility for, Smyth
diffusion process, transition
period, (see Manhattan Project)
Medical research,
Mehring & Hanson Co.,
Meitner, Lise,
Merritt, Phillip L.,
Metal Hydrides,
Metallurgical Laboratory, Greenewalt,Hanford
site, approval of,Los Alamos
liaison, (see also Chicago lab)
Metallurgical Project,
Metals Reserve Corp.,
Military Intelligence, Alsos Project,
Military Policy Committee, Akers'
proposals,British-U.S. interchange,Bush and,demise,in operational plan,
opposition to Oppenheimer,
report to Roosevelt (Dec. 1942), Smyth Report,
targets,uranium ore supply,
Mills, Earle,
Minissini, Vice Admiral,
Mission orders,
MIT, @
Mitchell, Dana P.,
Mitchell, Senator,
Monazite, sources of,
Monsanto Chemical Co.,
Montgomery, Bernard L.,
Moynihan, John F.,
Murphree, E. V.,
bomb,bombing, date of,casualties,destruction,importance of,news dispatch,photo
planes,POW camp, shock waves,strike plane,
target date,weather,
National Advisory Committee on
X-Ray and Radium Protection,
National Defense Research Committee (see NDRC)
Naval Research Laboratory,
Navy, U.S.,Bikini tests,bombing action,
Bureau of Ships,intelligence,Los Alamos, and Project,scientists,thermal diffusion
process, uranium research,
Neddermeyer, S. H.,
Nelson, Donald,
Netherlands East Indies,
New York,Project suboffices,
uranium ore shipped to,
New York Herald Tribune,
New York Times,
Nichols, K. D., District
Engineer,interchange of information,Oppenheimer letter,replaceability,
Nimitz, Chester W., power,Tinian,
Nobel Prize,status of
Nolan, Capt,
Norstad, Lauris,
Hiroshima,take-off base,
North Africa, invasion,
Norway, heavy water,
Nuclear energy, ixn,(see
Atomic energy)
Nuclear program, production methods,
Oak Ridge, accidents,
atomic engineering training,
complexity of problem,
Congressmen at, electromagnetic plant,
(see also Y-12); Fuchs and,
gaseous diffusion process,
labor force, leadership,medical program,
morale, operational plan,postwar employment,
press security,procedure
with subcontractors,radiation
system,thermal diffusion
plant, union leaders,
Occupation Forces, U.S.: Europe,Japan,
Office of the Chief of Engineers,
Office of Scientific Research and Development (see OSRD)
Okinawa,Japanese on,
Old, Bruce S.,
O'Leary, Mrs.,
ONI (see Navy, intelligence)
Operation Crossroads (see Bikini tests)
Operation Harborage,
Operational plans: directive,
Groves' memorandum, organization,
Operations Planning Division (OPD)
of General Staff,
Oppenheimer, J. Robert,Alamogordo, Conant
letter on Los Alamos, Los
Alamos: director, postwar program,
loyalty, Groves on,Nagasaki
bomb,Nichols uranium
estimate,ordnance development,postwar developments,Project Y,resignation,salary,security
risk,Smyth Report,targets, thermal diffusion
Oranienburg,bombing of,
Osaka Imperial University,
Osenberg, Prof.,
Alsos,atomic program,establishment,S-I Executive Committee,scientists,Smyth Report,
Uranium Committee,
OSS,in Alsos,atomic
Pacific Coast, radio announcement of
Alamogordo test,
Paris: atomic research,(see also
Joliot-Curie); Alsos in,
German occupation,liberation
Parish, W. A., Jr.,
Park, Richard,
Parker T. B.
Parsons, Capt.,
Parsons, William B.,
Parsons, William S., ; Bikini test,decision making,Hiroshima,Nagasaki bomb,
Pash, Boris T., Brussels,chief of German mission,France, German
scientific roundup, Operation Harborage,Stassfurt
mission,Strasbourg T-force,uranium ore capture,
Patents, claims,
du Pont rights,French,
Patterson, Robert P., atomic policy,Japanese cyclotrons,
legislation,military in
Project,postwar developments,statement to
House Military Affairs Committee,statement to Special Senate
Committee on Atomic Energy,
Patterson-Brown plan,
Pearson, Lester,
Pegram, George B.,
Peierls, R.,
Penney, William G., ; decision
Pentagon, construction,
Smyth Report,
Perrin, Francis,
Perrin, Michael,Stassfurt mission,
Personnel Security Board,
Petain, Henri,
Peterson, Arthur V.,
Phelps Dodge Copper Products Co.,
Philadelphia Navy Yard,
Pile,cooling methods,control
Fermi message,helium vs.
water-cooled,location, number needed,radioactive
isotopes,shielding for,
test (Dec. 1942), water
supply for, {see also Reactor)
Pilot reactor plant,
Planck, Max,
Plutonium,Alamogordo test,
Germany,Los Alamos,
military possibilities, obtaining,process,production, transportation of,
Plutonium plant: health hazards,
priority,site, (see Hanford)
Plutonium project, amount
needed per bomb, Compton
estimates, construction,du Pont, engineering, operation, phenomenal achievement,production phase,quantity production, theoretical basis,
Potsdam Conference, Truman at,ultimatum,
Press, American, cooperation of,
Press censorship, banned
word list,principles of,
Press releases: on a-bombings,
Alamogordo,Hiroshima, Pacific Theater,
Price, Byron,
Princeton University,
Project, the, a-bomb design {see Project Y); Centerboard,close of on Tinian,Congress
and, construction
program,cooperation as success
factor,copper problem,
estimated cost,decision making, early phases in U.S.,extravagance, Fuchs
Groves in charge,hazards,information, handling of,
insurance,internal organization, Japanese cyclotrons,
letter of intent,members of,military importance,military-scientific friction,
military staffing, naming,new organizations involved in,operational procedure,personnel recruitment,
pilot reactor plant, policy
supervision, power needs,press: censorship, releases, priority,production
plants,raw materials {see
Uranium ore supply); regular officers and, reorientation
(1942), replacements,
scientific staff, demobilization of,secrecy,security,
Smyth Report,speed, necessity for,supply contracts,
transactions, handling of,transition period, uncertainty,
{see also Air unit and MED)
Project Y, construction
and, site, {see Los
Pumpkin bombs,missions over
Japan,planes for,
Purnell, W. R. E., xii,Nagasaki bomb,operational plan,two
bombs theory,
Quebec Agreement, Article IV,breach
in, postwar reappraisal, use of bomb,
Rabi, Isidor,
"Race track,"
Radiation,exposure,hazard, training in,
Radioactive isotopes,
Radioactive poisons, Germans and,
Radioactive warfare: Germans and,possibility of,
Radioactivity,hazard, in
Plutonium formation,
Rafferty, James A.,
Rand, South Africa,
Rank, in academic world,
Raw Materials Board,
Rayburn, Sam,
Rea, Charles E.,
Reactor,design {see under Hanford); Clinton,Hanford,
Read, Granville M.,
Reich Research Council,
Review Committee (Los Alamos),
Reybold, Eugene,
Rickover, Hyman G.,
Rittner, T. H.,
Rjukan plant,
Robins, T. M.,
Rome,Alsos in,
U.S. capture of,
Roosevelt, Franklin D.,
British-French atomic agreement,Bush,
death,Einstein letter,
Executive Order creating OSRD,Groves,Hyde Park aidememoire, international relations,Navy and Project,
Quebec Agreement,
Top Policy Group, tripartite
negotiations,uranium negotiations,U.S.-British
interchange of information, use of bomb,
Rose, E. L.,
Royal Institute (London),
Russia,Alsos German operations and,espionage Berkeley
lab,France and,-German relations,German scientists,
international control of atomic
atomic development,
-U.S. cooperation,
Russians: Fuchs and,-Truman
at Potsdam,
S-l Committee,
S-l Project,(see Manhattan Project)
Sabotage,bomb test and,K-25 plant,
Sacks, Alexander,
Safety precautions,
Sahara Desert,
Salton Sea,
SAM laboratory,
Sandia Base,
Santa Fe,
Saturday Evening Post,
Schriver, Agent,
Schumann, Erich,
Schurcliff, W. S.,
Scientific intelligence missions (see Alsos)
Scientists: Alsos,limitations on,"Los Alamos, morality
of a-bomb,postwar,Project, demobilization,
security,(see also under nationality)
Seaborg, Glenn T.,
Security, aims,Alamogordo,basic problem,
bomb control,breaks,
(see also Fuchs); British scientists, drawings,foreign-born
employees,Los Alamos,
major consideration,Oak Ridge, press
(see Press censorship); scientists,silver program,slacking
of,Smyth Report,
test delay and,Tinian mission,Tinian-Los Alamos,
top government officials,yardsticks,
Selective Service,
Self ridge, George,
Semi-works, pluto-nium process,
Sengier, Edgar, Combined
Development Trust,
MED,Medal of Merit,
Separation plants: design,
number needed,(see Oak Ridge)
Shasta Dam,
Shell Oil Co.,
Sherman, Gen.,
Shinkolobwe Mine,unit
production cost,
Sibert, E. L.,
Silver program,
Simon, F.,
Skidmore, Owings and Merrill,
Smith, Clayton F.,
Smith, Cyril,
Smith, F. L,
Smith, Walter Bedell,Alsos,Operation Harborage,Stassfurt mission,
Smuts, Jan,
Smyth, Henry D.,
Smyth Report,
Snyder, Congressman,
Somervell, Brehon,Congressional investigations,
South Africa, uranium,
Soviet Union (see Russia)
Spaak, Paul Henri,
Spaatz, Carl,
Spedding, F. H.,
Speer, Albert,
Sproul, Robert G.,
Stagg Field,
Stalin, Josef,
Standard Oil Development Corp.,
Stark, H. R.,
Stassfurt mission,
Staten Island, uranium storage,
Stearns, J. C,
Steinmetz, Buena M.,
Stettinius, Edward,uranium negotiations,
Stevens, W. A.,
Stimson, Henry L., atomic energy
orders,bomb control,
Bush,Combined Policy Committee, ; Congressional briefing, Eisenhower, letter to,Groves (on Alamogordo), Hiroshima,Hyde
Park aide-memoire,information on bombing,Interim
Committee, ; international controls, Kyoto,
operational plans,at
Potsdam, power,Presidential representative,press
Roosevelt,Smyth Report,
targets, U.S.-British interchange,
use of bomb,(see Operation Harborage)
Stine, Charles M. A.,
Stone and Webster,Los
Alamos,Oak Ridge,
Stonehaven, Lord,
Strasbourg, Alsos in,
Strassman, Fritz,
Strauss, Lewis,
Strong, G. V.,atomic
intelligence activities,
Styer, W. D.,
Military Policy Committee,
Submarine, atomic-powered,
Sutherland, R. K.,
Sweden,Alsos in,anti-
Nazi scientists,uranium ore,
Sweeney, Charles W.,
Switzerland,Alsos in,anti-
Nazi scientists,intelligence
Synthetic rubber program,
Szilard, Leo,
Taber, Congressman,
Tamm, E. A.,
Targets: choosing, cities selected, committee, POW
camps,practice landings,
reservation of,visual bombing,
Taylor, R. A., Jr.,
Teller, Edward,
Tennessee Eastman Co.,
Tennessee site,
Tennessee Valley Authority,(see TVA)
Thermal diffusion process,
isotope separation column,
S-50 security,site location,
Thin Man bomb,
(see also Gun-type bomb)
Thomas, Charles,
Thomas, Elmer,
Thorium, search for,
Thornberg, T. R.,
Tibbets, Paul W.,take-off base,
Tinian, 509th
Group on,bomb delivery to, choosing,
closing,during peace talks,field crews, ; Los
Alamos group,Nagasaki
Tizard, Henry,
Tokyo,cyclotron news story, Institute for Physical and
Chemical Research,Mac-
Arthur headquarters,
Tolman, Richard, ; Alamogordo,decision
making,Smyth Report,
Top Policy Group,
Travancore, India,
Traynor, H. S.,
Trinity test,(see also Alamogordo); site,
Truman, Harry S., atomic
legislation,Cabinet,Congressional visit to Oak
Ridge,Groves (Alamogordo
report),Hiroshima press release, information on
bombing,international controls, Japanese invasion,postwar developments,
Potsdam ultimatum,press release,responsibility for use of
bomb, Senate Investigation
Committee,Smyth Report,targets,
Truman-Attlee-King Declaration,
Tube Alloys Project, Canada, Washington,
Turner Construction Co.,
TVA,power for,
Twining, Nathan,
Tyler, G.R.,
U-235,amount needed for bomb,in Hiroshima bomb,
production,separating, U-238,
Union Carbide and Carbon Corp., uranium search,
Union Miniere, German purchases from, ; ore in Europe, purchase agreement with,
Unions: Ferguson Co.,security
United Nations: Article
nuclear controls,
United Press,
United States: Britain: interchange, postwar collaboration, Canadian interchange, Combined Policy
Committee (see Combined Policy
Committee); committed to use of
bomb, German atomic energy
program, .; German bomb
threat,negotiations for uranium,(see also Combined Development Trust); patent laws,
postwar position, radium shipped to,responsibility
for hazards, risks during war,scientists,-Russia: atomic position and, cooperation,tripartite agreement,
University of California,Los
Alamos project,Radiation
Laboratory,scientific discoveries,U-235 research, 5In (see Berkeley lab)
University of Chicago,
personnel policy,(see Chicago lab)
University of Hamburg,
University of Illinois,
University of Munich,
University of Strasbourg,
Uranium: American payments for, atom,deadline for delivery,first shipment to Los
Alamos,Germany and, irradiated,search for, separation, (see also under
name of process and Oak Ridge);
suppliers, tripartite
Uranium Committee,
(see S-l Committee)
Uranium ore: Belgian stockpile,
Congo supply,shipping,
source,supply, (see
Stassfurt mission)
Urey, Harold C, heavy water,radioactive
U.S. Bureau of Standards,
U.S. Congress,legislation,MED, Project:
briefing on, demobilization,
U.S. Employment Service,
U.S. House of Representatives: legislation,Military Affairs
Committee, Groves, May-Johnson Bill hearings, Patterson,
U.S. Senate,Groves testimony, legislation, Special
Committee on Atomic Energy, Groves, Patterson,
U.S. State Department,
entry into atomic picture,German division,legislation,postwar developments,Project, first informed of,Russia,Sengier and,
U.S. Treasury,
U.S. War Department,
atomic energy: diplomacy, policy,Information Office,Japanese cyclotrons, observation at bombing,press branch,restrictions
on flight personnel, scientists,security,
Vaughan, Harry,
V-E Day,
V-J Day,
Vleck, J. H. Van,
von Halban, Hans,
von Laue, Max,capture,
von Neumann, John,targets,
von Weizsacker, C. F.,reaction to Hiroshima,
"V" weapon,
Wallace, Henry,
War, impossibility of,
War Manpower Commission,
War Production Board,
Wardenburg, F.A.C.,
Warren, Lindsay C,
Warren, Stafford,
Washington, D.C.,Alamogordo
press release,Capitol,
control, Hiroshima press release, Project
Wegener, Al,
Welsh, Eric,
Wendover Field, code name,
West Point,
Academic Board,Depository,
West Stands pile (see Stagg Field)
Westinghouse,Research Laboratories,
Whitaker, Martin D.,
White, James C,
White, Wallace H.,
White House,Alamogordo
press release,Hiroshima announcement,interchange conference, Project liaison,
Wick, Dr.,
Wigner, Eugene,
Williams, R. B.,
Williams, Roger,
Williams, T. C,
Wilson, E. B.,
Wilson, Roscoe C,
Winant, John G.,
British-French atomic agreement,
Winne, Harry,
WirtschaftlicheForschungsGesellschaft (WIFO),
Wirtz, Dr.,
World War I,
World War II: American military requirements,German surrender,outbreak,U.S. entry into,
lie detector,plant,
problems, security,shutdowns,silver,
value of materials,(see also
Electromagnetic plant)
Yalta Conference,