This is Jack. Today Jack is feeling proud. This week, Jack was chosen as Star of the Week for Most Improved at Reading.
As Star of the Week, Jack has been picked for a very special job.
A famous soccer player is coming to visit Jack’s school this afternoon. His name is Tim Little.
Jack is going to introduce Tim Little at assembly. He is so excited he feels like he might burst!
Jack and Billie are sitting under the peppercorn tree in the playground.
They are talking about Tim Little’s visit.
‘What if I trip up on stage?’ Jack worries. ‘Or mess up his name?’
Billie giggles. ‘Imagine if you accidentally called him Little Tim,’ she says.
Jack giggles too. ‘Or Lim Tittle!’
The two of them squeal with laughter.
‘I’m so excited!’ Jack says.
‘Yeah. You’re so lucky,’ Billie says, smiling. ‘I wish I could meet Tim Little. He’s the best!’
Just then the bell goes. Jack feels butterflies flutter in his tummy. There’s only a couple more hours until Tim Little is here!
‘I’ll meet you in the classroom,’ he tells Billie. ‘I’m just going to the bathroom.’
Jack runs fast so he won’t be late for class. Someone is in there washing his hands. It is Aaron.
‘Hey, Aaron!’ Jack calls.
Then he stops. Aaron’s eyes are red and puffy. Jack can see that he has been crying. ‘Are you OK?’ Jack asks.
Aaron nods, but his mouth scrunches up tight.
‘What’s the matter?’ Jack asks.
Aaron takes a big breath. His eyes fill with tears.
‘My dog died,’ he says in a whisper.
‘Oh no,’ says Jack. ‘That’s terrible!’
‘It happened last night,’ Aaron says. His bottom lip wibbles. ‘She was very old and sick. Mum says it was time for her to go. But I miss her so much.’
Jack understands how Aaron feels. He loves his dog, Scraps.
If Scraps died, Jack would feel awful. Poor Aaron!
Jack puts his arm around Aaron’s shoulders. He feels all of Aaron’s sadness melt into him.
He wishes he could think of something to cheer him up.