

I’ve heard fellow lawyers refer to certain cases they regretted accepting as a “dog of a case,” but it wasn’t until I actually represented a St. Bernard against an unscrupulous pet store that the phrase had any real meaning to me. Canines are in the courtroom today as defendants, plaintiffs, victims, and way too often as pawns or bargaining chips as their human companions part ways. Despite having four legs, canines actually have no real “standing” in court … that’s the legal term meaning that you have a right to be there. That’s where you come in. As your dog’s human guardian it’s your responsibility to make sure your pet doesn’t get lost in the legal labyrinth, or, worse, be denied the legal remedies she deserves.

Animals have always been designated as property in court going back to the old laws of replevin. Cattle and other livestock were possessions, a major source of food, as well as income, and most legal disputes centered on these issues. The domestication of pets, and dogs in particular, necessitates a change in the property classification of pets that are now members of the family. Animal rights groups are more plentiful than ever, and due to their huge presence legislation concerning the rights of animals and their owners is changing rapidly. Keeping up with the changes as well as how they apply to your pet is crucial. What Happens to Rover When the Marriage Is Over? is not a legal reference book, and will not prepare you to become the go-to legal eagle for dogs. It will give you practical advice and share personal stories to give you a better understanding of the legal system and your pet. It’s crucial that you know how to keep custody of your pet should you divorce; that you don’t risk confiscation of your pet by a humane officer if you violate a city ordinance; that you know your housing rights and those of your dog, plus a myriad of other issues. What Happens to Rover When the Marriage Is Over? is about all the issues dogs might face as living beings in our world. Only we can make sure that our dogs “pawsitively” enjoy every legal right and protection available. For all they give to us, it is very little to give to them.

Most of all, this book is about loving and protecting the dog(s) in your life. I adopted my dog Sadie during a time of great stress and discord in my life. I had no idea how she would change my world and open my eyes to the wonder of all animals. I feel it’s the least I can do to try to change the legal world for Sadie and all of her species who have not received fair treatment in American courts. My hope is this book will make pet parents more aware of the greater consequences our pets face from a legal system that is antiquated in the majority of rulings and laws for companion pets. But also to let them know about the great resources and kindred spirits ready to work for a better world. If this book is even one small step in that direction, then Sadie has done a great job at allowing me to put into words what she has taught me with her actions.