The following chapters were originally published in the journal LIT: Literature Interpretation Theory . When citing this material, please use the original issue information and page numbering for each article, as follows:
My Baby Ate the Dingo: The Visual Construction of the Monstrous Infant in Horror Film
Steffen Hantke
LIT: Literature Interpretation Theory
, volume 22, issue 2 (2011), pp. 96–112
Monstrous Children as Harbingers of Mortality: A Psychological Analysis of Doris Lessing's
The Fifth Child
Daniel Sullivan and Jeff Greenberg
LIT: Literature Interpretation Theory
, volume 22, issue 2 (2011), pp. 113–33
Spoil the Child: Unsettling Ethics and the Representation of Evil
William Wandless
LIT: Literature Interpretation Theory
, volume 22, issue 2 (2011), pp. 134–54
Private Lessons from Dumbledore's “Chamber of Secrets”: The Riddle of the Evil Child in
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Holly Blackford
LIT: Literature Interpretation Theory
, volume 22, issue 2 (2011), pp. 155–75
Terrifying Tots and Hapless Homes: Undoing Modernity in Recent Bollywood Cinema
Meheli Sen
LIT; Literature Interpretation Theory
, volume 22, issue 3 (2011), pp. 197–217
” The Power of Christ Compels You”: Holy Water, Hysteria, and the Oedipal Psychodrama in
The Exorcist
Sara Williams
LIT: Literature Interpretation Theory
, volume 22, issue 3 (2011), pp. 218–38
How to See the Horror: The Hostile Fetus in
Rosemary's Baby and
A. Robin Hoffman
LIT: Literature Interpretation Theory
, volume 22, issue 3 (2011), pp. 239–61
Extreme Human Makeovers:
Supernanny, the Unruly Child, and Adulthood in Crisis
Catherine Fowler and Rebecca Kambuta
LIT: Literature Interpretation Theory
, volume 22, issue 3 (2011), pp. 262–76