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- Acton, Amy
- adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)
- Aeschliman, Rachel
- Aetna
- Affordable Care Act. See Obamacare
- Agricultural Adjustment Act
- Albuterol
- ALICE (asset limited, income constrained, employed)
- American Medical Association (AMA)
- Amos, Donald
- Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
- anti-government sentiment
- antitrust law
- anxiety
- Archbold Medical Center, Ohio
- ARO Equipment Corporation
- Aveanna Healthcare
- Aversano, Thomas
- Ball State University study
- Banting, Frederick
- Bazzi, Hanan
- B. Braun Medical
- Bearer, Janice
- Bell, Josh
- Best, Charles
- Bismarck, Otto von
- Blackstone
- Bloomberg News
- Bolshevism
- Borck, Jonda
- Bordenkircher, Kim
- Brenner, Andrew
- Bricker & Eckler
- Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Brooks, Joe
- Brown, Grant
- Brown, Sherrod
- Brunicardi, Oreste “Rusty”
- Bryan Community Health Center
- Bryan Democrat
- Bryan Medical Group. See also Parkview Physicians Group of Ohio
- Bryan Press
- Bryan Times
- Bryan/Williams County, Ohio
- employment numbers in
- Great Depression’s impact on
- health’s decline in
- history of healthcare in
- life expectancy in
- population demographics of
- poverty rate in
- recession’s impact on
- work ethic in
- Burton, Harold
- Bush, George W.
- “buy-here-pay-here” (BHPH) dealers
- Cameron, Donald
- Cameron Hospitals, Inc.
- Campbell, Brian
- cancer screenings
- Carlisle, Shayla
- Celgene
- Centene
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
- Chamberlain, J. P.
- children, mental health of
- Children with Medical Handicaps program
- CHWC. See Community Hospitals and Wellness Centers
- Cigna
- classism
- Clayton Act
- Cleveland Clinic
- Coleman, Greg
- Columbus Dispatch
- Committee on the Costs of Medical Care
- CommonSpirit Health
- communism
- Community Health Needs Assessment
- Community Hospitals and Wellness Centers (CHWC)
- accreditation of
- board of directors
- Brunicardi as CEO of
- clinics, Archbold, of
- clinics, Bryan, of
- clinics, Montpelier, of
- consultant services for
- cost-cutting measures of
- Covid-19 response by
- Ennen as CEO of
- history of
- loan covenant breaches by
- recession’s impact on
- renovation of
- sexual harassment allegations at
- strategic planning by
- Tinkel as CEO of
- uncompensated care provided by
- Compassion Clinic, Bryan, Ohio
- Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
- Cooley, Matt
- Cordray, Richard
- Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES)
- corporate welfare
- Cottrell, Sheila
- Covid-19 pandemic
- corporate welfare in
- government response to
- industry readiness for
- testing
- Covidien
- Crile, George
- Culler, Dina
- Culler, Mike
- Cullis, Chris
- Currence, Latasha
- CVS Caremark
- DARE program
- David, Jan
- Davis, Brian
- Davis, Kathy
- Day, Cathy
- Dean, Misty
- DeMaria, Paolo
- dentists/dental health
- Department of Health and Human Services
- Department of Justice
- depression
- DePuy Orthopaedics
- Detiviller, Floyd
- DeWine, Mike
- diabetes
- case study on
- diet as factor in
- neuropathy caused by
- profits from
- retinopathy caused by
- diet
- nutrition and
- Dixon Hughes Goodman
- doctor(s)
- groups
- income of
- dollar stores
- Dresser, Frank
- drug/alcohol use
- causes of
- drug companies
- generic medicine by
- nationalization of
- profiteering by
- Ebersole, Jim
- electronic medical records systems (EMRs)
- Ellwood City Hospital Association
- EmCare
- Employers Forum of Indiana
- EMS (Emergency Medical Service)
- vaccinations and
- vendor costs of
- Ennen, Jack
- Ennen, Mary Ebersole
- Ennen, Mary Helen
- Ennen, Phil
- background of
- CHWC audits and
- CHWC CEO successor plan by
- CHWC cost-cutting/revenue-building measures of
- CHWC strategic planning and
- CHWC termination of
- consolidation trend and
- Joint Commission review and
- Ernsberger, Ron
- eugenics
- Falk, Isidore
- Fauci, Anthony
- Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
- fentanyl
- Fifer, Jonathan
- Fifth Third Bank
- Filene, E. A.
- Fishbein, Morris
- Floyd, George
- flu vaccine
- Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
- Foster, Angelia
- CHWC CEO position and
- Four County Alcohol, Drug Addiction, and Mental Health Services (ADAMhs)
- Franks, Betty
- Frisbie, Mick
- Gates, Bill
- Gaylord, Heather
- George, Brian
- Giesige, Rob
- Gilead Sciences
- Gompers, Samuel
- Great Depression
- Great Society
- Greene, Miss (nurse)
- Grothaus, Matthew
- group care plans
- group purchasing organizations (GPOs)
- Hanson, Bryan C.
- Hartman, Judy
- Hassouneh, Samar
- health. See also mental health
- diet’s impact on
- drug use and
- education’s impact on
- nutrient enrichment campaigns for
- poverty’s impact on
- screenings
- “social determinants” of
- vaccinations as factor in
- healthcare industry
- consolidation’s impact on
- history of
- socialism fears tied to
- worth of
- Health Information Technology for Economic Clinical Health Act of 2009 (HITECH)
- Health Partners of Western Ohio
- health rankings, state
- helicopters, medical
- Henry County Hospital, Napoleon, Ohio
- Heritage Pharmaceuticals
- Hicks, Jim
- Hill, Lister
- Hill-Burton Act of 1946 (Hospital Survey and Construction Act)
- Hoffman, Frederick Ludwig
- Hospital Accreditation Standards
- Hospital Corporation of America
- hospitals. See also Community Hospitals and Wellness Centers
- billing/diagnostic code manipulation by
- consolidation trend’s impact on
- historical background on
- most-favored-nation clause and
- private equity funding of
- profitability of
- public v. nonprofit
- Hospital Survey and Construction Act. See Hill-Burton Act of 1946
- Hruza, George
- Huffman, Stephen
- Humana
- Hutchinson, George
- Imber, Rob
- income
- average, in U.S.
- cycle of poverty and
- insecurity
- minimum wage
- work ethic’s relation to
- income inequality
- race and
- Independent Hospital Network (IHN)
- Indiana, hospital costs in
- insulin
- cost of
- insurance, health
- billing code manipulation and
- COBRA and
- consolidation’s impact on
- deductibles
- group care plans
- historical background of
- most-favored-nation clause and
- nationalized
- Obamacare and
- out-of-network charges
- premiums
- insurance, malpractice
- Jerger, Kim
- Jobs and Family Services (JFS)
- Johnson, Lyndon
- Johnson, R. Milton
- the Joint Commission
- Jondreau, Brandon
- Joshi, Mandar
- Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
- Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)
- Kaiser, David
- Kaiser, Henry
- Kannel, Chris
- Kaptur, Marcy
- Kasich, John
- Keil, Shannon
- Kennedy, John F.
- Kesireddy, Damoder
- Kidston, Ed
- Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR)
- Konda, Sailesh
- Kozlowski, Dennis
- labor unions
- Latta, Bob
- League of Women Voters
- Lee, Rochelle
- Lemon, Mindy
- life expectancy
- Lima Memorial Health System
- Lima, Ohio
- Lincoln, Abraham
- Lister, Joseph
- Liu, Mike
- loan covenant breaches
- Long, Tonie
- Loos, H. Clifford
- Lord, Fred
- Los Angeles Medical Association
- Love’s Travel Stops
- Magee, Dan
- Magill, George
- Mann, Roger
- Market Facilitation Program
- Markey, John C.
- Maynard, Kevin
- Mayo brothers
- McCaslin, Les
- Medicaid
- abuse of
- Community Health programs and
- expansion of
- federal cuts to
- founding of
- health practitioners’ avoidance of
- reimbursements to hospitals
- Medicare
- Community Health programs and
- cost comparison on
- federal cuts to
- for all
- founding of
- health practitioners’ avoidance of
- reimbursements to hospitals
- Menard, John, Jr.
- Menards
- government welfare to
- healthcare plan at
- working conditions at
- mental health
- depression and
- programs for
- suicide and
- Mercy Health
- St. Rita’s Medical Center, Lima
- methamphetamine (“meth”)
- Meyers, Anna
- Michelle Bard Geary Community Cancer Symposium
- minimum wage
- MLK50
- Montez, Jennifer Karas
- Montpelier, Ohio
- CHWC branch in
- mental health/social conditions in
- Moreland, Buddy
- Moreno, Valerie
- morphine
- Muehlfeld, Ronda
- Narcan
- National Maternity and Infancy Protection Act (Sheppard-Towner Bill)
- Newport Medical Instruments
- New York League for Americanism
- New York Times
- Nosanov, Michael
- Obama, Barack
- Obamacare (Affordable Care Act)
- dismantling efforts
- founding of
- gap
- Medicaid’s expansion under
- obesity
- Ohio
- health rankings of
- minimum wage in
- Ohio Art Company
- OhioHealth
- Ohio Hospital Association
- Ohio Medical Society
- Omar, Ilhan
- Oostra, Randy
- Owen, Kim
- Packnett, Michael
- Padway, Joseph
- Palmer, A. Mitchell
- Paramount Insurance
- Park, Kevin
- Parkview Health System
- anti-competitive practices of
- CHWC joint ventures with
- profits of
- vendor pricing to
- Parkview Physicians Group of Ohio
- patients’ bills of rights
- Patrick, Wade
- Plante Moran
- Plouck, Tracy
- Pool, Beth
- poverty
- Covid-19 and
- cycle of
- drug use’s tie to
- health’s impact by
- income inequality and
- life expectancy/mortality rate and
- rate
- private-equity healthcare deals
- ProMedica Health System
- anti-competitive practices of
- CHWC joint ventures with
- profits of
- vendor pricing to
- ProPublica
- Prudential Healthcare
- Purvis, Barb
- Quest Health Enterprises
- Qureshi, Sana
- race/racism
- Covid-19 and
- eugenics as form of
- income/health inequality and
- Race Traits and Tendencies of the American Negro (Hoffman)
- Radabaugh, Art
- Rand Corporation study
- Rang, John
- Rankin, Jeannette
- Rash, Barb
- Reagan, Ronald
- recession of 2008–09 (Great Recession)
- Red Scare
- Renacci, Jim
- Replogle, M. V.
- Republican Party
- Rhinard, Zach
- Riedel, Craig
- Riley, Megan
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- Roentgen, Wilhelm
- Roosevelt, Franklin
- Root Consultants
- Rosenbrock, Allison
- Ross, Donald
- Rouse, Milton
- Rowland, Nicholas
- Rummel, Terry
- Rupp, Jim
- Ruralogic
- Rymer, John
- St. Luke’s Hospital, Maumee, Ohio
- Salk, Jonas
- Sauder Manufacturing
- Schlade, Carrie
- Schumacher
- sexual health
- sexual identity
- Sharrock-Dorsten, Carolyn
- Sheppard, Morris
- Short, Jane
- Sisters of Mercy
- Sloan, Matthew
- smallpox
- Smith & Nephew
- SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)
- Snyder, C. David
- SOAR (strengths, opportunities, aspirations, results)
- socialism
- Spangler, Dean
- Spangler Candy Company
- Spectrum Health
- Spielman, Chris
- Stalter, Marv
- Stantz, Jennifer
- Sturgis Hospital, Michigan
- suicides
- Sunderhaus, Janis
- Sutter Health
- Swanson, Dave
- insurance plans and
- Swedish, Joseph
- Swihart, Caleb
- Swihart, Keith
- Swihart, Stephanie
- SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats)
- Thomas, Mike
- 340B drug programs
- Thuering, Tim
- Tingle, Cindy
- Tingle, Marc
- Tingle, Summer
- Tinkel, Chad
- CHWC CEO position and
- Covid-19 and
- Tinkel, Jodi
- Toledo Blade
- Towner, Horace Mann
- Towns, Steven
- Trausch, Linda
- Trippy, John
- Truman, Harry
- Trump, Donald
- Covid-19 response by
- Obamacare dismantling efforts of
- Underwood, Chad
- unemployment rate
- University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
- University of Toledo Medical Center (UTMC)
- vaccinations
- Vantage Ohio
- vaping
- Vashaw, Sarah
- Vasi, Zoher
- Vitale, Nino
- Wakeman, Dan
- Walker, Scott
- Walz, Nick
- Warbird Consulting
- Watkins, Jim
- Covid-19 and
- on drug abuse
- Wayne, “Mad” Anthony
- West Unity, Ohio
- Wilbur, Ray Lyman
- Williams County. See Bryan/Williams County, Ohio
- Winzeler, Henry
- Woman’s Christian Temperance Union
- workers’ compensation
- Works Progress Administration (WPA)
- Wyse, Anthony
- Zimmer Biomet Holdings
- Zuver, Brock