Appendix C

Music and Chants

IN THE OLD DAYS there was much festivity at the Sabbat meetings. There were songs and dancing, games and frivolity. So it should be today. Victor Anderson has published an original collection of Pagan songs (Thorns of the Blood Rose, Anderson, California, 1970) written by himself. Some covens have gathered older songs and dances, or made up their own for their personal use.

Here are a few songs, chants, and dances to get you started. Begin collecting your own. Do not be afraid to take any good tune you happen to come across and enjoy, and put your own words to it. Be creative . . . and have fun.

Wiccan Handfasting

Words and Music by Raymond Buckland


2. Bright Full Moon is shining above; shining down, spreading their true love.
All are skyclad and ev’ryone glad. Happiness abounds; no one sad.

3. Flow’rs rest on the altar so gay, flowers around the Circle lay.
All the coven is singing with joy, happy for this girl and this boy.

4. “We desire that we be made one in the eyes of the Gods and ev’ry one.”
Runic inscriptions on silver band each then places on the other’s hand.

5. “Your life I’ll guard before my own, disrespect ne’er will I condone.
This athame I’ll plunge in my heart should I hurt you; cause us to part.”

6. Then they kiss each other with joy;
no more are they just girl and boy.
They’re united as one, you see.
T’Lord and Lady we say: “Bless’d be!”

Dance in the Circle

Traditional Music        Words and Music by Raymond Buckland


2. They all go running, leaping high over the bonfire, to the sky.
Happy laughter; give and take.
They’ll be there till daybreak.
Never slowing; puffing, blowing;
deosil circle, round and round.
Moving slow; moving fast;
spin, jump, and hit the ground.
Hark to the sounds of Witchcraft joy!
Watch as the girl spins with her boy.
Happy, happy Pagans they,
dancing in the Wiccan way.

3. After the dancing there will be plenty of happy memories.
There is ritual; there are rites;
ceremony all night.
“We love the God! We love Goddess!”
All of the Witches cry out loud.
“We are one! We share love!”
Wiccans—they all are proud.
Pray’rs to the Lady and her Lord.
Thanks to them both with blessings stor’d.
Priest and priestess; Witches all;
proudly they can stand tall.

Join in the Dance

Words and Music by Raymond Buckland


2. Love to the Lord and Lady too;
love to all these Witches.

We may be poor, or so it seems,
but we have these riches:

We have so much brotherly love,
t’gether with each other.

We have the best together now;
wife, husband, or lover.

We nothing lack in our lives,
So long as we keep to

the Wiccan Rede: “Harm no one;
What ye will, then do.”

3. Come! Join us now, this merry band,
as we go a-dancing.

We’re Witches all, enjoying life,
around the Circle prancing.

Don’t waste your time sitting outside
the Circle’s sacred ring.

Come! Join us now, full coven strong;
let’s dance and sing.

Join in the dance, round and round;
we’ll make your steps seem light.

Let yourself go, round and round;
Dance all through the night.

Lord of the Greenwood

Words and Music by Tara Buckland


2. In the heat of their passion, passion;

in the heat of their passion, passion;

in the heat of their passion, passion,

the grain shall rise again.

3. Comes the Lord of the Greenwood, Greenwood;

Comes the Lord of the Greenwood, Greenwood.

Comes the Lord of the Greenwood, Greenwood,
To court the Lady fair.

Night of Magick

Words and Music by Raymond Buckland


2. Below, on timeless rolling down, an ancient Circle strong;
composed of time-worn standing stones— its origin long gone.

Chorus . . .

3. Then suddenly a strange event occurred for who might see.
A phantom line of men in white appeared across the lea.

Chorus . . .

4. From whence they came no one can say;
they suddenly were there.
With chanting low and steady tread they moved in censered air.

Chorus . . .

5. They cast no shadows as they passed into the Circle’s bound.
No faces peered from out their cowls;
no footprints on the ground.

Chorus . . .

6. A flash of golden sickled blades not held by human hand.
In ritual conclave, magick rites long practiced by the band.

Chorus . . .

7. Then, as a thousand time before upon this hallow’d site,
the phantoms slowly fade away;
returning to the night.

Chorus . . .

We are Witches All

Traditional Music        Words by Raymond Buckland


2. “An’ it harm none, do what thou wilt”;
it is the Wiccan Rede.
We fear no foe for love we show,
In thought and also deed.
Our words of thanks, our songs of praise,
we offer them in pray’r.
We sing their praise, we ask their help;
we know that they are there.

Chorus . . .

Sing Me a Wiccan Song

Music by W. T. Wrighton        Words by Raymond Buckland


2. Sing me a Wiccan song of Circles in moonlight.
Of dancing feet and chanting rhymes and power raised so bright.
For only in a Wiccan song can we all worship right.

3. Sing me a Wiccan song of winter, summer, fall, spring,
of seasons passing joyfully,
their praises we do sing.
For only in a Wiccan song can we with nature ring.

4. Sing me a Wiccan song of Lady and of Lord.
Of candles, censer, water, salt,
athame and of sword.
For only in a Wiccan song can Gods be true adored.

Chants and rounds can be fun. Here is something that can be sung as either—as a round (as indicated) or simply sung in unison as a chant. It is sung to the old tune “We Wish You A Merry Christmas,”

1. All praise to the Lord and Lady;
yes, praise to the Lord and Lady.
oh, praise to the Lord and Lady,
for we love them so.

2. In honor we all hold our Sabbat rites;
to worship the gods all our days and our nights.

3. All praise to the Lord and Lady;
yes, praise to the Lord and Lady.
Oh, praise to the Lord and Lady,
for they love us so.

A Beltane Round

Music by Arnold        Words by Raymond Buckland


Six Power-raising Chants

(1) We are the children of the night.
Gentle are we—yet feel our might.

(2) Singing, dancing, chanting low.
Power building . . . let it go!

(3) Round and round this Esbat site;
power build to work our rite.

(4) Brother and sister, together we sing.
Directing the forces that our wills bring.

(5) We are the spokes of the mighty wheel;
this power we raise that all might feel.

(6) Deosil circle round about;
building the power, let it go with a shout!

Earth Site

by Tara Buckland

Earth site
Witches’ rite
merry meet
in joy tonight!

Sacred ground,
newly bound.
Witness to
the power found!

Some simple chants—make
up your own tunes for them.


East; Air! South; Fire!
West; Water! North; Earth!
Dance round; jump higher;
born; live; death; rebirth!

Work the Magick

Swing the censer, light the light;
circle round in starlit night.
Chant the words and ring the bell;
work the magick, weave the spell.

Circle Family

My lot in life’s no matter,
howe’er my die is cast.
My family’s the Circle;
I’m with my own at last.

Power Cone

Circle marked upon the ground;
skyclad figures moving round.
Incense rising to the sky;
power cone now building high.
Dancing, chanting, gentle sound;
Witches’ magick doth abound.