Prison Guards Silhouetted Against the Sky

I never gave them a thought. Years had gone by.

Many years. I had plenty of other things

To worry about. Today I was in the dentist’s chair

When his new assistant walked in

Pretending not to recognize me in the slightest

As I opened my mouth most obediently.


We were necking in some bushes by the riverbank,

And I wanted her to slip off her bra.

The sky was darkening, there was thunder

When she finally did, so that the first large

Raindrop wet one of her brown nipples.


That was nicer than what she did to my mouth now,

While I winced, while I waited for a wink,

A burst of laughter at the memory of the two of us

Buttoning ourselves, running drenched

Past the state prison with its armed guards

Silhouetted in their towers against the sky.