This volume would not have been possible without the generosity of many people and organizations that shared with us their photograph collections, scrapbooks, and memories of life in Accomack County as it was years ago. The Eastern Shore of Virginia Historical Society (ESVHS) at Ker Place in Onancock has a wealth of wonderful old photographs, including hundreds taken by Dr. John Robertson, the beloved town doctor who documented life on Delmarva during the early to mid-1900s. The Eastern Shore Public Library (ESPL) is much more than a library; it is a time capsule in which the history of the shore is contained. The library provided many photographs, including those from the Callahan Collection. The Eastern Shore Barrier Island Center (BIC) in Machipongo provided numerous photographs depicting life around our barrier islands. A remarkable collection of photographs of the Wallops Island Club was made available through the generosity of the Stout family, who were shareholders of the Wallops Island Association, and the NASA Wallops Flight Center (NASA Wallops), which made available negatives and prints taken by Robert Stout in the early 1900s. Thanks also to Bill Bagwell for early photographs of Onancock and to the Christ United Methodist Church and to Dino Johnson for photographs of Chincoteague. Others who loaned pictures include the town of Parksley and the Eastern Shore Railroad Museum in Parksley, the Hampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension Center in Virginia Beach, Charlie Russell, Smith K. Martin IV and Webster Martin, Jack Marsh, Randy Lewis, Don Dragan, Helen Vincent, Andy Killmon, O. W. Mears, Carl Thornton, Jackie Spicer, and John Roache.
Many thanks go to all who shared their photographs, their memories, and their experiences of life in Accomack County. This is a wonderful way of sharing our past, of demonstrating to a new generation and to new residents the rich history and culture of a land framed by the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean.