

This Snapshot guide, excerpted from my guidebook Rick Steves Iceland, introduces you to Iceland’s capital city, Reykjavík. Its colorful, pedestrian-friendly downtown has fine museums, a stroll-worthy harbor, and a dozen thermal swimming pools, perfect for a rejuvenating soak among Icelanders. The capital’s restaurants are surprisingly good, and its nightlife scene is legendary.

Reykjavík is also the natural jumping-off point for exploring Iceland’s dramatic countryside. It’s an easy hop from Reykjavík inland to the Golden Circle route, studded with natural and historical attractions (from geysers to thundering waterfalls), or south to the legendary Blue Lagoon thermal baths (on the Reykjanes Peninsula, near the international airport at Keflavík).

Iceland’s countryside is famously spectacular. While it’s hard to have a bad time here, it’s easy to underestimate the famously changeable weather, blow through too much money, or waste time by not making a good plan. But if you equip yourself with good information (this book) and expect to travel smart, you will.

To help you have the best trip possible, I’ve included the following topics in this book:

Planning Your Time, with advice on how to make the most of your limited time

Orientation, including tourist information (abbreviated as TI), tips on public transportation, local tour options, and helpful hints

Sights with ratings:

▲▲▲—Don’t miss

▲▲—Try hard to see

—Worthwhile if you can make it

No rating—Worth knowing about

Sleeping and Eating, with good-value recommendations in every price range

Connections, with tips on buses and driving

Practicalities, near the end of this book, has information on money, staying connected, hotel reservations, transportation, and other helpful hints.

It’s my hope that this guide will make your trip more meaningful and rewarding. Traveling like a temporary local, you’ll get the absolute most out of every mile, minute, and dollar.

Góða ferð! Happy travels!
