

My family, for their love, laughter, and family group text thread.

My husband, Joe. Jesus says we won’t be married in heaven, but don’t for one minute think you’re ditchin’ me. Whether I go first, honey, or you do, I can’t wait to explore the wonders of our forever home together.

Deborah Raney, my writing critique partner of twenty-plus years. This is just the beginning! I know heaven will have bread pudding, but I’m less confident about thrift shops.

Karen Schurrer, for reading an early draft of this manuscript and doing what you do so well.

Jerry and Elizabeth Trescott, for reading the almost-finished manuscript with an eye for historical accuracy, and for adding the blessing of your wisdom about marriage. Thank you.

My editors, Jerry Jenkins and Larry Weeden. Jerry, for sharing your wonderfully sarcastic wit, wisdom, and insights. And Larry, for your passion for story.

The Coeur d’Alene Gals for five days of heaven each July.

Natasha Kern, my literary agent, for your continual support and awesome friendship.

My readers, for reading and taking these journeys with me. You’re a gift from God.

My Heavenly Father, for your unwavering promise to one day make all things new.

His Holy Spirit, who strengthens me with the same power that raised Christ Jesus from the dead.

And finally to Jesus, my Redeemer and Savior, whose fiercely compassionate heart drives me to my knees while lifting the eyes of my heart toward home.