Chronology of Events


First English invasion of Ireland led by Strongbow


English Tudor monarch, Henry VII declares himself King of Ireland


Six of Ulster’s nine counties “planted” with English and Scots settlers


King William of Orange defeats Stuart King James II at Battle of the Boyne


Orange Order founded after battle between Catholic Defenders and Protestant “Peep O’Day Boys”


United Irishmen rebellion put down.


Act of Union unites Ireland and England creating United Kingdom


Fenian rising defeated


Easter Rising put down


Sinn Fein wins 75 of 105 Irish seats at Westminster and forms First Dail in Dublin


IRA wages armed campaign to force British withdrawal and Irish independence

Anglo-Irish Treaty negotiated

Irish civil war begins

Michael Collins killed

IRA defeated

Northern Ireland state and the new Free State consolidated


Eamon de Valera forms Fianna Fail


De Valera forms first Fianna Fail government


Anti-treaty remnants of Second Dail elected in 1921 pass on their powers to the IRA Army Council


IRA declares war on Britain with bombing campaign in English cities


Belfast IRA leader Tom Williams hanged Gerry Adams Snr. jailed


Gerry Adams Jnr. born

IRA General Army Order No 8 promulgated; forbids military action against Southern security forces


IRA begins Border Campaign in Northern Ireland


Eamon de Valera retires as taoiseach; succeeded by Sean Lemass


Border Campaign abandoned in failure

Cathal Goulding becomes IRA chief of staff


Terence O’Neill becomes prime minister of Northern Ireland

Roy Johnston and Tony Coughlan join republican movement


Divis Street riots in Belfast over display of Irish flag


O’Neill and Lemass meet in Belfast

Gerry Adams joins D Coy of Belfast Brigade IRA


UVF re-formed in Belfast and kills Catholics

Death toll is 3


NICRA formed

Unionist prime minister Terence O’Neill meets Irish taoiseach Jack Lynch at Stormont; loyalist demonstrators marshalled by Ian Paisley throw snowballs at his car


First civil rights marches in Northern Ireland


Riots in Derry and deaths in Belfast

British army sent to Northern Ireland

IRA splits into Official and Provisional wings

Provisional IRA Convention held; Sean MacStiofain becomes first chief of staff

Death toll for year is 18, cumulative toll is 21


Sinn Fein splits after majority vote to drop abstentionism, dissidents walk out and give their allegiance to new “Provisional” IRA

Siege of St. Matthew’s and Falls Curfew boost Provisionals

IRA commercial bombing campaign begins

Billy McKee is Belfast commander

Adams heads IRA in Ballymurphy and choreographs Ballymurphy riots, defying McKee


Ian Paisley elected to Westminster parliament

Death toll for year is 28, cumulative toll is 49


IRA campaign intensifies

First British soldier shot dead, and Provo commercial bombing campaign begins in Belfast

Adams on Second Belfast Battalion staff and then commander

Adams on Belfast Brigade staff

Internment without trial introduced

IRA campaign mushrooms

Death toll for year is 180, cumulative toll is 229


Bloody Sunday in Derry

Stormont parliament prorogued and direct rule from London imposed

Adams interned but released to take part in cease-fire talks with British

Adams becomes adjutant of Belfast Brigade

Special category status granted to IRA prisoners

Cease-fire breaks down at Belfast Brigade urging

Adams introduces Armalite rifle to IRA

Car bomb weapon accidentally discovered by Belfast Brigade

IRA kills seven in Bloody Friday bombings

Operation Motorman puts IRA under pressure

Adams becomes Belfast Brigade commander

Four Square Laundry operation

“Unknowns” cell formed by Adams

Belfast Brigade begins to “disappear” double agents including Jean McConville

Breton nationalists introduce IRA to Libyans

IRA establishes “embassy” in Libyan capital, Tripoli

Death toll for year is 496, cumulative toll is 725


London bombings carried out by Belfast Brigade

Adams arrested and interned, later imprisoned for trying to escape

Claudia intercepted en route to Ireland from Libya with weapons

Brian Keenan appointed IRA QMG

Northern IRA leaders stop Sinn Fein contesting elections to Northern Ireland Assembly


Death toll for year is 263, cumulative toll is 988


Power-sharing Sunningdale deal brought down by Ulster Workers’ Council general strike assisted by UDA and UVF and mainstream loyalist politicians

Libya grows cool on IRA

Death toll for year is 303, cumulative toll is 1291


IRA cease-fire called, IRA leadership believes British wish to disengage

Lengthy talks with British

Adams and Ivor Bell lead Long Kesh dissidents against Billy McKee leadership and oppose cease-fire

Loyalist killings of Catholics surge

Sectarian killings by IRA and feuding with Officials intensify

IRA cease-fire peters out

Death toll for year is 267, cumulative toll is 1558


New British security policy introduced

RUC put in charge of security operations, internment phased out, juryless courts set up, IRA to be treated as criminals in jail

Prison protest by IRA inmates in new H Blocks begins

Loyalist assassination campaign peaks

Peace People movement emerges after two children killed in IRA-British Army clash

Death toll for year is 308, cumulative toll is 1866


Police interrogation centers begin to process scores of IRA suspects

Adams released from jail and eventually reappointed as Belfast Brigade commander

Father Reid mediates in feud between Official and Provisional IRAs

Adams becomes adjutant-general and joins Army Council

“Long war” speech at Bodenstown in June

Northern Command set up and Revolutionary Council established

IRA campaign of assassination against Northern businessmen starts

Cellular restructuring of IRA starts

Adams forms “think tank” group of advisers

Adams becomes IRA chief of staff in succession to Seamus Twomey


Martin McGuinness and Brian Keenan join Army Council

McKee censured by Revolutionary Council over handling of feud with Official IRA

Gerry O’Hare deposed as editor of Dublin IRA paper An Phoblacht

Death toll for year is 116, cumulative toll is 1982


Adams loses his rank as chief of staff when he is arrested in the wake of La Mon bombing

Martin McGuinness becomes IRA chief of staff

Adams cleared and released; he becomes adjutant-general, second-in-command to McGuinness

IRA introduces Green Book for recruits

IRA sets up internal security unit to hunt informers

IRA says next cease-fire will happen only when British quit Ireland

An Phoblacht merged with Belfast IRA paper Republican News in Adams takeover

British Army document, Northern Ireland – Future Terrorist Trends leaked to IRA; names Adams and Bell as architects of IRA restructuring O Bradaigh proposal to contest Euro elections opposed by Adams

Death toll for year is 88, cumulative toll is 2070


Margaret Thatcher becomes British prime minister

Lord Mountbatten killed in IRA bombing

18 British soldiers killed in ambush on Border

Move to left advertised in Bodenstown speech

Army Council rejects Eire Nua policy of O Bradaigh–O Conaill leadership as Adams camps bids for supremacy

Adams denies Marxist influence

Northern IRA leaders oppose Bernadette Devlin’s bid for Euro seat on H Blocks issue

Death toll for year is 125, cumulative toll is 2195


First IRA prison hunger strike begins

Northern IRA leaders negotiate secret deal to end fast with Britain’s MI6

Hunger strike ends with no significant concessions; IRA leadership tries to disguise defeat

Northern Sinn Fein leaders win ban on standing in council elections


Father Reid suffers a nervous breakdown

Death toll for year is 86, cumulative toll is 2281


Second jail hunger strike starts

IRA prison leader Bobby Sands elected MP for Fermanagh–South Tyrone

When Sands dies Owen Carron is elected in his place

Two IRA prisoners elected to the Dail in Dublin

Qaddafi resumes cash payments to IRA

Hunger strike ends with ten deaths

IRA prisoners condemn behavior of Catholic Church, SDLP and Irish government during the prison protest

Hunger strike support committees become new Sinn Fein branches

Sinn Fein adopts “Armalite and ballot box” strategy and agrees to contest elections

Army Council endorses the decision

Christin ni Elias escapes possible IRA assassination along with British diplomat

Death toll for year is 117, cumulative toll is 2398


Army Council allows Adams and McGuinness to stand in elections to new NI Assembly but McGuinness forced to quit as chief of staff while Adams stands down as adjutant-general, the last time he holds rank in the IRA

Ivor Bell becomes new chief of staff

Christin ni Elias forced out of Sinn Fein

Sinn Fein wins ten percent of the vote in Assembly elections, causing political sensation

UDR Sergeant Cochrane kidnapped and killed by IRA in South Armagh; Father Reid intercedes for him with Adams and begins discussions that lead to the peace process

Sinn Fein rejects Eire Nua policy in major defeat for O Bradaigh–O Conaill faction; Army Council had already ditched it

New Sinn Fein leadership dominated by Adams camp

Death toll for year is 112, cumulative toll is 2510


Gerry Adams elected MP for West Belfast, Sinn Fein tops 100,000 votes in British general election

Adams succeeds Ruairi O Bradaigh as president of Sinn Fein as old guard is vanquished


Ivor Bell forced to quit as chief of staff after arrest

Kevin McKenna succeeds him

Cardinal O Fiach and Bishop Edward Daly of Derry write Father Reid letters of comfort supporting his talks with Adams

Bishop Cahal Daly of Down and Connor rejects offer of participation in talks with Adams-Reid group

Major IRA jail escape: 38 inmates break out of Maze, formerly Long Kesh

Fall of Kevin Mallon over botched IRA kidnappings

Death toll for year is 87, cumulative toll is 2597


Adams makes his correspondence with Cahal Daly public

Libyan embassy in London closed after policewoman shot dead

Libyan intelligence service negotiates arms and cash deal with IRA Army Council

Sinn Fein vote falls in Euro election

Rebellion against Adams leadership by Ivor Bell and Belfast Brigade staff over resources devoted to elections fails

Army Council plans Irish “Tet offensive”

Through intermediaries Adams floats possibility of IRA ceasefire

Adams calls for a pan-nationalist political initiative

IRA bomb Grand Hotel, Brighton, killing five people attending

Conservative annual conference; Margaret Thatcher narrowly escapes death

Death toll for year is 72, cumulative toll is 2669


Anglo-Irish Agreement signed; gives Dublin a consultative say in NI’s affairs.

Michael McKevitt appointed QMG and Slab Murphy made director of operations to oversee Libyan operation

Martin McGuinness made Northern Commander

Sinn Fein vote drops again in local council elections

Casamara makes two trips from Libya carrying seventeen tons of weapons

Adams publicly seeks talks with SDLP leader John Hume; he also calls for a united nationalist approach to North

Death toll for year is 58, cumulative toll is 2727


Father Reid first approaches Charles Haughey on behalf of Gerry Adams


Contact may also have been opened at this point with Tory NI secretary of state, Tom King

Correspondence between Adams and King leads to secret British offer of talks with Sinn Fein and on terms for IRA cease-fire

Secret British letter tells Adams that London has no interests in NI and offers new definition of British withdrawal

IRA lift ban on taking seats in the Dail at first General Army Convention held since 1970; Sinn Fein follow suit at Ard Fheis—number of delegates nearly doubles for this one meeting

Qaddafi’s daughter killed in U.S. air raid launched from Britain

Kula ships 14 tons of guns from Libya

Villa ships 105 tons including Semtex explosives

Vetting of IRA operations by Northern Command intensifies

McGuinness secures authority to appoint Brigade and ASU OCs in North

McGuinness briefs IRA Executive and IRA field commanders about large arms shipments, saying more is on the way

Adams calls for public British declaration of no interests in NI

Death toll for year is 66, cumulative toll is 2793


Charles Haughey becomes taoiseach after Fianna Fail returns to power

East Tyrone Brigade dissidents meet to discuss breaking away from IRA

Eksund trip is postponed when IRA learns Irish Army is expecting its arrival on east coast of country

Sinn Fein publish “Scenario for Peace,” calling for all-Ireland constitutional conference in line with Reid–Adams proposal and replaces “Brits Out” with demand for national self-determination

Jim Lynagh, East Tyrone commander, disputes with IRA chief of staff over Northern Command knowledge of planned Loughgall ambush

East Tyrone IRA unit wiped out in SAS ambush at Loughgall

Within days Father Reid sends detailed IRA cease-fire offer from Adams to Haughey outlining proposal for pannationalist alliance and acceptance of principle of consent to Irish unity


Later Reid formulates the “concrete proposals” and “stepping stones” documents outlining pan-nationalist political alliance as alternative to IRA violence and a constitutional convention to discuss settlement

On urging of Adams and McGuinness, Army Council orders Eksund to set sail; other members advised sending a smaller shipment to test for informers— Eksund is intercepted off Brittany coast, betrayed by IRA informer

IRA’s “Tet offensive” is drastically scaled down

Libyans cut off supplies of cash to IRA

MI6’s Michael Oatley approaches IRA leadership

Enniskillen cenotaph bomb, approved by Northern Command, kills eleven Protestants

Haughey arranges for Hume to represent Irish government in talks with Adams

IRA color party at Bodenstown commemoration demilitarized

IRA ends practice of firing shots over members’ coffins at IRA funerals

Death toll for year is 106, cumulative toll is 2899


Army Council secretly softens terms for British withdrawal, saying it can take up to twenty years to happen

Adams tells Army Council of approach from Reid for talks with Haughey

Hume–Adams talk begin

SDLP–SF delegations meet and conclude with no agreement

Secret contacts between Hume and Adams resume immediately afterwards

IRA attempt to kill British Foreign Secretary Sir Geoffrey Howe in Brussels apparently betrayed

Gibraltar bombing ends with three IRA deaths amidst suspicion of betrayal

Republican leaders deny IRA cease-fire on the agenda of SDLP talks

Tom King suspends Reid–Adams dialogue in angry response to upsurge in IRA violence

Secret unionist–nationalist conference in Duisburg, Germany, attended by Father Reid


IRA adopt policy of targeting British military personnel as more acceptable to putative nationalist allies in Republic

Civilian deaths in IRA operations rise

IRA grassroots react badly to Sinn Fein leadership suggestions of alliance with SDLP

For first time police permission sought for Easter IRA parade in Belfast Sinn Fein use NI courts to complain of discriminatory treatment in councils

Sinn Fein members allowed to cooperate with Irish police over McAnespie Border killing by British army

Army Council lays down strict conditions for retaliations against loyalist groups

Death toll for year is 105, cumulative toll is 3004


Sinn Fein criticism of botched IRA operations intensifies

Major IRA informer Joe Fenton killed before he can be fully interrogated

Peter Brooke succeeds Tom King as secretary of state and inherits Father Reid conduit to Adams

Brooke raises possibility of talks with Sinn Fein

IRA flying column attack at Derryard betrayed by informer

Grassroots IRA unease at Northern Command control increases

Death toll for year is 81, cumulative is 3085


Adams threatens to quit IRA over civilian deaths and seeks separation of Sinn Fein and IRA

Revolutionary Council revived to curb IRA

Adams raises possibility of unannounced cease-fire

IRA dismisses speculation of an end to IRA violence

Brooke says Britain had “no selfish strategic or economic interest” in staying in NI

Northern Command secures Army Council permission to use “human bomb” tactic

MI5 officer John Deverill tells Brooke of new British linkman in secret talks with IRA

Danny Morrison arrested in Belfast

Martin McGuinness proposes formal Christmas cease-fire, the first official cessation since 1975

Army Council debates cease-fire amid claims it would need Convention approval


MI6 representative Michael Oatley holds talks with Army Council chairman, McGuinness

Death toll for year is 84, cumulative toll is 3169


Massive criticism of “human bomb” attack in Derry intensifies secret contact between Martin McGuinness, Peace & Reconciliation Group and British aimed at de-escalating conflict in the city

Thatcher resigns as British prime minister

Sinn Fein says it will no longer speak for IRA

Haughey relaunches peace initiative with new British leader, John Major

First versions of joint government declaration on NI, otherwise known as Hume–Adams document, drafted

Death toll for year is 102, cumulative toll is 3271


Adams loses West Belfast seat to SDLP after string of poor election performances by Sinn Fein

Haughey ousted, succeeded by Albert Reynolds, who backs process and keeps on Martin Mansergh as NI adviser

Sinn Fein publishes “Towards a Lasting Peace”

Hume–Adams document agreed but omits time period for British withdrawal

Death toll for year is 91, cumulative toll is 3362


Hume–Adams contacts publicly revealed for first time

Sinn Fein’s vote rises for first time in a decade

British send Army Council “Nine Pointer” insisting on “agreed accommodation”

Army Council reject “Nine Pointer”

Adams persuades Army Council not to end talks with British

Army Council replies to British with demand for withdrawal

Army Council begins to vet operations and bans commercial bombing

New drafts of Hume–Adams fail to bridge gap over Army Council demand for timescale for British withdrawal

Irish prime minister, Albert Reynolds, negotiates separate document with British, called Downing Street Declaration (DDS)

Shankill bomb kills nine Protestants and one IRA man

Adams carries coffin of Shankill bomber

Loyalist violence claims sixteen lives


Death toll for year is 90, cumulative toll is 3452


Army Council rejects DSD

Adams persuades Council to hide decision and seek clarification

McGuinness says DSD worthless unless it has a hidden meaning

IRA and Sinn Fein grassroots assured of no cease-fire

IRA mini-Convention opposes cease-fire

Reynolds lifts Irish broadcasting ban on Sinn Fein

Bill Clinton grants Adams 48-hour visa for trip to New York

Think tank develops TUAS strategy offering cease-fire in return for pan-nationalist alliance

Reynolds send 14-point cease-fire proposal to Army Council

Army Council votes five to one with one abstention for four-month cease-fire

British make working assumption cease-fire is permanent; Border roads reopened, broadcasting ban lifted

Army Council disowns South Armagh post office robbery

British raise IRA decommissioning demand and NI Secretary Sir Patrick Mayhew outlines, “Washington Three” demands

McGuinness says he would accept less than Irish unity if this was will of Irish people

Army Council extends cease-fire until April 1995

Death toll for year is 69, cumulative toll is 3521


Adams would accept Stormont Assembly if “transitional” to Irish unity

“Frameworks” document foresees power-sharing government and North–South bodies

West Belfast Westminster seat redrawn to favor Adams reelection chances

Republican grassroots assured cease-fire is temporary

British harden demand for IRA decommissioning before Sinn Fein gets into talks

Clinton gives Adams visa to raise funds in United States

Reynolds government falls, replaced by anti-Sinn Fein Rainbow Coalition

British propose political talks and decommissioning body in tandem

Fifty percent remission restored to IRA prisoners


IRA statement says “no possibility of disarmament except as part of a negotiated settlement”

First British troop withdrawals

Adams tells republican demonstration that IRA hasn’t gone away

Senator George Mitchell to head decommissioning body

DAAD killings a cover for IRA

Sinn Fein make submission to Mitchell body

McGuinness suggests voluntary self-decommissioning

IRA calls decommissioning issue “a deliberate and stalling tactic” by British, saying demand is “ludicrous” and adding that it would not happen “either through the front or back doors”

Friends of Sinn Fein set up in United States as Noraid is downgraded

IRA calls demand for decommissioning “untenable and unattainable demand for an IRA surrender”

Death toll for year is 9, cumulative toll is 3530


IRA Executive calls for extraordinary IRA Convention to discuss peace process

Army Council votes seven to nil to end cease-fire

Senator Mitchell publishes six principles of non-violence to govern political talks

Huge truck bomb kills two and causes 100 million damage at Canary Wharf, London

IRA campaign confined to England

Election to negotiating body see Sinn Fein win highest vote ever as nationalists try to strengthen Adams’s hand

On eve of delayed Convention car bombs exploded inside British army’s NI HQ, killing one

Adams survives Convention when dissidents fail to capture Army Council but suffers setbacks

Power to decommission taken away from Army Council and given to Convention

McGuinness tells Convention there will be no second cease-fire

Brian Keenan deserts dissidents at Convention and backs Adams

Death toll for year is 22, cumulative toll is 3552


McGuinness steps down as Northern Commander but retains Army Council chairmanship

IRA ordered to concentrate on British military targets, commercial bombings again banned

Adams writes letter of condolence to mother of British soldier killed by South Armagh IRA sniper squad

South Armagh sniper squad arrested

British general election called

Army Council authorizes “tactical period of quiet” for election but doesn’t tell Executive

Tony Blair wins huge majority as New Labour forms new British government

McGuinness wins Mid-Ulster seat

British aide-mémoire sets out terms for new IRA cease-fire

Political talks and IRA decommissioning to happen in parallel

IRA mini-Convention rejects aide-mémoire

McGuinness tells Executive there will be no second cease-fire

Fianna Fail wins election in Republic; Bertie Ahern becomes taoiseach

Ahern government sets out terms for new cease-fire

Four days before controversial Garvaghy Orange march Army Council votes seven to nil for second cease-fire; decision kept secret for several weeks

March forced through Catholic area

IRA Executive and Army Council clash over cease-fire decision

In a row over the Mitchell principles the Executive suggests Adams et al. should quit IRA to enable Sinn Fein participation political talks

Dissidents defeated at Convention

Belfast Brigade commander Brian Gillen switches sides to back Adams and wins Army Council seat

Kevin McKenna loses job as chief of staff, Slab Murphy takes over

Executive members, led by QMG Micky McKevitt, quit IRA

Real IRA formed

All-party talks start at Stormont; Sinn Fein attend and subscribe to Mitchell principles


Death toll for year is 21, cumulative toll 3573


Good Friday Agreement negotiated

Pope welcomes agreement

IRA Convention lifts abstentionist ban on taking seats in Stormont Assembly

After two attempts, Sinn Fein Ard-Fheis endorses Good Friday Agreement and lifts abstentionist ban on taking seats at Stormont

IRA prison OC floats idea of voluntary self-decommissioning once Good Friday Agreement is implemented

Botched dissident republican bomb kills 29 at Omagh; bombing is a joint

Real IRA, Continuity IRA and INLA operation but Real IRA gets blame

Death toll for year is 57, cumulative toll is 3630


Second IRA Convention in twelve months restores Army Council’s power to decommission

Army Council agrees to locate the bodies of “disappeared”

Eamon Molloy’s body returned but not Jean McConville’s

IRA appoints a representative, believed to be Brian Keenan, to discuss decommissioning with de Chastelain international body

Power-sharing government set up; Martin McGuinness and Bairbre de Brun are the two Sinn Fein ministers

Death toll for year is 6, cumulative toll is 3636*


IRA says that any move on decommissioning dependent on British military reductions

Peter Mandelson, NI Secretary, suspends Assembly and Army Council executive agrees in principle to initiate a process to put all its weapons “beyond use” and in the interim to international inspection of two arms dumps

British lift suspension of Assembly and Executive

Last IRA and loyalist paramilitary prisoners released

Revd William McCrea of the DUP wins the East Antrim by-election, normally a safe Ulster Unionist seat

Death toll for year is 19, cumulative toll is 3655


Sinn Fein win two more Westminster seats, Michelle Gildemew in Fermanagh–South Tyrone and Pat Doherty in West Tyrone, giving it four seats to the SDLP’s three

Unionist leader David Trimble resigns as first minister

Weston Park Conference reaches agreement on decommissioning deal and British demilitarization

IRA agrees with IICD on method to decommission IRA weapons

British begin rolling suspension of Assembly

Three republicans, including GHQ director of engineering, his deputy and Sinn Fein representative to Cuba arrested in Colombia

IRA withdraws decommissioning proposals

September 11 attacks in New York and Washington kill nearly 3,000; Bush administration declares war on terrorism

President George Bush’s ambassador to the Irish peace process, Richard Haass, tells Adams and McGuinness that IRA needs to decommission

IRA decommissions unspecified amount of weaponry

Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) replaces RUC

Assembly and Executive restored; Trimble is first minister, Mark Durkan of the SDLP is his deputy

Sinn Fein accepts office facilities and financial expenses at House of Commons

Death toll for year is 16, cumulative toll is 3671


Sinn Fein’s four MPs occupy their offices at Westminster but still refuse to take their seats

Adams tells World Economic Forum in New York that he does not wish to force unionists into a united Ireland against their wishes

Adams states that he recognizes the Irish Defence Forces as the only legitimate army in the Irish Republic

Offices of PSNI Special Branch at Castlereagh in East Belfast broken into and files removed; IRA is suspected

Second act of decommissioning by IRA

Sinn Fein win five seats to Irish parliament

Trimble threatens to quit if IRA does not show it has left violence behind for good


IRA spy ring at government offices in Stormont complex uncovered; Sinn Fein Assembly office raided and three charged, including Denis Donaldson, the party’s head of administration

Assembly and Executive suspended by NI Secretary John Reid

Death toll for year is 10, cumulative toll is 3681


Blair and Ahern announce delay in holding scheduled May Assembly election

On eve of U.S. occupation of Baghdad, Blair and Bush address parties at Hillsborough Castle on need for peace

Assembly election postponed until autumn over failure to clarify peace deal

IRA says full implementation of Good Friday Agreement could allow for completion of decommissioning

Freddie Scappaticci, former head of IRA’s internal security unit, exposed as a British agent

Real IRA leader Michael McKevitt sentenced to twenty-year jail term

Remains of Jean McConville discovered on County Down beach

Independent Monitoring Commission (IMC) begins job of overseeing paramilitary cease-fires

Deal to restore Assembly and Executive collapses over lack of transparency in third act of IRA decommissioning

Postponed Assembly election takes place with Sinn Fein and DUP emerging as largest parties

Death toll for year is 11, cumulative toll is 3692


DUP leader Ian Paisley meets Irish taoiseach in London

Republican dissident Bobby Tohill kidnapped by IRA but rescued by PSNI

Adams denies on Irish TV that he was ever an IRA member

Irish justice minister Michael McDowell alleges Sinn Fein funded by IRA

IMC says senior Sinn Fein members also in IRA

Sinn Fein’s Bairbre de Brun wins John Hume’s seat in European parliament

Joe Cahill dies

Talks aimed at reaching a settlement begin at Leeds Castle, Kent

Political talks founder over demand for photographs of IRA decommissioning; Paisley says IRA must wear “sackcloth and ashes”


£26.5 million stolen from Northern Bank cash center in Belfast

Death toll for year is 3, cumulative toll is 3695


Irish taoiseach Bertie Ahern says Sinn Fein leaders knew of planned Northern Bank robbery while they were in peace talks with him

IRA denies involvement in robbery

Belfast man Robert McCartney beaten and stabbed to death by IRA gang

IMC says leading Sinn Fein figures also serve in key IRA leadership positions

McCartney sisters accuse Sinn Fein and IRA members of involvement in brother’s murder and subsequent cover-up

Seven people arrested in Republic in hunt for Northern Bank cash

Former IRA prison public relations officer, Richard O’Rawe, publishes account of hunger strike, alleging IRA leadership sabotaged deal to ensure election of Owen Carron

White House decides not to invite NI politicians to St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, in snub of Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams

Leading Irish-American politicians call for IRA disbandment as McCartney sisters meet President Bush

Adams calls on IRA to pursue goal through only political means

Sinn Fein win extra seat at Westminster election but fail to capture John Hume’s Foyle seat

Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness, along with North Kerry TD

Martin Ferris, officially quit Army Council

IRA statement announces end to armed campaign against Britain; IRA ex-prisoner Seanna Walsh reads statement on DVD

IRA completes weapons decommissioning, witnessed by two clerics

Anti-racketeering agencies raid Manchester businesses linked to IRA chief of staff “Slab” Murphy


After charges in Stormont spy ring are dropped, Denis Donaldson admits he has been a long-term British agent

Death toll for year is 8, cumulative toll is 3703


Anti-racketeering agencies raid Slab Murphy’s farm on Louth–Armagh border and confiscate cash

Denis Donaldson shot dead at isolated County Donegal cottage

IMC says no IRA activity in last three months

British and Irish governments restore Assembly and set November 24 deadline for final deal

Adams and McGuinness urge alleged kidnappers of Bobby Tohill to surrender to police

One of three new Army Council members quits in protest at fact that Adams and McGuinness still directing IRA policy

Adams nominates Paisley as first minister; he refuses

Conference at St. Andrews, Scotland, agrees outline deal for restoration of Assembly and Executive—Sinn Fein to recognize PSNI

Special Sinn Fein Ard Fheis called to approve St. Andrews deal and recognition of PSNI

Death toll (to October 12) is 6, cumulative toll is 3709*