Then she stares at me like I’m something magical. And I stare back because she is something magical. Then she nudges my hair, so I touch her shimmering coat. It feels cool and airy, just like a cloud. She nickers softly.
Posey clears his throat to get our attention. “Andever, this is my imaginary friend, Daisy,” he says. “Daisy, this is Andever.”
Whoa, I think to myself. Posey has it all backward. I stop and correct him. “I’m not your imaginary friend,” I say firmly. “You are my imaginary friend.”
Posey laughs. “Well, that might be true in your world, but in my world, I’m the normal one.”
I scrunch up my face and think about it. Posey may have a point there. Could I really be the imaginary friend? That’s weird, but I like it.
“It’s nice to meet you,” I finally say.
Andever gives me a thoughtful head nod.
“So, what brings you down from the sky, Andever?” Posey asks. “Is everything all right?”
Andever shakes her wispy mane. “No,” she says sadly. “I’ve lost something very dear to me.”
Posey and I look at each other.
“What can it be?” I ask curiously.
Andever shuffles her hoof and sighs heavily. “I’ve lost my . . . my . . . my melody!” she says, beginning to weep.
Then I notice something unusual. Cloud Critters cry raindrops.
“Is your melody like a song?” I ask.
“Yes, but it’s more than a song,” Andever says. “My melody helps make me me. All Cloud Critters have their own special melody.”