Posey and Andever stare at me with their mouths hanging open.
“What?” I say innocently. “It’ll be an adventure. Besides, you have to face your fears! That’s what my grandma Upsy always says, and she’s really smart.”
So Posey leads the way to Moonstur Hollow, and let me tell you, it is not on the Rainbow Road. Moonstur Hollow is as dark as a gray day in November. And it looks like a spooky bedroom. I mean, it has actual rickety children’s beds with moth-eaten dust ruffles, weather-beaten rocking chairs, and dressers sticking out of the ground like boats in the ocean. There are even random doorways in the dirt with stairs that lead underground.
“I GET IT!” I cry out loud. “This must be where the Moonsturs practice their hiding and scaring skills. Then, when they go to a real kid’s bedroom, they’ll know just what to do.”
Posey cups his hand over my mouth. Was I too loud? I wonder. Then we hear a deep, rumbly voice.
“You called?” the voice growls.
I notice something with shaggy green fur lurking not too far from us. It has one too many toes; big, droopy ears; thick, bushy eyebrows; a large pink nose; and a mouthful of pointy yellow teeth. I’m pretty sure it’s a Moonstur. And it’s absolutely adorable in the weirdest way!