The Fathers Count Law will be lauded by lawmakers who feel that America has become a welfare state for women who weren’t smart enough to use birth control, even though the same lawmakers are on record as being against birth control.
Seems the New America will be run by moronic dipshits. Fantastic.
The Fathers Count Law will also call for the end of child support as we know it—no father who no longer lives with his wife and children will be required to pay for their upkeep. “If those mothers didn’t see that fathers count before they left those men, then why should we give them money?”
Chalk up more points for the moronic dipshit team who obviously didn’t pay any attention to who-usually-walks-out statistics.
In the small print, the Fathers Count Law will allow a husband to abandon his wife if he feels the wife isn’t meeting his personal or domestic needs. But if a woman leaves her husband under any circumstances, she will be breaking the Fathers Count Law.
The key for women will be: If you leave, don’t get caught.