Fortune of the Month: Olivia Fortune Robinson

Age: 28

Vital statistics: The smart one and the pretty one. But don’t waste your time.

Claim to fame: The last single Fortune Robinson daughter.

Romantic prospects: Her heart is shut up so tight it would take a crowbar to pry it open.

“After everything I’ve seen in my parents’ marriage, I’d have to be crazy to want to get married myself. But I never intended to make my sister Sophie call off her own wedding! If I don’t do something fast, she’s going to lose Mason. He’s one of the good guys. I can’t let that happen.

Enter exhibit A: Alejandro Mendoza. Our family has a long-standing tradition of falling for Mendoza men, and Alejandro is the hottest hottie of the bunch. If I can make Sophie believe that I’ve fallen head over heels for him, her own cold feet will warm up. As for me? Having Alejandro as my make-believe boyfriend is a price I’m more than willing to pay. The trick is remembering it’s just pretend...”

THE FORTUNES OF TEXAS: The Secret Fortunes: A new generation of heroes and heartbreakers!