Dedicated to my paternal grandparents, Masaichiro and Kazuno Ishii Tsugawa, from Tokushima, Japan, and to my maternal grandparents, Kenkichi and Jun Nishiguchi Taniguchi, from Matsusaka, Japan. In the early 1900s, all of you braved the Pacific Ocean to settle in a new land in search of a better life, and you gifted me with a rich heritage.
To my parents, George and Mable Tsugawa, who taught me by example the bushido code and to do my best, try my hardest, and never give up, ganbaru! Although I did not appreciate working hard on the farm and growing up in the country until later in life, this shaped my character. Thank you for all of life’s lessons that you instilled in me.
To my traumatic brain injury (TBI) team, especially the late Dr. Vern S. Cherewatenko, who instilled hope, expert advice and was with me on this entire journey. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I would also like to acknowledge Dr. Robert Ahn, Channa Beckman, Teri Dodson, Theodore S. Kadet, Dr. Tess Mandapat, Dr. Melissa Mercogliano and COLPT, Dr. Richard E. Seroussi, and Craig E. Taft. With utmost gratitude, I would like to thank Leonard Semenea, who demonstrated through his character and action the integrity and compassion of a samurai. Without all of you, your expertise and dedication, this book would not have been possible, and for that I am forever thankful.
To He’Ari Seattle Israeli Dancing for providing excellent instruction and a space to learn and grow. A special thank you to Ellie Morhaime and Dianne Casper for being outstanding instructors and faithful leaders. Dancing was instrumental in my TBI recovery physically and mentally and I always look forward to the dance sessions.
To the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: thank you for giving me life and showering me with your love, mercy and grace.
To the samurai of pre-industrial Japan: I am thankful for your lives of courage, honor, and integrity. Also to the modern-day and future samurais who apply the samurai principles to their lives, lead by example and make this world a better place.
To you, the reader: may you be inspired by the samurai to do the right thing in all your endeavors. Do your best, try your hardest, never give up, go for broke, ganbatte!